
Number of series cells (min) 1 Vin (max) (V) 4.5 Features Cell balancing, LDO output, Multi-cell support Device type Cell monitor and balancer Number of series cells (max) 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog Communication interface No Communication Operating current (typ) (µA) 250
Number of series cells (min) 1 Vin (max) (V) 4.5 Features Cell balancing, LDO output, Multi-cell support Device type Cell monitor and balancer Number of series cells (max) 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog Communication interface No Communication Operating current (typ) (µA) 250
VQFN (RGT) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Monitors up to Two Individual Cell Voltages and Temperatures
  • Part of a Complete Low-Cost Solution for Battery Packs of up to 12 Series and One or More Parallel Cells (When Used With bq78PL114).
  • Advanced PowerPump Balancing Technology Equalizes Cells in Li-Ion Battery Packs, Resulting in Longer Run Time and Cell Life.
  • PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Transfers Charge From Cell to Cell During all Operating Conditions – No Wasteful Current Bleeding or Associated Heat Buildup.
  • Unique PowerLAN Isolated Communications Technology Permits Simultaneous Measurement of All Individual Cell Voltages in a Series String.
  • Low Current Consumption:
    • <250 µA Active
    • <35 µA Standby
    • <1 µA Undervoltage Shutdown
  • Connects Directly to Cells, No Resistive Dividers
  • Internal LDO Regulator for Support Circuitry
  • Ultrasmall Footprint, 3-mm × 3-mm
  • Millivolt Measurement Resolution Using Delta-Sigma A/D Converter
  • Self-Calibrating Time Base – No Crystal Required When Used With bq78PL114
    • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
    • Portable Medical and Test Equipment
    • Electric Bikes and Mild-EV Battery Packs
    • Multicell Series Strings ≥ 5S

PowerPump, PowerLAN are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

  • Monitors up to Two Individual Cell Voltages and Temperatures
  • Part of a Complete Low-Cost Solution for Battery Packs of up to 12 Series and One or More Parallel Cells (When Used With bq78PL114).
  • Advanced PowerPump Balancing Technology Equalizes Cells in Li-Ion Battery Packs, Resulting in Longer Run Time and Cell Life.
  • PowerPump™ Cell Balancing Transfers Charge From Cell to Cell During all Operating Conditions – No Wasteful Current Bleeding or Associated Heat Buildup.
  • Unique PowerLAN Isolated Communications Technology Permits Simultaneous Measurement of All Individual Cell Voltages in a Series String.
  • Low Current Consumption:
    • <250 µA Active
    • <35 µA Standby
    • <1 µA Undervoltage Shutdown
  • Connects Directly to Cells, No Resistive Dividers
  • Internal LDO Regulator for Support Circuitry
  • Ultrasmall Footprint, 3-mm × 3-mm
  • Millivolt Measurement Resolution Using Delta-Sigma A/D Converter
  • Self-Calibrating Time Base – No Crystal Required When Used With bq78PL114
    • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
    • Portable Medical and Test Equipment
    • Electric Bikes and Mild-EV Battery Packs
    • Multicell Series Strings ≥ 5S

PowerPump, PowerLAN are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

The bq76PL102 PowerLAN dual-cell battery monitor is part of a complete scalable battery management system for use with arrays of up to 12 Li-Ion rechargeable cells. The bq76PL102 connects to one or two cells in a series string, performs voltage and temperature monitoring of each individual cell, and reports these parameters over the PowerLAN communication network. Together with a bq78PL114 master-gateway battery controller, the bq76PL102 forms a complete battery monitoring and management system for higher cell-count applications.

Partitioning of the battery monitor function on a per cell basis permits connection and measurement close to the cell. This results in superior accuracy and management over competing solutions. This scheme also facilitates the PowerPump cell balancing system, a technique which actively balances capacities of Li-Ion batteries without the excessive heat or limitations of bleed-balancing techniques.

The bq76PL102 PowerPump cell balancing technology uses a charge-transfer methodology which does not bleed off excess energy as heat, but instead moves energy dynamically from cell to cell as needed. Balancing is performed during all battery operational modes – charge, discharge, and rest. Balancing is automatically coordinated between all cells on a PowerLAN system. PowerPump balancing technology results in longer run time and longer cell life.

The PowerLAN communications architecture has been engineered to provide robust communications in tough EMI/RFI environments while avoiding the excessive power draw, high parts count, and elevated cost of other solutions. PowerLAN permits easy scalability using series connections of bq76PL102 dual-cell battery monitors. High-cell-count battery systems of up to 12 series cells are easily constructed without complicated high-voltage cell measurement restrictions.

The bq76PL102 works with the bq78PL114 master-gateway battery controller.

The bq76PL102 PowerLAN dual-cell battery monitor is part of a complete scalable battery management system for use with arrays of up to 12 Li-Ion rechargeable cells. The bq76PL102 connects to one or two cells in a series string, performs voltage and temperature monitoring of each individual cell, and reports these parameters over the PowerLAN communication network. Together with a bq78PL114 master-gateway battery controller, the bq76PL102 forms a complete battery monitoring and management system for higher cell-count applications.

Partitioning of the battery monitor function on a per cell basis permits connection and measurement close to the cell. This results in superior accuracy and management over competing solutions. This scheme also facilitates the PowerPump cell balancing system, a technique which actively balances capacities of Li-Ion batteries without the excessive heat or limitations of bleed-balancing techniques.

The bq76PL102 PowerPump cell balancing technology uses a charge-transfer methodology which does not bleed off excess energy as heat, but instead moves energy dynamically from cell to cell as needed. Balancing is performed during all battery operational modes – charge, discharge, and rest. Balancing is automatically coordinated between all cells on a PowerLAN system. PowerPump balancing technology results in longer run time and longer cell life.

The PowerLAN communications architecture has been engineered to provide robust communications in tough EMI/RFI environments while avoiding the excessive power draw, high parts count, and elevated cost of other solutions. PowerLAN permits easy scalability using series connections of bq76PL102 dual-cell battery monitors. High-cell-count battery systems of up to 12 series cells are easily constructed without complicated high-voltage cell measurement restrictions.

The bq76PL102 works with the bq78PL114 master-gateway battery controller.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet PowerLAN Dual-Cell Li-Ion Monitor with PowerPump Cell Balancing datasheet (Rev. A) 15 Okt 2009
Application note PowerPump(TM) Balancing (Rev. B) 26 Okt 2011
User guide bq78PL116EVM Evaluation Module 19 Jan 2011
Application note Quick-Start Guide for BQ78PL114 with BQ76PL102 Family Gas Gauges 26 Apr 2010
EVM User's guide bq78PL114 8S EVM (Rev. A) 14 Jan 2010
Application note bq78PL114 System Design Guidelines 01 Dez 2009

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  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
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  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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