8-kanaliges VGA mit Analog-zu-Digital-Wandler (ADC)
- Eight Variable-Gain Amplifiers (VGA)
- Eight Differential Buffered Inputs With 2Vpp Maximum Swing
- 5.5nV/√Hz VCA Input Noise (31dB Gain)
- Variable Gain, –5dB to 31dB With 0.125dB or 1dB Steps
- Digital Gain Control
- Third-Order Antialiasing Filter With Programmable Cutoff Frequency (7.5, 10, or 14MHz)
- Clamping
- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Octal Channel, 12Bit, 65MSPS
- Internal and External Reference Support
- No External Decoupling Required for References
- Serial LVDS Outputs
- 1.8V and 3.3V Supplies
- 50mW Total Power per Channel at 30MSPS
- 58mW Total Power per Channel at 50MSPS
- 64QFN Package (9mm × 9mm)
- Imaging: Ultrasound, PET
- AFE5851: 16-Channel VGA + ADC, 32.5MSPS/Channel
The AFE5801 is an analog front end, targeting applications where the power and level of integration are critical. The device contains eight variable-gain amplifiers (VGA), each followed by a high-speed (up to 65MSPS) ADC, for a total of eight ADCs per device.
Each of the eight differential inputs is buffered, accepts up to 2Vpp maximum input swing, and is followed by a VGA with a gain range from –5dB to 31dB. The VGA gain is digitally controlled, and the gain curves versus time can be stored in memory integrated within the device using the serial interface.
A selectable clamping and antialias low-pass filter (with 3dB attenuation at 7.5, 10, or 14MHz) is also integrated between VGA and ADC, for every channel.
The VGA/antialias filter outputs are differential (limited to 2Vpp) and drive the onboard 12bit, 65MSPS ADC. The ADC also scales down its power consumption should a lower sampling rate be selected. The ADC outputs are serialized in LVDS streams, which further minimizes power and board area.
The AFE5801 is available in a 64-pin QFN package (9mm × 9mm) and is specified over the full industrial temperature range (–40°C to 85°C).
Technische Dokumentation
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AFE5801EVM — Evaluierungsmodul AFE5801
Das AFE5801-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) ist eine Plattform zur Evaluierung der Leistung des Bausteins AFE5801. AFE5801 enthält einen achtkanaligen spannungsgesteuerten Verstärker (VCA) mit digitaler Steuerung und einen achtkanaligen A/D-Wandler (ADC) mit 65 MSPS. Die acht analogen Eingangssignale (...)
SLOC231 — TSW1250EVM Software
Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware
SLOC145 — AFE5801 and AFE5851 TGC Calculator
PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® für TI Design-und Simulationstool
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
VQFN (RGC) | 64 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
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- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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