
Number of series cells (min) 6 Vin (max) (V) 80 Features Cell balancing, Integrated ADC, Multi-cell support, Open-wire detection, Overtemperature protection, Overvoltage protection, Separate MCU requirement, Stackable (built-in interface), Temperature sensing, Undertemperature protection, Undervoltage protection Device type Cell monitor and balancer Number of series cells (max) 14 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Automotive Battery overvoltage protection (min) (V) 2.7 Battery overvoltage protection (max) (V) 4.5 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Communication interface UART Operating current (typ) (µA) 9000
Number of series cells (min) 6 Vin (max) (V) 80 Features Cell balancing, Integrated ADC, Multi-cell support, Open-wire detection, Overtemperature protection, Overvoltage protection, Separate MCU requirement, Stackable (built-in interface), Temperature sensing, Undertemperature protection, Undervoltage protection Device type Cell monitor and balancer Number of series cells (max) 14 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Automotive Battery overvoltage protection (min) (V) 2.7 Battery overvoltage protection (max) (V) 4.5 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Communication interface UART Operating current (typ) (µA) 9000
HTQFP (PAP) 64 144 mm² 12 x 12
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature range
    • Device HBM ESD classification level 2
    • Device CDM ESD classification level C4B
  • Functional Safety-Compliant
  • +/- 1.5mV ADC accuracy
  • Pin-package and software compatible device family:
    • Stackable monitor 16S (BQ79616-Q1, BQ79616H-Q1, BQ79656-Q1) , 14S (BQ79614-Q1, BQ79654-Q1), and 12S (BQ79612-Q1, BQ79652-Q1)
    • Standalone monitor 48 V system (BQ75614-Q1)
  • Supports current-sense measurement
  • Direct support on fuse and relay open and close diagnostics
  • Built-in redundancy path for voltage and temperature and current diagnostics
  • Highly accurate cell voltage measurements within 128 µs for all cell channels
  • Integrated post-ADC configurable digital low-pass filters
  • Built-in host-controlled hardware reset to emulate POR-like device reset
  • Supports internal cell balancing
    • Balancing current at 240 mA
    • Built-in balancing thermal management with automatic pause and resume control
  • 5 V LDO output to power external digital isolator
  • UART host interface
  • Built-in SPI master
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature range
    • Device HBM ESD classification level 2
    • Device CDM ESD classification level C4B
  • Functional Safety-Compliant
  • +/- 1.5mV ADC accuracy
  • Pin-package and software compatible device family:
    • Stackable monitor 16S (BQ79616-Q1, BQ79616H-Q1, BQ79656-Q1) , 14S (BQ79614-Q1, BQ79654-Q1), and 12S (BQ79612-Q1, BQ79652-Q1)
    • Standalone monitor 48 V system (BQ75614-Q1)
  • Supports current-sense measurement
  • Direct support on fuse and relay open and close diagnostics
  • Built-in redundancy path for voltage and temperature and current diagnostics
  • Highly accurate cell voltage measurements within 128 µs for all cell channels
  • Integrated post-ADC configurable digital low-pass filters
  • Built-in host-controlled hardware reset to emulate POR-like device reset
  • Supports internal cell balancing
    • Balancing current at 240 mA
    • Built-in balancing thermal management with automatic pause and resume control
  • 5 V LDO output to power external digital isolator
  • UART host interface
  • Built-in SPI master

The BQ75614-Q1 device provides high-accuracy cell voltage measurements up to 16S battery modules in less than 200 µs while these devices also support shunt-resistor current sense measurement. The integrated front-end filters enable the system to implement with simple, low voltage rated, differential RC filters on the cell input channels. The integrated, post-ADC, low-pass filters enable filtered, DC-like, voltage measurements. This device also supports integrated current sensing capabilities with option to synchronize with cell voltage measurements for better state of charge (SOC) calculation. The device supports autonomous internal cell balancing with temperature monitoring to auto-pause and resume balancing to avoid an overtemperature condition.

This device also includes eight GPIOs or auxiliary inputs that can be used for external thermistor measurements.

Host communication to the BQ75614-Q1 can be connected via the device’s dedicated UART interface.

All references to the BQ79616-Q1 device also apply to the BQ79616H-Q1 device.

The BQ75614-Q1 device provides high-accuracy cell voltage measurements up to 16S battery modules in less than 200 µs while these devices also support shunt-resistor current sense measurement. The integrated front-end filters enable the system to implement with simple, low voltage rated, differential RC filters on the cell input channels. The integrated, post-ADC, low-pass filters enable filtered, DC-like, voltage measurements. This device also supports integrated current sensing capabilities with option to synchronize with cell voltage measurements for better state of charge (SOC) calculation. The device supports autonomous internal cell balancing with temperature monitoring to auto-pause and resume balancing to avoid an overtemperature condition.

This device also includes eight GPIOs or auxiliary inputs that can be used for external thermistor measurements.

Host communication to the BQ75614-Q1 can be connected via the device’s dedicated UART interface.

All references to the BQ79616-Q1 device also apply to the BQ79616H-Q1 device.

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BQ75614EVM-021 — Evaluierungsmodul für Präzisionsmonitor mit integriertem Hardwareschutz und Strommessung

Das BQ75614EVM ist ein Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) für den BQ75614-Q1. Der BQ75614-Q1 bietet hochgenaue, Zellspannungsmessungen für 6 bis 14 Batteriezellen. Mit dem integrierten Stromüberwachungs-ADC ist der BQ75614-Q1-Baustein in der Lage, hochpräzise Strommessungen für die Berechnung des (...)
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Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

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BQ75614-Q1 16-S-Präzisionsbatteriemonitor, Balancer und ASIL-D-konformer Stromsensor für die Automobilindustrie BQ79616-Q1 16-S-Präzisions-Batteriemonitor, Balancer und integrierter Protektor für die Automobilindustrie mit BQ79614-Q1 14-S-Präzisionsbatteriemonitor, Balancer und ASIL-D-konformer Stromsensor für die Automobilindustrie BQ79612-Q1 12-S-Präzisionsbatteriemonitor, Balancer und ASIL-D-konformer Stromsensor für die Automobilindustrie BQ79616H-Q1 16-S-Präzisionsbatteriemonitor, Balancer und ASIL-D-konformer Stromsensor für die Automobilindustrie BQ79631-Q1 Monitor für Hochspannungsakkupakete für die Automobilindustrie mit Sensoren für Spannung, Strom und

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