SLUAAY2 December 2024 ISO5451 , ISO5451-Q1 , ISO5452 , ISO5452-Q1 , ISO5851 , ISO5851-Q1 , ISO5852S , ISO5852S-EP , ISO5852S-Q1 , UCC21710 , UCC21710-Q1 , UCC21717-Q1 , UCC21732 , UCC21732-Q1 , UCC21736-Q1 , UCC21737-Q1 , UCC21738-Q1 , UCC21739-Q1 , UCC21750 , UCC21750-Q1 , UCC21755-Q1 , UCC21756-Q1 , UCC21759-Q1
“Failure modes and mechanism analysis of SiC MOSFET under short-circuit conditions” by Xi Jiang, Jun Wang, Jiwu Lu, Jianjun Chen, Xin Yang, Zongjian Li, Chunming Tu, Z. John Shen
“IGBT Failure mechanism and boundary analysis under large current and high temperature turn-off” by Xiao Ma, Yongle Huang and Yifei Luo