Detalles del producto

Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RHA) 40 36 mm² 6 x 6
  • Digital Controller Compatible with Wireless Power
    Consortium v1.2 A11 Specification
  • Designed to be Used with bq50002 Analog Front
  • Suitable for WPC and Proprietary 5-V Wireless
    Power Transmitters
  • Supports Received Power up to 5 W
  • Two Chip Solution Enables High Efficiency
    Transmitter Designs of >75%
  • Ultra Low Standby Power, Even During Digital
    Ping (<30 mW)
  • Dynamic Power Limiting (DPL)™ Enables
    Operation from Inputs Sources with Limited Power
  • System LED Indication of Charging State and
    Fault Status
  • Accurate Foreign Object Detection Method (FOD)
    Prevents Heating of Objects Between Transmitter
    and Receiver Coils
  • Digital Controller Compatible with Wireless Power
    Consortium v1.2 A11 Specification
  • Designed to be Used with bq50002 Analog Front
  • Suitable for WPC and Proprietary 5-V Wireless
    Power Transmitters
  • Supports Received Power up to 5 W
  • Two Chip Solution Enables High Efficiency
    Transmitter Designs of >75%
  • Ultra Low Standby Power, Even During Digital
    Ping (<30 mW)
  • Dynamic Power Limiting (DPL)™ Enables
    Operation from Inputs Sources with Limited Power
  • System LED Indication of Charging State and
    Fault Status
  • Accurate Foreign Object Detection Method (FOD)
    Prevents Heating of Objects Between Transmitter
    and Receiver Coils

The bq500511 is a wireless power transmitter controller that, when combined with the bq50002 analog front end device, integrates all functions required to create a Qi-compliant or proprietary 5-V transmitter. The bq500511 and bq50002 together provide a compact wireless charger solution. The bq500511 pings the surrounding environment for the receiver devices to be powered, safely engages the device, receives packet communication from the powered device and manages the power transfer according to WPC v1.2 specification.

To maximize flexibility in wireless power control applications, Dynamic Power Limiting™ (DPL) is featured on the bq500511. DPL enhances user experience by seamlessly optimizing the usage of power available from limited input supplies.

The system supports Foreign Object Detection (FOD) by continuously monitoring the efficiency of the established power transfer, protecting from power lost due to metal objects misplaced in the wireless power transfer field. Should any abnormal condition develop during power transfer, the bq500511 handles the condition and provides indication outputs. Comprehensive status and fault monitoring features enable a low cost yet robust Qi-certified wireless power system design.

The bq500511 is available in a thermally enhanced 6 mm x 6 mm, 40-pin VQFN package.

The bq500511 is a wireless power transmitter controller that, when combined with the bq50002 analog front end device, integrates all functions required to create a Qi-compliant or proprietary 5-V transmitter. The bq500511 and bq50002 together provide a compact wireless charger solution. The bq500511 pings the surrounding environment for the receiver devices to be powered, safely engages the device, receives packet communication from the powered device and manages the power transfer according to WPC v1.2 specification.

To maximize flexibility in wireless power control applications, Dynamic Power Limiting™ (DPL) is featured on the bq500511. DPL enhances user experience by seamlessly optimizing the usage of power available from limited input supplies.

The system supports Foreign Object Detection (FOD) by continuously monitoring the efficiency of the established power transfer, protecting from power lost due to metal objects misplaced in the wireless power transfer field. Should any abnormal condition develop during power transfer, the bq500511 handles the condition and provides indication outputs. Comprehensive status and fault monitoring features enable a low cost yet robust Qi-certified wireless power system design.

The bq500511 is available in a thermally enhanced 6 mm x 6 mm, 40-pin VQFN package.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet bq500511 Low Cost 5-V Wireless Power Transmitter Controller for WPC v1.2 A11 Transmitters datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 20 oct 2015
Application note bq500511 Wireless Power Transmitter I2C Interface 04 mar 2016
EVM User's guide BQ50002 Wireless Power TX Evaluation Module User's Guide 16 oct 2015

Diseño y desarrollo

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Símbolo CAD/CAE

bq50002EVM-607 Design Files

SLUC596.ZIP (1182 KB)
Archivo Gerber

bq50002EVM-607 Gerber Files

SLUC597.ZIP (537 KB)
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
VQFN (RHA) 40 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Soporte y capacitación

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Si tiene preguntas sobre la calidad, el paquete o el pedido de productos de TI, consulte el soporte de TI. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
