

Audio-Verstärker der Klasse D für die Automobilindustrie, 75 w, 2 MHz, 1 Kanal, 4,5 bis 26,4 V, digi


Audio input type Digital Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Mono Rating Automotive Power stage supply (max) (V) 26.4 Power stage supply (min) (V) 4.5 Load (min) (Ω) 2 Output power (W) 75 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.02 Iq (typ) (mA) 47 Control interface I2C Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 4.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 26.4 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 96 PSRR (dB) 75 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Audio input type Digital Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Mono Rating Automotive Power stage supply (max) (V) 26.4 Power stage supply (min) (V) 4.5 Load (min) (Ω) 2 Output power (W) 75 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.02 Iq (typ) (mA) 47 Control interface I2C Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 4.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 26.4 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 96 PSRR (dB) 75 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HSSOP (DKQ) 56 190.647 mm² 18.42 x 10.35
  • Advanced load diagnostics
    • DC Diagnostics run without input clocks
    • AC Diagnostic for tweeter detection with impedance and phase response
  • Easily meet CISPR25-L5 EMC specification
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade: –40°C to +125°C
  • Audio inputs
    • I2S or 4/8-channel TDM input
    • Input sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz
    • Input formats: 16-bit to 32-Bit I2S, and TDM
  • Audio outputs
    • Single-channel bridge-tied load (BTL)
    • Up to 2.1 MHz output switching frequency
    • 27 W, 10% THD Into 4 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
    • 45 W, 10% THD Into 2 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
  • Audio performance Into 4 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
    • THD+N < 0.02% at 1 W
    • 42 µVRMS Output Noise
    • –90 dB Crosstalk
  • Load diagnostics with Host-independent operation
    • Output open and shorted load
    • Output-to-battery or ground shorts
    • Line output detection Up to 6 kΩ
  • Protection
    • Output current limiting and short protection
    • 40 V Load dump
    • Open ground and power tolerant
    • Overtemperature warning and shutdown
    • Undervoltage and overvoltage, DC Offset
  • General operation
    • 4.5 V to 26.4 V supply voltage
    • I2C control with 4 address options
    • Clip detection (latching or non-latching)
  • Advanced load diagnostics
    • DC Diagnostics run without input clocks
    • AC Diagnostic for tweeter detection with impedance and phase response
  • Easily meet CISPR25-L5 EMC specification
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade: –40°C to +125°C
  • Audio inputs
    • I2S or 4/8-channel TDM input
    • Input sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz
    • Input formats: 16-bit to 32-Bit I2S, and TDM
  • Audio outputs
    • Single-channel bridge-tied load (BTL)
    • Up to 2.1 MHz output switching frequency
    • 27 W, 10% THD Into 4 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
    • 45 W, 10% THD Into 2 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
  • Audio performance Into 4 Ω at 14.4 V BTL
    • THD+N < 0.02% at 1 W
    • 42 µVRMS Output Noise
    • –90 dB Crosstalk
  • Load diagnostics with Host-independent operation
    • Output open and shorted load
    • Output-to-battery or ground shorts
    • Line output detection Up to 6 kΩ
  • Protection
    • Output current limiting and short protection
    • 40 V Load dump
    • Open ground and power tolerant
    • Overtemperature warning and shutdown
    • Undervoltage and overvoltage, DC Offset
  • General operation
    • 4.5 V to 26.4 V supply voltage
    • I2C control with 4 address options
    • Clip detection (latching or non-latching)

TAS6421-Q1 device is a mono-channel digital-input Class-D Burr-Brown™ audio amplifier that implements a 2.1 MHz PWM switching frequency enabling a cost-optimized solution for a very small PCB size, full operation down to 4.5 V for start/stop events, and exceptional sound quality with up to 40 kHz audio bandwidth. TAS6421-Q1 is footprint and pin-compatible with TAS642x-Q1 family devices to allow for the flexibility to easily support multiple system configurations with minimal redesign effort.

The output switching frequency can be set either above the AM band, which eliminates AM-band interferences and reduces output filtering and cost, or below the AM band to optimize efficiency. The device has a built-in load diagnostic function for detecting and diagnosing misconnected outputs as well as detection of AC-coupled tweeters.

TAS6421-Q1 provides one channel at 27 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N, 45 W into 2 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 14.4 V supply or 75 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 25 V supply.

For pin compatible two- and four-channel devices see the TAS6422-Q1, TAS6424L-Q1, TAS6424M-Q1 and TAS6424-Q1.

TAS6421-Q1 device is a mono-channel digital-input Class-D Burr-Brown™ audio amplifier that implements a 2.1 MHz PWM switching frequency enabling a cost-optimized solution for a very small PCB size, full operation down to 4.5 V for start/stop events, and exceptional sound quality with up to 40 kHz audio bandwidth. TAS6421-Q1 is footprint and pin-compatible with TAS642x-Q1 family devices to allow for the flexibility to easily support multiple system configurations with minimal redesign effort.

The output switching frequency can be set either above the AM band, which eliminates AM-band interferences and reduces output filtering and cost, or below the AM band to optimize efficiency. The device has a built-in load diagnostic function for detecting and diagnosing misconnected outputs as well as detection of AC-coupled tweeters.

TAS6421-Q1 provides one channel at 27 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N, 45 W into 2 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 14.4 V supply or 75 W into 4 Ω at 10% THD+N from a 25 V supply.

For pin compatible two- and four-channel devices see the TAS6422-Q1, TAS6424L-Q1, TAS6424M-Q1 and TAS6424-Q1.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TAS6421-Q1 75-W,​​​ 2-MHz Digital Input 1-Channel Automotive Class-D Burr-Brown™ Audio Amplifier with Load Dump Protection and I2C Diagnostics datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 07 Okt 2019
Application brief Diagnostics and Protections in Automotive Audio Systems (Rev. A) 24 Sep 2019
Technical article TI Burr-Brown™ technology: always on the edge of audio innovation PDF | HTML 19 Sep 2019
Application note Inductor Selection Guide for 2.1 MHz Class-D Amplifiers (Rev. A) 05 Sep 2019
White paper Audio Innovation: Trends in Automotive, Smart Home and Pro Audio Applications 21 Aug 2019
EVM User's guide TAS6421-Q1 EVM User's Guide 25 Apr 2019

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