
Current consumption (mA) 180 Frequency (min) (MHz) 0 Frequency (max) (MHz) 7000 Gain (typ) (dB) 10 Noise figure (typ) (dB) 9 OIP2 (typ) (dBm) 60 OIP3 (typ) (dBm) 38.8 P1dB (typ) (dBm) 15 2nd harmonic (dBc) -60 3rd harmonic (dBc) -68 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (GHz) 2 Number of channels 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Type RF FDA Rating Catalog
Current consumption (mA) 180 Frequency (min) (MHz) 0 Frequency (max) (MHz) 7000 Gain (typ) (dB) 10 Noise figure (typ) (dB) 9 OIP2 (typ) (dBm) 60 OIP3 (typ) (dBm) 38.8 P1dB (typ) (dBm) 15 2nd harmonic (dBc) -60 3rd harmonic (dBc) -68 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (GHz) 2 Number of channels 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Type RF FDA Rating Catalog
VQFN-FCRLF (RYP) 16 7.5 mm² 3 x 2.5
  • Three performance-optimized power gain variants:
    • 5 dB (TRF1305A2)
    • 10 dB (TRF1305B2)
    • 15 dB (TRF1305C2)
  • Preset gain can be reduced with external resistors
  • High large-signal bandwidth:
    • TRF1305B2: 7 GHz (3-dB), 6.5 GHz (1-dB)
  • OP1dB (differential 100-Ω load):
    • 16 dBm (2 GHz), 12.5 dBm (4 GHz)
  • OIP3: 34 dBm (2 GHz), 24 dBm (4 GHz)
  • Noise Figure: 10.2 dB (2 GHz), 12 dB (4 GHz)
  • Slew rate: 25 kV/µs
  • Large input (±1 V) and output (±0.5 V) common-mode voltage ranges
  • Flexible configurations and modes:
    • Single-ended input, differential output (S2D)
    • Differential input, differential output (D2D)
    • Single-ended output (limited performance)
    • AC- or DC-coupled input/output
    • Adjustable output common-mode voltage
    • Input common-mode range extension mode
  • Supports 5-V, flexible single or split supplies
  • Active power dissipation: 500 mW per channel
  • Power-down for each channel
  • Three performance-optimized power gain variants:
    • 5 dB (TRF1305A2)
    • 10 dB (TRF1305B2)
    • 15 dB (TRF1305C2)
  • Preset gain can be reduced with external resistors
  • High large-signal bandwidth:
    • TRF1305B2: 7 GHz (3-dB), 6.5 GHz (1-dB)
  • OP1dB (differential 100-Ω load):
    • 16 dBm (2 GHz), 12.5 dBm (4 GHz)
  • OIP3: 34 dBm (2 GHz), 24 dBm (4 GHz)
  • Noise Figure: 10.2 dB (2 GHz), 12 dB (4 GHz)
  • Slew rate: 25 kV/µs
  • Large input (±1 V) and output (±0.5 V) common-mode voltage ranges
  • Flexible configurations and modes:
    • Single-ended input, differential output (S2D)
    • Differential input, differential output (D2D)
    • Single-ended output (limited performance)
    • AC- or DC-coupled input/output
    • Adjustable output common-mode voltage
    • Input common-mode range extension mode
  • Supports 5-V, flexible single or split supplies
  • Active power dissipation: 500 mW per channel
  • Power-down for each channel

The TRF1305B2 is a very high performance, closed-loop, dual-channel RF amplifier that has an operational bandwidth from true-dc to > 6.5 GHz. The device has excellent performance to drive high-speed, high-performance ADCs, such as the ADC12DJ5200RF and ADC32RF5x with a dc- or ac-coupled interface. The amplifier is optimized for use in RF, zero and complex IF, and high-speed time-domain applications. The device is optimized for performance in the preset gain configuration. If a lower-than-preset gain is desired, use external resistors.

The TRF1305B2 features a VOCM pin that allows setting different output common-mode and input common-mode voltages (for example, for level-shifting or for most IQ down-converter ADC-interface applications that have differing dc common-mode voltages). The floating 2-rail split or single-supply option, and a MODE pin that allows extending the input common-mode range closer to the supplies. High channel-to-channel isolation allows the device to be used in a complex IQ transmit or receive signal chain without loss of signal integrity.

The TRF1305B2 has a feature to power down each channel individually. The device is fabricated in TI’s proprietary advanced BiCMOS process and is available in a space-saving, 2.5‑mm × 3.0‑mm, 16‑pin, WQFN-FCRLF package.

The TRF1305B2 is a very high performance, closed-loop, dual-channel RF amplifier that has an operational bandwidth from true-dc to > 6.5 GHz. The device has excellent performance to drive high-speed, high-performance ADCs, such as the ADC12DJ5200RF and ADC32RF5x with a dc- or ac-coupled interface. The amplifier is optimized for use in RF, zero and complex IF, and high-speed time-domain applications. The device is optimized for performance in the preset gain configuration. If a lower-than-preset gain is desired, use external resistors.

The TRF1305B2 features a VOCM pin that allows setting different output common-mode and input common-mode voltages (for example, for level-shifting or for most IQ down-converter ADC-interface applications that have differing dc common-mode voltages). The floating 2-rail split or single-supply option, and a MODE pin that allows extending the input common-mode range closer to the supplies. High channel-to-channel isolation allows the device to be used in a complex IQ transmit or receive signal chain without loss of signal integrity.

The TRF1305B2 has a feature to power down each channel individually. The device is fabricated in TI’s proprietary advanced BiCMOS process and is available in a space-saving, 2.5‑mm × 3.0‑mm, 16‑pin, WQFN-FCRLF package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TRF1305B2 Dual-Channel, DC to > 6.5-GHz, 3-dB-Bandwidth, Fully Differential Amp datasheet PDF | HTML 22 Dez 2023
Technical article Wie HF-FDAs Prüfsysteme mit HF-Abtast-ADCs verbessern PDF | HTML 27 Sep 2024
EVM User's guide TRF1305x2-D2D Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 28 Jun 2024

Design und Entwicklung

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TRF1305B2-D2D-EVM — TRF1305B2 Evaluierungsmodul

Das Evaluierungsmodul TRF1305B2 ermöglicht die schnelle Evaluierung des TRF1305B2. Der TRF1305B2 ist ein HF-Volldifferenzialverstärker mit fester Verstärkung (HF-FDA), der einen Verstärkungsfaktor von 10 dB, eine hohe Linearität und eine Bandbreite von 3 dB > 7 GHz bietet. Der TRF1305B2 arbeitet (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML

TRF1305B2 D2D S-Parameter Model

SBOMCI0.ZIP (77 KB) - S-Parameter Model

TRF1305B2 S2D S-Parameter Model

SBOMCM4.ZIP (40 KB) - S-Parameter Model
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
VQFN-FCRLF (RYP) 16 Ultra Librarian

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