Verstärkt isolierter Präzisions-Strommessmodulator mit ±50 mV Eingang und 10-MHz-int-Takt
- Pin-compatible family optimized for shunt-resistor-based current measurements:
- ±50mV or ±250mV input voltage ranges
- Manchester-coded or uncoded bitstream options
- 10MHz and 20MHz clock options
- Excellent DC performance:
- Offset error: ±50µV or ±100µV (max)
- Offset drift: ±1µV/°C (max)
- Gain error: ±0.2% (max)
- Gain drift: ±40ppm/°C (max)
- Transient immunity: 100kV/µs (typ)
- System-level diagnostic features
- Safety-related certifications:
- 7000VPK reinforced isolation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
- 5000VRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL1577
- CAN/CSA no. 5A-component acceptance service notice and IEC 62368-1 end equipment standard
- Fully specified over the extended industrial temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
The AMC1303 (AMC1303x0510, AMC1303x0520, AMC1303x2510, and AMC1303x2520) is a family of precision, isolated delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulators. The output is separated from the input circuitry by a capacitive isolation barrier that is highly resistant to magnetic interference. This barrier is certified to provide reinforced isolation of up to 7000VPK according to the DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17) and UL1577 standards, and supports a working voltage up to 1.5kVRMS
The input of the AMC1303 device is optimized for direct connection to shunt resistors or other, low-impedance signal sources. The small size, high DC accuracy, low temperature drift, and high common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) support accurate isolated current sensing in noisy high-voltage applications.
The output bitstream of the AMC1303 is synchronized to the internally generated clock and is Manchester coded (AMC1303Ex) or uncoded (AMC1303Mx). Combined with a digital low-pass filter (such as a Sinc-filter) the device achieves 85dB of dynamic range at an effective output data rate of 78kSPS.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.
AMC1303EVM — AMC1303 kleiner, hochpräziser, verstärkter isolierter Modulator – Evaluierungsmodul
SBAR010 — Delta Sigma Modulator Filter Calculator
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