
Resolution (Bits) 16 Number of DAC channels 1 Interface type SPI Sample/update rate (Msps) 10240, 20480 Features Ultra High Speed Rating Catalog Interpolation 128x, 12x, 16x, 192x, 1x, 24x, 256x, 2x, 32x, 3x, 48x, 4x, 64x, 6x, 8x, 96x Power consumption (typ) (mW) 1700 SFDR (dB) 78 Architecture Current Source Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Reference type Ext, Int
Resolution (Bits) 16 Number of DAC channels 1 Interface type SPI Sample/update rate (Msps) 10240, 20480 Features Ultra High Speed Rating Catalog Interpolation 128x, 12x, 16x, 192x, 1x, 24x, 256x, 2x, 32x, 3x, 48x, 4x, 64x, 6x, 8x, 96x Power consumption (typ) (mW) 1700 SFDR (dB) 78 Architecture Current Source Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Reference type Ext, Int
FCBGA (ACK) 256 289 mm² 17 x 17 FCBGA (ACL) 256 289 mm² 17 x 17
  • 16-bit, 10.24 to 20.48GSPS, multi-Nyquist DAC Cores
  • Maximum input data rate:
    • 16-bit, single channel complex I/Q: 775MSPS
    • 16-bit, dual channel complex I/Q: 388MSPS
  • Output bandwidth (-3dB): 12GHz
  • Performance at fOUT = 2.997GHz, DES2XL mode, DEM/Dither off
    • Noise floor (small signal): -153dBFS/Hz
    • SFDR (-0.1dBFS) : 76dBc
    • IMD3 (-7dBFS each tone) : -71dBc
    • Additive phase noise, 10kHz offset: -138dBc/Hz
  • Four Integrated digital up-converters (DUC)
    • Interpolation: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x ... 256x
    • Complex baseband DUC for I/Q output
    • Complex to real up conversion for dual channel direct RF sampling
    • 64-bit frequency resolution NCOs
  • Fast reconfiguration interface for fast frequency hopping
    • 4-bit data with 200MHz clock
    • 60ns reconfiguration (32-bit frequency)
    • Any frequency hopping with phase coherence
  • JESD204C Interface
    • Up to 2 Lanes at up to 12.8Gbps
    • Class C-S, subclass-1 Compatible
    • Internal AC coupling capacitors
  • SYSREF Windowing for automatic SYSREF timing calibration
  • 16-bit, 10.24 to 20.48GSPS, multi-Nyquist DAC Cores
  • Maximum input data rate:
    • 16-bit, single channel complex I/Q: 775MSPS
    • 16-bit, dual channel complex I/Q: 388MSPS
  • Output bandwidth (-3dB): 12GHz
  • Performance at fOUT = 2.997GHz, DES2XL mode, DEM/Dither off
    • Noise floor (small signal): -153dBFS/Hz
    • SFDR (-0.1dBFS) : 76dBc
    • IMD3 (-7dBFS each tone) : -71dBc
    • Additive phase noise, 10kHz offset: -138dBc/Hz
  • Four Integrated digital up-converters (DUC)
    • Interpolation: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x ... 256x
    • Complex baseband DUC for I/Q output
    • Complex to real up conversion for dual channel direct RF sampling
    • 64-bit frequency resolution NCOs
  • Fast reconfiguration interface for fast frequency hopping
    • 4-bit data with 200MHz clock
    • 60ns reconfiguration (32-bit frequency)
    • Any frequency hopping with phase coherence
  • JESD204C Interface
    • Up to 2 Lanes at up to 12.8Gbps
    • Class C-S, subclass-1 Compatible
    • Internal AC coupling capacitors
  • SYSREF Windowing for automatic SYSREF timing calibration

DDS39RF10 and ’RFS10 are a family of dual and single channel direct digital synthesizers with 16-bit resolution digital-to-analog converters (DAC). The high sampling rate, output frequency range, 64-bit NCO frequency resolution and any frequency hopping with phase coherence makes the device capable of arbitrary waveform generation (AWG) and direct digital synthesis (DDS).

The devices can also be used as interpolating DACs for narrowband direct RF sampling or complex baseband signal generation. The maximum input data rate is 775MSPS for a single channel or 388MSPS for two channels. The devices can generate signals of up to 620MHz signal bandwidth (16-bit input resolution) at carrier frequencies exceeding 10GHz enabling direct sampling through C-band and into X-band.

A JESD204B and JESD204C compatible serial interface has 2 receiver pairs capable of up to 12.8Gbps each. The interface is JESD204B and JESD204C subclass-1 compliant for deterministic latency and multi-device synchronization through the use of SYSREF.

DDS39RF10 and ’RFS10 are a family of dual and single channel direct digital synthesizers with 16-bit resolution digital-to-analog converters (DAC). The high sampling rate, output frequency range, 64-bit NCO frequency resolution and any frequency hopping with phase coherence makes the device capable of arbitrary waveform generation (AWG) and direct digital synthesis (DDS).

The devices can also be used as interpolating DACs for narrowband direct RF sampling or complex baseband signal generation. The maximum input data rate is 775MSPS for a single channel or 388MSPS for two channels. The devices can generate signals of up to 620MHz signal bandwidth (16-bit input resolution) at carrier frequencies exceeding 10GHz enabling direct sampling through C-band and into X-band.

A JESD204B and JESD204C compatible serial interface has 2 receiver pairs capable of up to 12.8Gbps each. The interface is JESD204B and JESD204C subclass-1 compliant for deterministic latency and multi-device synchronization through the use of SYSREF.

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* Data sheet DDS39RF10 and DDS39RFS10, 10.24GSPS to 20.48GSPS Dual and Single Channel, Multi-Nyquist Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) datasheet PDF | HTML 26 Sep 2024

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