

8-Kanal-Leistungsverstärker-Monitor und -Controller mit Ausgangsschaltern und Stromsensoren

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Number of DAC channels 8 DAC resolution (bps) 13 Temperature sensing Local, Remote Interface type I2C, SPI Features Built-in sequencing control, High current drive capability Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog DAC output full-scale (min) (V) -10 DAC output full-scale (max) (V) 10
Number of DAC channels 8 DAC resolution (bps) 13 Temperature sensing Local, Remote Interface type I2C, SPI Features Built-in sequencing control, High current drive capability Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog DAC output full-scale (min) (V) -10 DAC output full-scale (max) (V) 10
VQFN (RHB) 32 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • Eight analog outputs
    • Eight monotonic DACs: 1.22mV resolution
    • Automatically configured output ranges:
      • Positive output voltage: 0V to 10V
      • Negative output voltage: –10V to 0V
    • High current drive capability
    • High capacitive load tolerance
  • Output on and off control switches
    • Fast switching time
    • Low resistance
  • Multichannel ADC monitor
    • Two high-voltage external inputs: 0V to 85V
    • Two high-side current-sense amplifiers: up to 85V common mode range
    • Local temperature sensor: ±2.5°C error
  • Output sequence control for start-up and shutdown events
  • Internal 2.5V reference
  • SPI and I2C interface: 1.65V to 3.6V operation
    • SPI: 4-wire interface
    • I2C: 16 target addresses
  • Specified temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
  • Operating temperature range –55°C to +150°C
  • Eight analog outputs
    • Eight monotonic DACs: 1.22mV resolution
    • Automatically configured output ranges:
      • Positive output voltage: 0V to 10V
      • Negative output voltage: –10V to 0V
    • High current drive capability
    • High capacitive load tolerance
  • Output on and off control switches
    • Fast switching time
    • Low resistance
  • Multichannel ADC monitor
    • Two high-voltage external inputs: 0V to 85V
    • Two high-side current-sense amplifiers: up to 85V common mode range
    • Local temperature sensor: ±2.5°C error
  • Output sequence control for start-up and shutdown events
  • Internal 2.5V reference
  • SPI and I2C interface: 1.65V to 3.6V operation
    • SPI: 4-wire interface
    • I2C: 16 target addresses
  • Specified temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
  • Operating temperature range –55°C to +150°C

The AFE20408 is a highly integrated power-amplifier (PA) monitor and control device capable of temperature, current, and voltage supervision.

The AFE20408 bias controller is based around eight digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with programmable output ranges. The eight gate bias outputs are switched on and off through dedicated control pins. The gate bias switches are designed for fast response and enable correct power sequencing and protection of depletion-mode transistors, such as GaAs and GaN.

The AFE20408 supervisor is based around an accurate multichannel analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The device integrates two high-voltage inputs, two high-side current-sense amplifiers and an accurate on-chip temperature sensor.

The function integration and wide operating temperature range make the AFE20408 an excellent choice as an all-in-one, bias control circuit for power amplifiers. The flexible DAC output ranges and built-in sequencing features let the device be used as a biasing controller for a large variety of transistor technologies, such as LDMOS, GaAs, and GaN.

The AFE20408 is a highly integrated power-amplifier (PA) monitor and control device capable of temperature, current, and voltage supervision.

The AFE20408 bias controller is based around eight digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with programmable output ranges. The eight gate bias outputs are switched on and off through dedicated control pins. The gate bias switches are designed for fast response and enable correct power sequencing and protection of depletion-mode transistors, such as GaAs and GaN.

The AFE20408 supervisor is based around an accurate multichannel analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The device integrates two high-voltage inputs, two high-side current-sense amplifiers and an accurate on-chip temperature sensor.

The function integration and wide operating temperature range make the AFE20408 an excellent choice as an all-in-one, bias control circuit for power amplifiers. The flexible DAC output ranges and built-in sequencing features let the device be used as a biasing controller for a large variety of transistor technologies, such as LDMOS, GaAs, and GaN.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet AFE20408 8-Channel Power-Amplifier Monitor and Controller datasheet PDF | HTML 05 Apr 2024
Application note Biasing GaN and LDMOS RF Power Amplifiers in Aerospace and Defense PDF | HTML 08 Mär 2024
EVM User's guide AFE20408 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 01 Feb 2024
Certificate AFE20408EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 14 Nov 2023

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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
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  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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