

Haptischer Treiber für ERM/LRA mit 2-V-Betrieb, Wellenformbibliothek und automatischer Resonanzverfo


Haptic actuator type ERM, LRA Features Integrated haptic effects, Smart loop Input signal Analog, I2C, PWM Vs (min) (V) 2 Vs (max) (V) 5.2 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Peak-to-peak output voltage (max) (V) 10.4 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.5 Shutdown current (ISD) (µA) 4 Startup time (ms) 0.7 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Rating Automotive
Haptic actuator type ERM, LRA Features Integrated haptic effects, Smart loop Input signal Analog, I2C, PWM Vs (min) (V) 2 Vs (max) (V) 5.2 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Peak-to-peak output voltage (max) (V) 10.4 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.5 Shutdown current (ISD) (µA) 4 Startup time (ms) 0.7 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Rating Automotive
VSSOP (DGS) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified with the Following Results:
    • Device Temperature Grade 2: –40°C to 105°C
    • Device HBM ESD Classification Level 1B
    • Device CDM ESD Classification Level C6
  • Flexible Haptic and Vibration Driver
    • LRA (Linear Resonance Actuator)
    • ERM (Eccentric Rotating Mass)
  • I2C-Controlled Digital Playback Engine
    • Waveform Sequencer and Trigger
    • Real-Time Playback Mode through I2C
    • I2C Dual-Mode Drive (Open and Closed Loop)
  • Smart-Loop Architecture (Patent Pending Control Algorithm)
    • Automatic Overdrive and Braking
    • Automatic Resonance Tracking and Reporting (LRA Only)
    • Automatic Actuator Diagnostic
    • Automatic Level Calibration
    • Wide Support for Actuator Models
  • Licensed Immersion TouchSense® 2200 Features:
    • Integrated Immersion Effect Library
    • Audio-to-Vibe
  • Drive Compensation Over Battery Discharge
  • Wide Voltage Operation (2 V to 5.2 V)
  • Efficient Differential Switching Output Drive
  • PWM Input with 0% to 100% Duty-Cycle Control Range
  • Hardware Trigger Input
  • Fast Startup Time
  • 1.8-V Compatible, VDD-Tolerant Digital Interface
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified with the Following Results:
    • Device Temperature Grade 2: –40°C to 105°C
    • Device HBM ESD Classification Level 1B
    • Device CDM ESD Classification Level C6
  • Flexible Haptic and Vibration Driver
    • LRA (Linear Resonance Actuator)
    • ERM (Eccentric Rotating Mass)
  • I2C-Controlled Digital Playback Engine
    • Waveform Sequencer and Trigger
    • Real-Time Playback Mode through I2C
    • I2C Dual-Mode Drive (Open and Closed Loop)
  • Smart-Loop Architecture (Patent Pending Control Algorithm)
    • Automatic Overdrive and Braking
    • Automatic Resonance Tracking and Reporting (LRA Only)
    • Automatic Actuator Diagnostic
    • Automatic Level Calibration
    • Wide Support for Actuator Models
  • Licensed Immersion TouchSense® 2200 Features:
    • Integrated Immersion Effect Library
    • Audio-to-Vibe
  • Drive Compensation Over Battery Discharge
  • Wide Voltage Operation (2 V to 5.2 V)
  • Efficient Differential Switching Output Drive
  • PWM Input with 0% to 100% Duty-Cycle Control Range
  • Hardware Trigger Input
  • Fast Startup Time
  • 1.8-V Compatible, VDD-Tolerant Digital Interface

The DRV2605L-Q1 device is an automotive haptic driver that includes a haptic-effect library and provides a closed-loop actuator-control system for high-quality tactile feedback for ERM and LRA. This schema helps improve actuator performance in terms of acceleration consistency, start time, and brake time and is accessible through a shared I2C compatible bus or PWM input signal.

The DRV2605L-Q1 device offers a licensed version of TouchSense 2200 software from Immersion which eliminates the requirement to design haptic waveforms because the software includes over 100 licensed effects (6 ERM libraries and 1 LRA library) and audio-to-vibe features.

Additionally, the real-time playback mode allows the host processor to bypass the library playback engine and play waveforms directly from the host through I2C.

The smart-loop architecture inside the DRV2605L-Q1 device allows simple auto-resonant drive for the LRA as well as feedback-optimized ERM drive allowing for automatic overdrive and braking. The smart-loop architecture creates a simplified input waveform interface as well as reliable motor control and consistent motor performance. The DRV2605L-Q1 also allows for open-loop driving through the use of internally-generated PWM. Additionally, the audio-to-vibe mode automatically converts an audio input signal to meaningful tactile effects.

For an important notice regarding Immersion software, see the Legal Notice section.

The DRV2605L-Q1 device is an automotive haptic driver that includes a haptic-effect library and provides a closed-loop actuator-control system for high-quality tactile feedback for ERM and LRA. This schema helps improve actuator performance in terms of acceleration consistency, start time, and brake time and is accessible through a shared I2C compatible bus or PWM input signal.

The DRV2605L-Q1 device offers a licensed version of TouchSense 2200 software from Immersion which eliminates the requirement to design haptic waveforms because the software includes over 100 licensed effects (6 ERM libraries and 1 LRA library) and audio-to-vibe features.

Additionally, the real-time playback mode allows the host processor to bypass the library playback engine and play waveforms directly from the host through I2C.

The smart-loop architecture inside the DRV2605L-Q1 device allows simple auto-resonant drive for the LRA as well as feedback-optimized ERM drive allowing for automatic overdrive and braking. The smart-loop architecture creates a simplified input waveform interface as well as reliable motor control and consistent motor performance. The DRV2605L-Q1 also allows for open-loop driving through the use of internally-generated PWM. Additionally, the audio-to-vibe mode automatically converts an audio input signal to meaningful tactile effects.

For an important notice regarding Immersion software, see the Legal Notice section.

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DRV2605L AKTIV Haptischer Treiber für ERM/LRA mit 2-V-Betrieb, Wellenformbibliothek und automatischer Resonanzverfo Catalog version

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DRV2605L-Q1 Automotive Haptic Driver for LRA and ERM With Effect Library and Sma datasheet (Rev. B) 23 Apr 2018
Application note Benefits of Auto-Resonance Tracking (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 11 Nov 2021
Application note Haptic Energy Consumption (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 28 Sep 2021
Application note Piezo Haptics With Integrated Waveforms: DRV2605L-Q1 and DRV2700 27 Sep 2017
Technical article Four tech trends that improve the driver experience PDF | HTML 06 Jan 2017
User guide DRV2605L Multi-Driver ERM, LRA Haptics Evaluation Kit 17 Nov 2014
Application note LRA Actuators: How to Move Them? 03 Nov 2014
User guide DRV2605LDGS Haptic Driver Mini Board 13 Aug 2014
User guide DRV2605L ERM and LRA Haptic Driver Evaluation Kit (Rev. A) 10 Jun 2014

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