
Rating Catalog Isolation rating Basic Number of channels 1 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 5 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1000 Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 6250, 7800, 10000 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 7071 Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5000 CMTI (min) (kV/µs) 85 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Type CAN
Rating Catalog Isolation rating Basic Number of channels 1 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 5 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1000 Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 6250, 7800, 10000 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 7071 Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5000 CMTI (min) (kV/µs) 85 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Type CAN
SOIC (DFM) 20 132.149 mm² 12.83 x 10.3
  • Meets the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 physical layer standards
    • Support of Classical CAN: 1 Mbps

    • Optimized for CAN FD: 2 and 5 Mbps
  • Integrated DC-DC converter with low-emissions, low-noise
    • Meets CISPR 32 and EN 55032 Class B with greater than 6 dB margin on a two-layer PCB
    • Low frequency power converter at 25 MHz enabling low noise performance
  • Additional 10 Mbps GPIO channel
  • High efficiency output power
    • Typical efficiency: 47%
    • Isolated output voltage accuracy: ± 5%
    • Additional output current: 20 mA
  • Independent power supply for CAN & DC-DC
    • Logic supply (V IO): 1.71 V to 5.5 V
    • Power converter supply ( V DD): 4.5 V to 5.5 V
  • Fault-Protected CAN FD Transceiver
    • DC Bus fault protection voltage: ± 58V
    • Receiver common mode input voltage: ±12 V
    • Remote wakeup via BUS wake-up pattern
  • Typical loop delay: 167 ns
  • Reinforced and Basic isolation options
  • High CMTI: 100-kV/µs (typical)
  • High ESD bus protection w.r.t GND2
    • HBM ESD: ±12 kV
    • IEC 61000-4-2 contact discharge: ±8 kV
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to 125°C
  • Current limit and thermal shutdown
  • 20-pin wide SOIC package
  • Safety-Related Certifications planned:
    • VDE Reinforced and Basic insulation per DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01
    • UL 1577 component recognition program
    • IEC 62368-1, IEC 61010-1, IEC 60601-1 and GB 4943.1-2011 certifications
  • Meets the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 physical layer standards
    • Support of Classical CAN: 1 Mbps

    • Optimized for CAN FD: 2 and 5 Mbps
  • Integrated DC-DC converter with low-emissions, low-noise
    • Meets CISPR 32 and EN 55032 Class B with greater than 6 dB margin on a two-layer PCB
    • Low frequency power converter at 25 MHz enabling low noise performance
  • Additional 10 Mbps GPIO channel
  • High efficiency output power
    • Typical efficiency: 47%
    • Isolated output voltage accuracy: ± 5%
    • Additional output current: 20 mA
  • Independent power supply for CAN & DC-DC
    • Logic supply (V IO): 1.71 V to 5.5 V
    • Power converter supply ( V DD): 4.5 V to 5.5 V
  • Fault-Protected CAN FD Transceiver
    • DC Bus fault protection voltage: ± 58V
    • Receiver common mode input voltage: ±12 V
    • Remote wakeup via BUS wake-up pattern
  • Typical loop delay: 167 ns
  • Reinforced and Basic isolation options
  • High CMTI: 100-kV/µs (typical)
  • High ESD bus protection w.r.t GND2
    • HBM ESD: ±12 kV
    • IEC 61000-4-2 contact discharge: ±8 kV
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to 125°C
  • Current limit and thermal shutdown
  • 20-pin wide SOIC package
  • Safety-Related Certifications planned:
    • VDE Reinforced and Basic insulation per DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01
    • UL 1577 component recognition program
    • IEC 62368-1, IEC 61010-1, IEC 60601-1 and GB 4943.1-2011 certifications

The ISOW1044 device is a galvanically-isolated controller area network (CAN) transceiver with a built-in isolated DC-DC converter that eliminates the need for a separate isolated power supply in space-constrained isolated designs. The low-emissions, isolated DC-DC meets CISPR 32 radiated emissions Class B standard with just two ferrite beads on a simple two-layer PCB. Additional 20 mA output current can be used to power other circuits on the board. An integrated 10 Mbps GPIO channel is available and can help remove an additional digital isolator or optocoupler for diagnotstics, LED indication or supply monitoring.

