SLOU583A September   2024  – November 2024 OPT101 , OPT3001 , OPT3001-Q1 , OPT3002 , OPT3004 , OPT3005 , OPT3006 , OPT3007 , OPT4001 , OPT4001-Q1 , OPT4003-Q1 , OPT4041 , OPT4048 , OPT4060


  1.   1
  2.   Description
  3.   Features
  4.   4
  5. 1Evaluation Module Overview
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Kit Contents
    3. 1.3 Specifications
  6. 2Quick Start Guide
    1. 2.1 Hardware Setup
    2. 2.2 Software Setup
      1. 2.2.1 Hardware Requirements
      2. 2.2.2 Software Installation
      3. 2.2.3 Launching the LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Software
      4. 2.2.4 Software Operation
        1. LIGHTSOURCE01 GUI
    3. 2.3 LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Light Sensor Calibration
      1. 2.3.1 Mounting and Setup
      2. 2.3.2 Calibration Procedure
  7. 3Software
    1. 3.1 Scripts Window
      1. 3.1.1 Hidden IDE Window
      2. 3.1.2
      3. 3.1.3
  8. 4Serial Commands
    1. 4.1 Latte Command Line
    2. 4.2 Terminal Application
    3. 4.3 List of Commands
  9. 5Hardware Design Files
    1. 5.1 CAD Drawings
  10. 6Compliance Information
    1. 6.1 Compliance and Certifications
  11. 7Additional Information
    1. 7.1 Troubleshooting
      1. 7.1.1 Microsoft Windows 7 Manual Driver Installation
    2. 7.2 Trademarks
  12. 8Revision History

Calibration Procedure

The light illuminating the sensor area is known because the LIGHTSOURCE01EVM can provide a constant and stable output. This information can be used to determine the compensation factor of each unit, where the compensation factor is the lux from the light source divided by the lux read by the sensor. On a production line, the compensation factor can then be stored for each unit in a form of non-volatile memory.

LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Production Line
                    Calibration Figure 2-16 Production Line Calibration

This is also done on the system-level, where implementing dark cover glass and other optical devices like lenses, diffusers, and light guides is desirable in a design. A compensation factor can be calculated in a similar manner to what is obtained for device-level calibration. For more information, see also the Precision labs series: Ambient light sensors web page.