

8-kanaliger Verstärker, extrem geringer Stromverbrauch, variable Verstärkung, mit rauscharmem Vorver

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PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 8 Vs (min) (V) 3.14 Vs (max) (V) 3.47 BW at Acl (MHz) 55 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 10 Gain (max) (dB) 51 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 8 Vs (min) (V) 3.14 Vs (max) (V) 3.47 BW at Acl (MHz) 55 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 10 Gain (max) (dB) 51 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGC) 64 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • Ultralow Power: 65mW/Channel
  • Low Noise: 0.8nV/Hz
  • Low-Noise Pre-Amp (LNP):
    • 20dB Fixed Gain
    • 250mVPP Linear Input Range
  • Variable Gain Amplifier:
    • Gain Control Range: 46dB
    • Selectable PGA Gain:
      20dB, 25dB, 27dB, 30dB
    • Fast Overload Recovery
    • Output Clamping Control
  • Integrated Low-Pass Filter:
    • Second-Order, Linear Phase
    • Bandwidth: 10MHz, 15MHz
  • High Accuracy:
    • Low Gain Error: ±0.5dB
    • Excellent Channel Matching: ±0.25dB
  • Distortion, HD2: -50dBc at 5MHz
  • Integrated CW Switch Matrix:
    • Easy Current Summing
  • Serial Control Interface
  • Small Package: QFN-64, 9×9mm

PowerPAD Is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

Infineon is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies.

SPI is a trademark of Motorola.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

  • Ultralow Power: 65mW/Channel
  • Low Noise: 0.8nV/Hz
  • Low-Noise Pre-Amp (LNP):
    • 20dB Fixed Gain
    • 250mVPP Linear Input Range
  • Variable Gain Amplifier:
    • Gain Control Range: 46dB
    • Selectable PGA Gain:
      20dB, 25dB, 27dB, 30dB
    • Fast Overload Recovery
    • Output Clamping Control
  • Integrated Low-Pass Filter:
    • Second-Order, Linear Phase
    • Bandwidth: 10MHz, 15MHz
  • High Accuracy:
    • Low Gain Error: ±0.5dB
    • Excellent Channel Matching: ±0.25dB
  • Distortion, HD2: -50dBc at 5MHz
  • Integrated CW Switch Matrix:
    • Easy Current Summing
  • Serial Control Interface
  • Small Package: QFN-64, 9×9mm

PowerPAD Is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

Infineon is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies.

SPI is a trademark of Motorola.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

The VCA8500 is an 8-channel variable gain amplifier consisting of a low-noise pre-amplifier (LNP) and a variable-gain amplifier (VGA). This combination, along with the device features, makes it ideal for a variety of ultrasound systems.

The LNP gain is fixed at 20dB, and has excellent noise and signal handling characteristics. The gain of the voltage-controlled attenuator can vary over a 46dB range with a 0V to 1.2V control voltage common to all channels of the VCA8500.

The post-gain amplifier (PGA) can be programmed for four gain settings: 20dB, 25dB, 27dB, or 30dB gain. As a means to improve system overload recovery time, the VCA8500 provides an internal clamping function. The PGA settings as well the clamp levels are controlled through the serial interface.

The VCA8500 is built on TI's BiCOM process and is available in a small QFN-64 PowerPAD package.

The VCA8500 is an 8-channel variable gain amplifier consisting of a low-noise pre-amplifier (LNP) and a variable-gain amplifier (VGA). This combination, along with the device features, makes it ideal for a variety of ultrasound systems.

The LNP gain is fixed at 20dB, and has excellent noise and signal handling characteristics. The gain of the voltage-controlled attenuator can vary over a 46dB range with a 0V to 1.2V control voltage common to all channels of the VCA8500.

The post-gain amplifier (PGA) can be programmed for four gain settings: 20dB, 25dB, 27dB, or 30dB gain. As a means to improve system overload recovery time, the VCA8500 provides an internal clamping function. The PGA settings as well the clamp levels are controlled through the serial interface.

The VCA8500 is built on TI's BiCOM process and is available in a small QFN-64 PowerPAD package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet 8-Channel, Ultralow-Power, Variable Gain Amplifier with Low-Noise Pre-Amp datasheet (Rev. A) 19 Mär 2008
User guide VCA8500BOARD (Rev. B) 25 Jan 2013

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VCA8500 8-kanaliger Verstärker, extrem geringer Stromverbrauch, variable Verstärkung, mit rauscharmem Vorver

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