
Vin (max) (V) 20 Features High precision, Integrated ADC, Overtemperature protection, Overvoltage protection, Stackable (built-in interface), Temperature sensing, Undertemperature protection, Undervoltage protection Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Automotive Battery overvoltage protection (min) (V) 6 Battery overvoltage protection (max) (V) 20 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Communication interface Daisy Chain, SPI controller, UART Operating current (typ) (µA) 5000
Vin (max) (V) 20 Features High precision, Integrated ADC, Overtemperature protection, Overvoltage protection, Stackable (built-in interface), Temperature sensing, Undertemperature protection, Undervoltage protection Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Automotive Battery overvoltage protection (min) (V) 6 Battery overvoltage protection (max) (V) 20 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Communication interface Daisy Chain, SPI controller, UART Operating current (typ) (µA) 5000
HTQFP (PHP) 48 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • AEC-Q100 qualified –40°C to +125°C
  • Functional safety compliant
    • Documentation to aid ISO 26262 system design
    • Systematic capability up to ASIL D
    • Hardware capability up to ASIL D
  • 17 single-ended voltage channels
    • High voltage pack, link, charge measurement accuracy update to 0.2%
    • Pack and cell VI sync to 64µS
  • 2 independent current sense ADCs (BQ79731-Q1)
    • ±0.15% gain error drift
    • Input range = ±275mV
  • 2 Over current detect comparators (BQ79731-Q1)
    • ±1% accuracy
    • Selectable bi-directional thresholds
    • Programmable OC
  • Integrated Coulomb counting (BQ79731-Q1)
  • 15 GPIO inputs as IO, I2C, SPI, ADC and temp sense
  • Dedicated MOSFET switch drive pins
  • Intelligent SPI contoller HUB
    • Support multiple SPI peripheral devices
    • HW pin to trigger contactor drivers and Pyro Fuse drivers
  • Stackable and register map compatible with BQ7971x-Q1 cell monitors
  • AEC-Q100 qualified –40°C to +125°C
  • Functional safety compliant
    • Documentation to aid ISO 26262 system design
    • Systematic capability up to ASIL D
    • Hardware capability up to ASIL D
  • 17 single-ended voltage channels
    • High voltage pack, link, charge measurement accuracy update to 0.2%
    • Pack and cell VI sync to 64µS
  • 2 independent current sense ADCs (BQ79731-Q1)
    • ±0.15% gain error drift
    • Input range = ±275mV
  • 2 Over current detect comparators (BQ79731-Q1)
    • ±1% accuracy
    • Selectable bi-directional thresholds
    • Programmable OC
  • Integrated Coulomb counting (BQ79731-Q1)
  • 15 GPIO inputs as IO, I2C, SPI, ADC and temp sense
  • Dedicated MOSFET switch drive pins
  • Intelligent SPI contoller HUB
    • Support multiple SPI peripheral devices
    • HW pin to trigger contactor drivers and Pyro Fuse drivers
  • Stackable and register map compatible with BQ7971x-Q1 cell monitors

The device can be used to measure divided down high voltage nodes in a battery system. It can measure voltage across Fuse, Contactors and check isolation voltage in a battery junction box (BJB) system. The device has two integrated current sense (BQ79731-Q1) paths supporting low-side shunt resistor. Coulomb counting (BQ79731-Q1) function is available for accurate SOC calculation. There are 15 GPIOs/auxiliary inputs that can be used for HV measurements, thermistor measurements, and driving relays. There are four SW outputs that can be used to drive MOSFET switches in the measurement path. The device can function as a SPI HUB and interface with up to eight separate SPI devices/groups. Over current protection response can be achieved autonomously using HW pins for fast protection in dangerous over current events. The isolated bi-directional daisy chain ports support both capacitor and transformer based isolation. The device can also communicate with MCU over SPI and UART.

The device can be used to measure divided down high voltage nodes in a battery system. It can measure voltage across Fuse, Contactors and check isolation voltage in a battery junction box (BJB) system. The device has two integrated current sense (BQ79731-Q1) paths supporting low-side shunt resistor. Coulomb counting (BQ79731-Q1) function is available for accurate SOC calculation. There are 15 GPIOs/auxiliary inputs that can be used for HV measurements, thermistor measurements, and driving relays. There are four SW outputs that can be used to drive MOSFET switches in the measurement path. The device can function as a SPI HUB and interface with up to eight separate SPI devices/groups. Over current protection response can be achieved autonomously using HW pins for fast protection in dangerous over current events. The isolated bi-directional daisy chain ports support both capacitor and transformer based isolation. The device can also communicate with MCU over SPI and UART.

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  • Die Dokumente zur vollständige Analyse der Fehlermöglichkeiten, Auswirkungen und Diagnose (FMEDA) sind verfügbar. Jetzt anfordern

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