
Current consumption (mA) 130 Frequency (min) (MHz) 0.01 Frequency (max) (MHz) 11000 Gain (typ) (dB) 10 Noise figure (typ) (dB) 9 OIP2 (typ) (dBm) 51 OIP3 (typ) (dBm) 36 P1dB (typ) (dBm) 15 2nd harmonic (dBc) -65 3rd harmonic (dBc) -63 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (GHz) 2 Number of channels 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Type RF FDA Rating Catalog
Current consumption (mA) 130 Frequency (min) (MHz) 0.01 Frequency (max) (MHz) 11000 Gain (typ) (dB) 10 Noise figure (typ) (dB) 9 OIP2 (typ) (dBm) 51 OIP3 (typ) (dBm) 36 P1dB (typ) (dBm) 15 2nd harmonic (dBc) -65 3rd harmonic (dBc) -63 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (GHz) 2 Number of channels 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Type RF FDA Rating Catalog
WQFN-FCRLF (RPV) 12 4 mm² 2 x 2
  • Excellent performance driving RF ADCs
    • Single-ended to differential
    • Differential to differential
  • Two fixed-gain variants:
    • 16 dB (TRF1208)
    • 10 dB (TRF1208B)
  • Bandwidth:
    • TRF1208: 8 GHz (1-dB), 11 GHz (3-dB)
    • TRF1208B: 8.8 GHz (1-dB), 10.5 GHz (3-dB)
  • OIP3:
    • TRF1208: 37 dBm (2 GHz), 32 dBm (6 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 36 dBm (2 GHz), 28 dBm (6 GHz)
  • P1dB:
    • TRF1208: 15 dBm (2 GHz), 12.5 dBm (6 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 14 dBm (2 GHz), 11 dBm (6 GHz)
  • Noise figure:
    • TRF1208: 7 dB (2 GHz), 7 dB (8 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 9.4 dB (2 GHz), 10.2 dB (8 GHz)
  • Output noise spectral density (NSD), dBm/Hz:
    • TRF1208: –151 (2 GHz), –151 (8 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: –154.6 (2 GHz), –153.8 (8 GHz)
  • Gain and phase imbalance: ±0.3 dB and ±3º
  • Power-down feature
  • 3.3‑V single-supply operation
  • Active current: 138 mA
  • Excellent performance driving RF ADCs
    • Single-ended to differential
    • Differential to differential
  • Two fixed-gain variants:
    • 16 dB (TRF1208)
    • 10 dB (TRF1208B)
  • Bandwidth:
    • TRF1208: 8 GHz (1-dB), 11 GHz (3-dB)
    • TRF1208B: 8.8 GHz (1-dB), 10.5 GHz (3-dB)
  • OIP3:
    • TRF1208: 37 dBm (2 GHz), 32 dBm (6 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 36 dBm (2 GHz), 28 dBm (6 GHz)
  • P1dB:
    • TRF1208: 15 dBm (2 GHz), 12.5 dBm (6 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 14 dBm (2 GHz), 11 dBm (6 GHz)
  • Noise figure:
    • TRF1208: 7 dB (2 GHz), 7 dB (8 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: 9.4 dB (2 GHz), 10.2 dB (8 GHz)
  • Output noise spectral density (NSD), dBm/Hz:
    • TRF1208: –151 (2 GHz), –151 (8 GHz)
    • TRF1208B: –154.6 (2 GHz), –153.8 (8 GHz)
  • Gain and phase imbalance: ±0.3 dB and ±3º
  • Power-down feature
  • 3.3‑V single-supply operation
  • Active current: 138 mA

The TRF1208 is a very high performance, RF amplifier optimized for radio frequency (RF) applications. This device is excellent for ac-coupled applications that require a single-ended to differential conversion when driving an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) such as the high performance ADC12DJ5200RF. The on-chip matching components simplify printed circuit board (PCB) implementation and provide the highest performance over the usable bandwidth. The device is fabricated in Texas Instruments’ advanced complementary BiCMOS process and is available in a space-saving, WQFN-FCRLF package.

The TRF1208 operates on a single-rail supply and consumes about 138 mA of active current. A power-down feature is also available for power savings.

The TRF1208 is a very high performance, RF amplifier optimized for radio frequency (RF) applications. This device is excellent for ac-coupled applications that require a single-ended to differential conversion when driving an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) such as the high performance ADC12DJ5200RF. The on-chip matching components simplify printed circuit board (PCB) implementation and provide the highest performance over the usable bandwidth. The device is fabricated in Texas Instruments’ advanced complementary BiCMOS process and is available in a space-saving, WQFN-FCRLF package.

The TRF1208 operates on a single-rail supply and consumes about 138 mA of active current. A power-down feature is also available for power savings.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TRF1208 10-MHz to 11-GHz, 3-dB-BW ADC Driver Amplifier datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 20 Aug 2023
Certificate TRF1208LGEVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 03 Aug 2023
Application brief TRF1208, TRF1108 Active Balun Interface With Xilinx RFSoC Data Converters PDF | HTML 21 Feb 2023
White paper Improving RF Signal Chain With an RF Fully Differential Amplifier (FDA) PDF | HTML 11 Mai 2022

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TRF1208EVM — Evaluierungsmodul TRF1208 für Verstärker für die Umwandlung von asymmetrischem Eingangssignalen (Sin

Das TRF1208-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) dient zur Evaluierung des TRF1208, eines HF-Verstärkers mit unsymmetrischem Eingang und Differenzausgang, der in einem 2-mm- &Times; 2-mm-², 12-poligen extrem dünnen Vierfach-Flach-No-Lead-Gehäuse (WQFN) erhältlich ist. TRF1208 eignet sich gut zur (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
WQFN-FCRLF (RPV) 12 Ultra Librarian

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