The ISOW1044 device is a galvanically-isolated controller area network (CAN) transceiver with a built-in isolated DC-DC converter that eliminates the need for a separate isolated power supply in space-constrained isolated designs. The low-emissions, isolated DC-DC meets CISPR 32 radiated emissions Class B standard with just two ferrite beads on a simple two-layer PCB. Additional 20 mA output current can be used to power other circuits on the board. An integrated 10 Mbps GPIO channel is available and can help remove an additional digital isolator or optocoupler for diagnotstics, LED indication or supply monitoring.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 18
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet ISOW1044 Isolated CAN FD Transceiver with Integrated Low-Emissions, Low-Noise, High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2021年 11月 8日
Certificate VDE Certificate for Reinforced Isolation for DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (Rev. W) 2025年 3月 4日
Certificate VDE Certificate for Basic Isolation for DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (Rev. X) 2025年 1月 8日
Application note Top Design Questions About Isolated CAN Bus Design (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2024年 10月 24日
White paper 以可靠且經濟實惠的隔離技術解決高電壓設計挑戰 (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2024年 3月 7日
Certificate CQC Certificate for ISOxxDFM (Rev. A) 2023年 3月 27日
Certificate CSA Certificate for ISOW1044xDFM (Rev. A) 2023年 2月 13日
Product overview Isolating a CAN Bus (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023年 1月 13日
Certificate TUV Certificate for Isolation Devices (Rev. K) 2022年 8月 5日
Certificate UL Certificate of Compliance File E181974 Vol 4 Sec 6 (Rev. P) 2022年 8月 5日
Application brief Isolate Your CAN Systems Without Compromising on Performance or Space (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 2022年 8月 4日
White paper Why are Digital Isolators Certified to Meet Electrical Equipment Standards? 2021年 11月 16日
White paper Distance Through Insulation: How Digital Isolators Meet Certification Requiremen PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 11日
Technical article 4 common questions when isolating signal and power PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 1日
Application brief How to Meet CISPR 32 Radiated Emissions Limits With ISOW7741 PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 28日
Application brief Benefits of an Isolated CAN Transceiver with Integrated Power PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 25日
Application brief How to Isolate Signal and Power in Isolated CAN Systems (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 25日
User guide ISOW1044 Reinforced 5-kVrms Isoated CAN Transceiver with Integrated Low-Emission PDF | HTML 2021年 3月 23日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


ISOW1044DFMEVM — 具有整合式 DC-DC 轉換器的 ISOW1044 隔離式 CAN 收發器評估模組

ISOW1044DFMEVM 是採用 20 接腳 WB SOIC 封裝 (封裝代碼 -DFM),具備整合式高效率、低放射 DC-DC 轉換器 ISOW1044,並可評估高效能、5000-VRMS 強化型隔離 CAN 收發器的評估模組 (EVM)。EVM 具備足夠的測試點和跨接器選項,可以最少外部零組件進行裝置評估。

使用指南: PDF | HTML
TI.com 無法提供

ISOW1044 IBIS Model

SLLM489.ZIP (90 KB) - IBIS Model

TIDA-01606 — 11-kW、雙向三相三級 (T 型) 逆變器和 PFC 參考設計

This reference design provides an overview on how to implement a bidirectional three-level, three-phase, SiC-based active front end (AFE) inverter and power factor correction (PFC) stage. The design uses switching frequency up to 90kHz and an LCL output filter to reduce the size of the magnetics. (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-010938 — 具有電池儲能系統的 10kW GaN 型單相串列式逆變器參考設計

此參考設計提供以 GaN 為基礎的單相串列式逆變器在電池儲能系統 (BESS) 中實現雙向電源轉換系統的實作概覽。此設計包含兩個串列輸入,每個輸入可處理多達 10 塊串聯光電 (PV) 面板,並配備可處理 50V 至 500V 電池組的儲能系統連接埠。從串列輸入至 BESS 的額定功率高達 10kW。可配置 DC-AC 轉換器,可在 230V 下支援高達 4.6kW 的單相電網連接。在單一 C2000™ MCU 上執行三個功率級的數位控制。
Design guide: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOIC (DFM) 20 Ultra Librarian


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  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
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