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DAC53001 AKTIV Intelligenter 10-Bit-, 1-Kanal-DAC mit energieeffizientem Spannungs-/Stromausgang und Hi-Z, EEPROM u Smaller power consumption (35uA)
DAC53701 AKTIV 1-kanaliger intelligenter DAC, 10 Bit, Spannungsausgang, mit Hi-Z, EEPROM, Wellenformgenerator, Komp Smaller package (2x2 mm SON)


Resolution (Bits) 10 Number of DAC channels 1 Interface type I2C Output type Buffered Voltage Output voltage range (V) 0 to 5.5 INL (max) (±LSB) 2 Settling time (µs) 6 Reference type Ext Architecture String Rating Catalog Features Low Power Sample/update rate (Msps) 0.18 Power consumption (typ) (mW) 0.38 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Product type General-purpose DAC
Resolution (Bits) 10 Number of DAC channels 1 Interface type I2C Output type Buffered Voltage Output voltage range (V) 0 to 5.5 INL (max) (±LSB) 2 Settling time (µs) 6 Reference type Ext Architecture String Rating Catalog Features Low Power Sample/update rate (Msps) 0.18 Power consumption (typ) (mW) 0.38 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Product type General-purpose DAC
SOT-23-THN (DDC) 6 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8 WSON (NGF) 6 5.5 mm² 2.5 x 2.2
  • Ensured Monotonicity to 10-bits
  • Low Power Operation: 156-µA maximum at 3.3 V
  • Extended Power Supply Range (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
  • I2C-Compatible 2-Wire Interface Which Supports
    Standard (100-kHz), Fast (400-kHz), and High-
    Speed (3.4-MHz) Modes
  • Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output
  • Very Small Package
  • DAC101C081Q is AEC Q100 Grade 1 Qualified
    and Manufactured on Automotive Grade Flow
  • Resolution: 10 Bits
  • INL: ±2 LSB (Maximum)
  • DNL: +0.3/–0.2 LSB (Maximum)
  • Setting Time: 6-µs (Maximum)
  • Zero Code Error: +10-mV (Maximum)
  • Full-Scale Error: –0.7 %FS (Maximum)
  • Supply Power (Normal): 380-µW (3-V) / 730-µW
    (5-V) Typical
  • Supply Power (Power Down): 0.5-µW (3-V) / 0.9-
    µW (5-V) Typical
  • Ensured Monotonicity to 10-bits
  • Low Power Operation: 156-µA maximum at 3.3 V
  • Extended Power Supply Range (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
  • I2C-Compatible 2-Wire Interface Which Supports
    Standard (100-kHz), Fast (400-kHz), and High-
    Speed (3.4-MHz) Modes
  • Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output
  • Very Small Package
  • DAC101C081Q is AEC Q100 Grade 1 Qualified
    and Manufactured on Automotive Grade Flow
  • Resolution: 10 Bits
  • INL: ±2 LSB (Maximum)
  • DNL: +0.3/–0.2 LSB (Maximum)
  • Setting Time: 6-µs (Maximum)
  • Zero Code Error: +10-mV (Maximum)
  • Full-Scale Error: –0.7 %FS (Maximum)
  • Supply Power (Normal): 380-µW (3-V) / 730-µW
    (5-V) Typical
  • Supply Power (Power Down): 0.5-µW (3-V) / 0.9-
    µW (5-V) Typical

The DAC101C081 device is a 10-bit, single channel, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that operates from a 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply. The output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing and has an 6-µsec settling time. The DAC101C081 uses the supply voltage as the reference to provide the widest dynamic output range and typically consumes 132 µA while operating at 5.0 V. It is available in 6-lead SOT and WSON packages and provides three address options (pin selectable).

As an alternative, the DAC101C085 provides nine I2C™ addressing options and uses an external reference. It has the same performance and settling time as the DAC101C081 and is available in an 8-lead VSSOP.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 use a 2-wire, I2C-compatible serial interface that operates in all three speed modes, including high speed mode (3.4 MHz). An external address selection pin allows up to three DAC101C081 or nine DAC101C085 devices per 2-wire bus. Pin compatible alternatives to the DAC101C081 are available that provide additional address options.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 each have a 16-bit register that controls the mode of operation, the power-down condition, and the output voltage. A power-on reset circuit ensures that the DAC output powers up to zero volts. A power-down feature reduces power consumption to less than a microWatt. Their low power consumption and small packages make these DACs an excellent choice for use in battery operated equipment. Each DAC operates over the extended industrial temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 are each part of a family of pin compatible DACs that also provide 12 and 8 bit resolution. For 12-bit DACs see the DAC121C081 and DAC121C085. For 8-bit DACs see the DAC081C081 and DAC081C085.

The DAC101C081 device is a 10-bit, single channel, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that operates from a 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply. The output amplifier allows rail-to-rail output swing and has an 6-µsec settling time. The DAC101C081 uses the supply voltage as the reference to provide the widest dynamic output range and typically consumes 132 µA while operating at 5.0 V. It is available in 6-lead SOT and WSON packages and provides three address options (pin selectable).

As an alternative, the DAC101C085 provides nine I2C™ addressing options and uses an external reference. It has the same performance and settling time as the DAC101C081 and is available in an 8-lead VSSOP.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 use a 2-wire, I2C-compatible serial interface that operates in all three speed modes, including high speed mode (3.4 MHz). An external address selection pin allows up to three DAC101C081 or nine DAC101C085 devices per 2-wire bus. Pin compatible alternatives to the DAC101C081 are available that provide additional address options.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 each have a 16-bit register that controls the mode of operation, the power-down condition, and the output voltage. A power-on reset circuit ensures that the DAC output powers up to zero volts. A power-down feature reduces power consumption to less than a microWatt. Their low power consumption and small packages make these DACs an excellent choice for use in battery operated equipment. Each DAC operates over the extended industrial temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

The DAC101C081 and DAC101C085 are each part of a family of pin compatible DACs that also provide 12 and 8 bit resolution. For 12-bit DACs see the DAC121C081 and DAC121C085. For 8-bit DACs see the DAC081C081 and DAC081C085.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DAC101C08xx 10-Bit Micro Power Digital-to-Analog Converter With an I2C-Compatible Interface datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Nov 2015
Application note A Basic Guide to I2C PDF | HTML 08 Nov 2022
Application note AN-2001 Daisy Chaining Precision DACs (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
User guide 8/10/12-Bit Micro Power D/A Converter with I2C Interface Eval Bd User Guide 25 Jan 2012

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