SLUAAJ0 February   2024 TPS51397A , TPS54308 , TPS54320 , TPS54350 , TPS54538 , TPS54620 , TPS54622 , TPS54821 , TPS54824 , TPS563300 , TPS566231 , TPS566235 , TPS566238 , TPS568230 , TPS56C215 , TPS62933 , TPS62933F , TPS62933O


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Comparison of Feedback Sense Methods with Second Stage Filter
  6. 3Transfer Function Derivation of PCM Converter with Second Stage Filter and Hybrid Sense
  7. 4Overall Loop Model
  8. 5Zero and Pole Analysis
  9. 6Stability Design Method
  10. 7Design Example and Experimental Validation with TPS62933F
  11. 8Summary
  12. 9References
  13.   A Appendix

Stability Design Method

To make sure of the system stability margin, the recommendation is that the loop gain needs to cross 0dB with -20dB/dec slope. By adjusting the frequencies of those poles and zeros shown in Figure 5-3, there can be many different approaches to achieve the target. This application note only proposes one simplified stability design method as reference.

  1. fZ-EA < fcross, fP-ci > fcross and fP2-EA > fcross

    In the stability design of normal PCM buck converter without 2nd stage filter, it’s recommended to make fZ-EA smaller than bandwidth fcross and keep the fP-ci & fP2-EA larger than bandwidth, which can make loop gain cross 0dB with -20dB/dec slope [5-6]. Those design limitations are inherited in this design method.

  2. Keep all the zeros and poles introduced by second stage filter out of bandwidth, including:
    • fZff > fcross

      If the zero Zff is inside bandwidth, it can further increase converter bandwidth fcross and improve dynamic response. But that would make it more difficult to estimate the bandwidth and cause more uncertainties. To simplify the stability design, fZff>fcross is given as a restriction. Typically, the bandwidth of PCM converter is set as fcross≤fSW/10.

      Since the expression of fZff in Equation 23 is very complicated, an example of how to use Microsoft® Excel® or MATLAB® to calculate fZff is introduced in Appendix A.

    • fP-2nd > 2 x fcross

      Recommend to keep fP-2nd > 2 x fcross to avoid effects of the conjugate poles on phase margin. Combined with Equation 22, the range of the 2nd stage filter capacitor C2 can be derived as:

      Equation 24. L 2 < 1 C 2 + 1 C O 16 π 2 f cross 2

      The bandwidth fcross with 2nd stage filter can be received with Equation 25.

      Equation 25. f cross V ref G m R comp 2πV out R i C O + C 2

      For specific device TPS62933F, the bandwidth fcross is:

      Equation 26. f cross 6.35 V out C O + C 2
  3. Avoid second gain crossing through damping effects of L2 DC resistance

    As mentioned in section 5, the conjugate zeros Z2nd are located in the right half plane with negative damping, if considering L2 as an designed for inductor with no DCR.

    The same effect for lack of damping also exists on the conjugate poles P2nd. Those effects can cause resonance peak and loop gain may crosses 0dB twice, as shown in the case DCRL2=0 of Figure 6-1.

GUID-20231017-SS0I-MB1T-PCNM-N0SKXKQRNG7D-low.svgFigure 6-1 PCM Converter Loop Response with Second Stage Filter When Changing DCRL2

The second gain crossing has a chance to cause system instability [7]. Like the example in Figure 6-1, increasing DCRL2 can effectively reduce the resonance peak amplitude and avoid second gain crossing. Increasing conjugate poles frequency fP-2nd is another approach to avoid second gain crossing, like shown in Figure 6-2.

GUID-20231017-SS0I-JD0J-PRKL-VGMGK5D3FKVB-low.svgFigure 6-2 PCM Converter Loop Response with Second Stage Filter When Changing fP-2nd

As second gain crossing does not normally happen with DCRL2 of real inductor or ferrite bead (several mΩ or larger), further mathematical analysis is not included in this application note. But the above two methods can be tried, if you already follow the design flow in next section, but there is still instability issue.