
2nd harmonic (dBc) -84 3rd harmonic (dBc) 83 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (MHz) 200 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.53 Architecture Fully Differential ADC Driver, VGA BW at Acl (MHz) 1400 Gain (max) (dB) 26 Gain (min) (dB) -5.5 Step size (dB) 0.5 Type RF VGA Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 113 Number of channels 2 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 5.25 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 4.75 Vs (min) (V) 4.75 Vs (max) (V) 5.25
2nd harmonic (dBc) -84 3rd harmonic (dBc) 83 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (MHz) 200 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.53 Architecture Fully Differential ADC Driver, VGA BW at Acl (MHz) 1400 Gain (max) (dB) 26 Gain (min) (dB) -5.5 Step size (dB) 0.5 Type RF VGA Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 113 Number of channels 2 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 5.25 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 4.75 Vs (min) (V) 4.75 Vs (max) (V) 5.25
WQFN (RTV) 32 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • OIP3 of 48.5 dBm at 200 MHz
  • Maximum Voltage Gain of 26 dB
  • Gain Range: 31.5 dB with 0.5-dB Step Size
  • Channel Gain Matching of ±0.04 dB
  • Noise Figure: 7.3 dB at Maximum Gain
  • –3-dB Bandwidth of 1200 MHz
  • Low Power Dissipation
  • Independent Channel Power Down
  • Three Gain Control Modes:
    • Parallel Interface
    • Serial Interface (SPI)
    • Pulse Mode Interface
  • Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Thermally-Enhanced, 32-Pin WQFN Package
  • OIP3 of 48.5 dBm at 200 MHz
  • Maximum Voltage Gain of 26 dB
  • Gain Range: 31.5 dB with 0.5-dB Step Size
  • Channel Gain Matching of ±0.04 dB
  • Noise Figure: 7.3 dB at Maximum Gain
  • –3-dB Bandwidth of 1200 MHz
  • Low Power Dissipation
  • Independent Channel Power Down
  • Three Gain Control Modes:
    • Parallel Interface
    • Serial Interface (SPI)
    • Pulse Mode Interface
  • Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Thermally-Enhanced, 32-Pin WQFN Package

The LMH6521 contains two high performance, digitally controlled variable gain amplifiers (DVGA).

Both channels of the LMH6521 have an independent, digitally controlled attenuator followed by a high linearity, differential output amplifier. Each block has been optimized for low distortion and maximum system design flexibility. Each channel has a high speed power down mode.

The internal digitally controlled attenuator provides precise 0.5-dB gain steps over a 31.5-dB range. Serial and parallel programming options are provided. Serial mode programming uses the SPI interface. A pulse mode is also offered where simple up or down commands can change the gain one step at a time.

The output amplifier has a differential output allowing 10-VPPD signal swings on a single 5-V supply. The low impedance output provides maximum flexibility when driving filters or analog to digital converters.

The LMH6521 contains two high performance, digitally controlled variable gain amplifiers (DVGA).

Both channels of the LMH6521 have an independent, digitally controlled attenuator followed by a high linearity, differential output amplifier. Each block has been optimized for low distortion and maximum system design flexibility. Each channel has a high speed power down mode.

The internal digitally controlled attenuator provides precise 0.5-dB gain steps over a 31.5-dB range. Serial and parallel programming options are provided. Serial mode programming uses the SPI interface. A pulse mode is also offered where simple up or down commands can change the gain one step at a time.

The output amplifier has a differential output allowing 10-VPPD signal swings on a single 5-V supply. The low impedance output provides maximum flexibility when driving filters or analog to digital converters.

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Alle anzeigen 13
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LMH6521 High Performance Dual DVGA datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 23 Aug 2016
E-book The Signal e-book: A compendium of blog posts on op amp design topics 28 Mär 2017
User guide Using the LMH6521 in DC Coupled Applications Design Guide 08 Jan 2015
Design guide TSW1265 Dual-Wideband RF-to-Digital Receiver Design Guide 03 Sep 2013
Design guide TSW1266 Wideband RF-to-Digital Complex Receiver-Feedback Signal Chain 03 Sep 2013
Application note AN-1719 Noise Figure Analysis Fully Differential Amplifier (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
EVM User's guide AN-2045 LMH6521EVAL Evaluation Board (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
Application note AN-2235 Ckt Brd Design for LMH6517/21/22 & Other H-Sp IF/RF F Amp (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
Application note Between the Amplifier and ADC: Managing Filter Loss in Communications Systems (Rev. B) 26 Apr 2013
Application note Drivng HSpeed ADCs w/LMH6521 DVGA for High IF AC-Coupled Apps (Rev. A) 26 Apr 2013
Application note Using High Speed Diff Amp to Drive ADCs (Rev. A) 26 Apr 2013
More literature Featured High Speed Differential Amplifiers 23 Okt 2012
Application note A Walk Along the Signal Path (High-Speed Signal Path) 30 Mär 2005

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