

Digitaler Verstärker mit variabler Verstärkung und 600 MHz und 1-dB-Schritten

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PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 4 Vs (max) (V) 5.25 BW at Acl (MHz) 600 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.45 Gain (max) (dB) 24.2 Architecture Fully Differential ADC Driver Features Digital Gain Set, Single-ended to Differential conversion Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 107 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 4 Vs (max) (V) 5.25 BW at Acl (MHz) 600 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.45 Gain (max) (dB) 24.2 Architecture Fully Differential ADC Driver Features Digital Gain Set, Single-ended to Differential conversion Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 107 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
WQFN (RGH) 16 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Adjustable Gain with a 31 dB Range
  • Precise 1 dB Gain Steps
  • Parallel 5-bit Gain Control
  • On Chip Register Stores Gain Setting
  • Fully Differential Signal Path
  • Single Ended to Differential Capable
  • 200Ω Input Impedance
  • Small Footprint (4 mm x 4 mm) WQFN Package

Key Specifications

  • 600 MHz bandwidth @ 100Ω load
  • 40 dBm OIP3 @ 75 MHz, 200Ω load
  • 20 dB to 30 dB maximum gain
  • Selectable output impedance of 200Ω or 400Ω
  • 8.3 dB noise figure
  • 5 ns gain step switching time
  • 100 mA supply current

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Adjustable Gain with a 31 dB Range
  • Precise 1 dB Gain Steps
  • Parallel 5-bit Gain Control
  • On Chip Register Stores Gain Setting
  • Fully Differential Signal Path
  • Single Ended to Differential Capable
  • 200Ω Input Impedance
  • Small Footprint (4 mm x 4 mm) WQFN Package

Key Specifications

  • 600 MHz bandwidth @ 100Ω load
  • 40 dBm OIP3 @ 75 MHz, 200Ω load
  • 20 dB to 30 dB maximum gain
  • Selectable output impedance of 200Ω or 400Ω
  • 8.3 dB noise figure
  • 5 ns gain step switching time
  • 100 mA supply current

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The LMH6515 is a high performance, digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA). It combines precision gain control with a low noise, ultra-linear, differential amplifier. Typically, the LMH6515 drives a high performance ADC in a broad range of mixed signal and digital communication applications such as mobile radio and cellular base stations where automatic gain control (AGC) is required to increase system dynamic range. When used in conjunction with a high speed ADC, system dynamic range can be extended by up to 32 dB.

The LMH6515 has a differential input and output allowing large signal swings on a single 5V supply. It is designed to accept signals from RF elements and maintain a terminated impedance environment. The input impedance is 200Ω resistive. The output impedance is either 200Ω or 400Ω and is user selectable. A unique internal architecture allows use with both single ended and differential input signals.

Input signals to the LMH6515 are scaled by a highly linear, digitally controlled attenuator with 31 accurate 1 dB steps. The attenuator output provides the input signal for a high gain, ultra linear differential transconductor. The transconductor differential output current can be converted into a voltage by using the on-chip 200Ω or 400Ω loads. The transconductance gain is 0.1 Amp/Volt resulting in a maximum voltage gain of +26 dB when driving a 200Ω load, or 32 dB when driving the 400Ω load. On chip digital latches are provided for local storage of the gain setting. The gain step settling time is 5 ns and care has been taken to reduce the sensitivity of bandwidth and phase to gain setting.

The LMH6515 operates over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. The LMH6515 is available in a 16-Pin, thermally enhanced, WQFN package.

The LMH6515 is a high performance, digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA). It combines precision gain control with a low noise, ultra-linear, differential amplifier. Typically, the LMH6515 drives a high performance ADC in a broad range of mixed signal and digital communication applications such as mobile radio and cellular base stations where automatic gain control (AGC) is required to increase system dynamic range. When used in conjunction with a high speed ADC, system dynamic range can be extended by up to 32 dB.

The LMH6515 has a differential input and output allowing large signal swings on a single 5V supply. It is designed to accept signals from RF elements and maintain a terminated impedance environment. The input impedance is 200Ω resistive. The output impedance is either 200Ω or 400Ω and is user selectable. A unique internal architecture allows use with both single ended and differential input signals.

Input signals to the LMH6515 are scaled by a highly linear, digitally controlled attenuator with 31 accurate 1 dB steps. The attenuator output provides the input signal for a high gain, ultra linear differential transconductor. The transconductor differential output current can be converted into a voltage by using the on-chip 200Ω or 400Ω loads. The transconductance gain is 0.1 Amp/Volt resulting in a maximum voltage gain of +26 dB when driving a 200Ω load, or 32 dB when driving the 400Ω load. On chip digital latches are provided for local storage of the gain setting. The gain step settling time is 5 ns and care has been taken to reduce the sensitivity of bandwidth and phase to gain setting.

The LMH6515 operates over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. The LMH6515 is available in a 16-Pin, thermally enhanced, WQFN package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LMH6515 600 MHz, Digital Controlled, Variable Gain Amplifier datasheet (Rev. C) 18 Mär 2013
E-book The Signal e-book: A compendium of blog posts on op amp design topics 28 Mär 2017
Application note AN-1718 Differential Amplifier Applications Up to 400 MHz (Rev. B) 01 Mai 2013
Application note AN-1719 Noise Figure Analysis Fully Differential Amplifier (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
User guide LMH6515EL Digital Controlled, Variable Gain Amplifier Evaluation Board (Rev. B) 01 Mai 2013
Application note Using High Speed Diff Amp to Drive ADCs (Rev. A) 26 Apr 2013
Application note Selecting Amplifiers, ADCs, and Clocks for High-Performance Signal Paths 13 Sep 2007
Application note A Walk Along the Signal Path (High-Speed Signal Path) 30 Mär 2005

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