

16-Bit-, 8-Kanal-IDAC mit bis zu 250 mA pro Kanal und 4 externen ADC-Eingängen mit Überwachung


Number of ADC channels 4 ADC resolution (bps) 12 Number of DAC channels 8 DAC resolution (bps) 16 Temperature sensing Integrated Number of GPIOs 2 Interface type I2C Features Current Sources (iDACs), Current sense/monitor, Interrupt pin, Voltage monitoring Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog ADC sampling rate (ksps) 1000 ADC analog input range (min) (V) 0 ADC analog input range (max) (V) 5
Number of ADC channels 4 ADC resolution (bps) 12 Number of DAC channels 8 DAC resolution (bps) 16 Temperature sensing Integrated Number of GPIOs 2 Interface type I2C Features Current Sources (iDACs), Current sense/monitor, Interrupt pin, Voltage monitoring Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog ADC sampling rate (ksps) 1000 ADC analog input range (min) (V) 0 ADC analog input range (max) (V) 5
DSBGA (YBF) 60 10.705984 mm² 3.272 x 3.272
  • Six 16-bit current output DACs (IDACs)
    • Programmable full-scale output ranges: 250mA, 150mA, 75mA
    • IDAC1 current sink option: –60mA
  • Two 16-bit current output DACs optimized for high current generation (IDAC+)
    • IDAC internal mode with programmable full-scale ranges: 250mA, 150mA, 75mA
    • IDAC+ mode with external FET option for high current generation.
  • 12-bit, 1MSPS SAR ADC
    • IDAC voltage and current monitoring
    • IDAC+ voltage and current monitoring
    • Six external inputs
    • Flexible sequencing
  • Internal 2.5V reference: 25ppm/°C
  • Temperature fault alarms
  • Selectable SPI and I2C interfaces: 1.1V to 1.95V operation
  • Specified junction temperature: –40°C to +125°C
  • Six 16-bit current output DACs (IDACs)
    • Programmable full-scale output ranges: 250mA, 150mA, 75mA
    • IDAC1 current sink option: –60mA
  • Two 16-bit current output DACs optimized for high current generation (IDAC+)
    • IDAC internal mode with programmable full-scale ranges: 250mA, 150mA, 75mA
    • IDAC+ mode with external FET option for high current generation.
  • 12-bit, 1MSPS SAR ADC
    • IDAC voltage and current monitoring
    • IDAC+ voltage and current monitoring
    • Six external inputs
    • Flexible sequencing
  • Internal 2.5V reference: 25ppm/°C
  • Temperature fault alarms
  • Selectable SPI and I2C interfaces: 1.1V to 1.95V operation
  • Specified junction temperature: –40°C to +125°C

The AMC87208 is a highly integrated current-output controller optimized for optical networking applications.

The AMC87208 includes six dedicated 16-bit current-output digital-to-analog converters (IDACs), and two 16‑bit IDACs that can be configured to control high-output current generation circuits (IDAC+). The AMC87208 also includes a 12‑bit, 1MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This ADC is used for internal and external signal monitoring, and as a temperature alarm monitor. An integrated high-precision internal reference eliminates the need for an external reference in most applications.

The IDAC outputs support full-scale output ranges of 250mA, 150mA, and 75mA, as well as an output range of –60mA (sink mode) supported on IDAC1 only. The IDAC+ outputs in internal current-output mode also support full-scale output ranges of 250mA, 150mA, and 75mA. Additionally, the IDAC+ outputs can be configured to operate with an external FET and sense resistor to simplify the design of very high-current outputs.

The IDAC and IDAC+ outputs operate from independent power supplies with a 275mV minimum headroom for power-dissipation optimization.

The AMC87208 is a highly integrated current-output controller optimized for optical networking applications.

The AMC87208 includes six dedicated 16-bit current-output digital-to-analog converters (IDACs), and two 16‑bit IDACs that can be configured to control high-output current generation circuits (IDAC+). The AMC87208 also includes a 12‑bit, 1MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This ADC is used for internal and external signal monitoring, and as a temperature alarm monitor. An integrated high-precision internal reference eliminates the need for an external reference in most applications.

The IDAC outputs support full-scale output ranges of 250mA, 150mA, and 75mA, as well as an output range of –60mA (sink mode) supported on IDAC1 only. The IDAC+ outputs in internal current-output mode also support full-scale output ranges of 250mA, 150mA, and 75mA. Additionally, the IDAC+ outputs can be configured to operate with an external FET and sense resistor to simplify the design of very high-current outputs.

The IDAC and IDAC+ outputs operate from independent power supplies with a 275mV minimum headroom for power-dissipation optimization.

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* Data sheet AMC87208 8-Channel, 16-Bit Analog Controller With Current-Output DACs and Multichannel ADC datasheet PDF | HTML 26 Sep 2024

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