

Verbessertes Produkt – Vierkanaliges integriertes Analog-Frontend

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Device type Receiver Number of input channels 4 Active supply current (typ) (mA) 1.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type CMOS Features Low Power Rating HiRel Enhanced Product
Device type Receiver Number of input channels 4 Active supply current (typ) (mA) 1.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type CMOS Features Low Power Rating HiRel Enhanced Product
VQFN (RGC) 64 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • Integrated Analog Front-End Includes:
    • Quad LNA, Equalizer, PGA, Antialiasing Filter, and ADC
  • Input-Referred Noise with 30dB PGA Gain:
    • 2.9nV/√ Hz for 15dB LNA Gain
    • 2.0nV/√ Hz for 18dB LNA Gain with HIGH_POW_LNA Mode
  • Simultaneous Sampling Across Channels
  • Programmable LNA Gain: 12dB, 15dB, 16.5dB, and 18dB
  • Programmable Equalizer Modes
  • Built-In Diagnostic Modes
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Programmable-Gain Amplifiers (PGAs):
    • 0dB to 30dB in 3dB Steps
  • Programmable, Third-Order, Antialiasing Filter:
    • 7MHz, 8MHz, 10.5MHz, and 12MHz
  • Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):
    • Quad Channel, 12 Bits, 25MSPS per Channel
    • No External Decoupling Required for References
  • Parallel CMOS Outputs
  • 64-mW Total Core Power per Channel at 25MSPS per Channel
  • Supplies: 1.8V and 3.3V
  • Package: 9mm × 9mm VQFN-64
  • Device Temperature: –40°C to 125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range
  • Supports defense, aerospace, and medical applications
    • Controlled baseline
    • One assembly and test site
    • One fabrication site
    • Extended product life cycle
    • Product traceability
    • VID V62/25601
  • Integrated Analog Front-End Includes:
    • Quad LNA, Equalizer, PGA, Antialiasing Filter, and ADC
  • Input-Referred Noise with 30dB PGA Gain:
    • 2.9nV/√ Hz for 15dB LNA Gain
    • 2.0nV/√ Hz for 18dB LNA Gain with HIGH_POW_LNA Mode
  • Simultaneous Sampling Across Channels
  • Programmable LNA Gain: 12dB, 15dB, 16.5dB, and 18dB
  • Programmable Equalizer Modes
  • Built-In Diagnostic Modes
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Programmable-Gain Amplifiers (PGAs):
    • 0dB to 30dB in 3dB Steps
  • Programmable, Third-Order, Antialiasing Filter:
    • 7MHz, 8MHz, 10.5MHz, and 12MHz
  • Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):
    • Quad Channel, 12 Bits, 25MSPS per Channel
    • No External Decoupling Required for References
  • Parallel CMOS Outputs
  • 64-mW Total Core Power per Channel at 25MSPS per Channel
  • Supplies: 1.8V and 3.3V
  • Package: 9mm × 9mm VQFN-64
  • Device Temperature: –40°C to 125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range
  • Supports defense, aerospace, and medical applications
    • Controlled baseline
    • One assembly and test site
    • One fabrication site
    • Extended product life cycle
    • Product traceability
    • VID V62/25601

The AFE5401-EP is an analog front-end (AFE), targeting applications where the level of integration is critical. The device includes four channels, with each channel comprising a low-noise amplifier (LNA), a programmable equalizer (EQ), a programmable gain amplifier (PGA), and an antialias filter followed by a high-speed, 12-bit, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at 25MSPS per channel.

Each of the four differential input pairs are amplified by an LNA and are followed by a PGA with a programmable gain range from 0dB to 30dB. An antialias, low-pass filter (LPF) is also integrated between the PGA and ADC for each channel.

Each LNA, PGA, and antialiasing filter output is differential (limited to 2VPP). The antialiasing filter drives the on-chip, 12-bit, 25MSPS ADC. The four ADC outputs are multiplexed on a 12-bit, parallel, CMOS output bus.

The device is available in a 9mm × 9mm, VQFN-64 package and is specified over a temperature range of –40°C to +125°C. For more information, contact

The AFE5401-EP is an analog front-end (AFE), targeting applications where the level of integration is critical. The device includes four channels, with each channel comprising a low-noise amplifier (LNA), a programmable equalizer (EQ), a programmable gain amplifier (PGA), and an antialias filter followed by a high-speed, 12-bit, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at 25MSPS per channel.

Each of the four differential input pairs are amplified by an LNA and are followed by a PGA with a programmable gain range from 0dB to 30dB. An antialias, low-pass filter (LPF) is also integrated between the PGA and ADC for each channel.

Each LNA, PGA, and antialiasing filter output is differential (limited to 2VPP). The antialiasing filter drives the on-chip, 12-bit, 25MSPS ADC. The four ADC outputs are multiplexed on a 12-bit, parallel, CMOS output bus.

The device is available in a 9mm × 9mm, VQFN-64 package and is specified over a temperature range of –40°C to +125°C. For more information, contact

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* Data sheet AFE5401-EP Quad-Channel, Analog Front-End for Automotive Radar Baseband Receiver datasheet PDF | HTML 09 Dez 2024

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AFE5401-Q1EVM — Evaluierungsmodul AFE5401

Das AFE5401-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) bietet eine Plattform zur Evaluierung des integrierten vierkanaligen Analog-Frontends (AFE) AFE5401 für verschiedene Signal-, Takt-, Referenz- und ADC-Ausgangsformate.

Beachten Sie, dass das TSW1400EVM (abgekündigt) für die Evaluierung des AFE5401-Q1EVM (...)

Treiber oder Bibliothek

AFE5401-EP-DESIGN AFE5401-EP design resources

The full data sheet and other resources for this device are available here.
Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

AFE5401-EP Verbessertes Produkt – Vierkanaliges integriertes Analog-Frontend
AFE5401-Q1EVM Evaluierungsmodul AFE5401

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® für TI Design-und Simulationstool

PSpice® für TI ist eine Design- und Simulationsumgebung, welche Sie dabei unterstützt, die Funktionalität analoger Schaltungen zu evaluieren. Diese voll ausgestattete Design- und Simulationssuite verwendet eine analoge Analyse-Engine von Cadence®. PSpice für TI ist kostenlos erhältlich und (...)
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
VQFN (RGC) 64 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
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