Mit Qi (WPC) kompatibler hochintegrierter sekundärseitiger Li-Ion-Direktlader.
- Single-Stage Wireless Power Receiver
and Li-Ion/Li-Pol Battery Charger- Combines Wireless Power Receiver, Rectifier, and Battery Charger in a Single, Small Package
- 4.20-V, 4.35-V, and 4.40-V Output Voltage Options
- Supports a Charging Current up to 1.5 A
- 93% Peak AC-DC Charging Efficiency
- Robust Architecture
- 20-V Maximum Input Voltage Tolerance,
With Input Overvoltage Protection - Thermal Shutdown and Overcurrent Protection
- Temperature Monitoring and Fault Detection
- 20-V Maximum Input Voltage Tolerance,
- Compatible With WPC v1.2 Qi Industry Standard
- Power Stage Output Tracks Rectifier and Battery Voltage to Ensure Maximum Efficiency Across the Full Charge Cycle
- Available in Small DSGBA and VQFN Packages
The bq5105x device is a high-efficiency, Qi-compliant wireless power receiver with an integrated Li-Ion/Li-Pol battery charge controller for portable applications. The bq5105xB devices provide efficient AC-DC power conversion, integrates the digital controller required to comply with Qi v1.2 communication protocol, and provides all necessary control algorithms needed for efficient and safe Li-Ion and Li-Pol battery charging. Together with the bq500212A transmitter-side controller, the bq5105x enables a complete wireless power transfer system for direct battery charger solutions. By using near-field inductive power transfer, the receiver coil embedded in the portable device can pick up the power transmitted by transmitter coil. The AC signal from the receiver coil is then rectified and conditioned to apply power directly to the battery. Global feedback is established from the receiver to the transmitter to stabilize the power transfer process. This feedback is established by using the Qi v1.2 communication protocol.
The bq5105xB devices integrate a low-impedance synchronous rectifier, low-dropout regulator (LDO), digital control, charger controller, and accurate voltage and current loops in a single package. The entire power stage (rectifier and LDO) use low-resistance N-MOSFETs (100-mΩ typical Rdson) to ensure high efficiency and low power dissipation.
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SLUC629 — BQ5105XB NTC Calculator Tool
Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware
TIDA-00669 — Referenzdesign für drahtloses Ladegerät/BoosterPack mit 500 mA und Ladestandsmessung
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
DSBGA (YFP) | 28 | Ultra Librarian |
VQFN (RHL) | 20 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
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- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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