SBAA588A April 2024 – January 2025 LM73 , LM75B , LM95071 , TMP100 , TMP101 , TMP102 , TMP103 , TMP104 , TMP107 , TMP1075 , TMP108 , TMP112 , TMP114 , TMP116 , TMP117 , TMP121 , TMP122 , TMP123 , TMP124 , TMP126 , TMP144 , TMP175 , TMP1826 , TMP1827 , TMP275 , TMP400 , TMP401 , TMP411 , TMP421 , TMP422 , TMP423 , TMP431 , TMP432 , TMP435 , TMP451 , TMP461 , TMP464 , TMP468 , TMP4718 , TMP75 , TMP75B , TMP75C
For more information on the devices referenced in this application note, see also:
For resources on computing and notation mentioned in this application note, see also the following resources:
For resources on specific programming languages used to convert temperature data, see also the following resources: