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DRV8904-Q1 AKTIV Automotive, 40V, 6A 4 channel half-bridge motor driver with advanced diagnostics Increased voltage range (40V), more current (6A), smaller package size, advanced diagnostics


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
PDIP (NE) 16 180.972 mm² 19.8 x 9.14
  • 1-A Output-Current Capability Per Driver
  • Applications Include Half-H and Full-H Solenoid Drivers and Motor Drivers
  • Designed for Positive-Supply Applications
  • Wide Supply-Voltage Range of 4.5 V to 36 V
  • TTL- and CMOS-Compatible High-Impedance Diode-Clamped Inputs
  • Separate Input-Logic Supply
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • Internal ESD Protection
  • Input Hysteresis Improves Noise Immunity
  • 3-State Outputs
  • Minimized Power Dissipation
  • Sink/Source Interlock Circuitry Prevents Simultaneous Conduction
  • No Output Glitch During Power Up or Power Down
  • Improved Functional Replacement for the SGS L293
  • 1-A Output-Current Capability Per Driver
  • Applications Include Half-H and Full-H Solenoid Drivers and Motor Drivers
  • Designed for Positive-Supply Applications
  • Wide Supply-Voltage Range of 4.5 V to 36 V
  • TTL- and CMOS-Compatible High-Impedance Diode-Clamped Inputs
  • Separate Input-Logic Supply
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • Internal ESD Protection
  • Input Hysteresis Improves Noise Immunity
  • 3-State Outputs
  • Minimized Power Dissipation
  • Sink/Source Interlock Circuitry Prevents Simultaneous Conduction
  • No Output Glitch During Power Up or Power Down
  • Improved Functional Replacement for the SGS L293

The SN754410 is a quadruple high-current half-H driver designed to provide bidirectional drive currents up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. The device is designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in positive-supply applications.

All inputs are compatible with TTL-and low-level CMOS logic. Each output (Y) is a complete totem-pole driver with a Darlington transistor sink and a pseudo-Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs with drivers 1 and 2 enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is high, the associated drivers are enabled and their outputs become active and in phase with their inputs. When the enable input is low, those drivers are disabled and their outputs are off and in a high-impedance state. With the proper data inputs, each pair of drivers form a full-H (or bridge) reversible drive suitable for solenoid or motor applications.

A separate supply voltage (VCC1) is provided for the logic input circuits to minimize device power dissipation. Supply voltage VCC2 is used for the output circuits.

The SN754410 is designed for operation from −40°C to 85°C.

The SN754410 is a quadruple high-current half-H driver designed to provide bidirectional drive currents up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. The device is designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in positive-supply applications.

All inputs are compatible with TTL-and low-level CMOS logic. Each output (Y) is a complete totem-pole driver with a Darlington transistor sink and a pseudo-Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs with drivers 1 and 2 enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is high, the associated drivers are enabled and their outputs become active and in phase with their inputs. When the enable input is low, those drivers are disabled and their outputs are off and in a high-impedance state. With the proper data inputs, each pair of drivers form a full-H (or bridge) reversible drive suitable for solenoid or motor applications.

A separate supply voltage (VCC1) is provided for the logic input circuits to minimize device power dissipation. Supply voltage VCC2 is used for the output circuits.

The SN754410 is designed for operation from −40°C to 85°C.


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* Data sheet SN754410 Quadruple Half-H Driver datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 24 Okt 2014

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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