
Applications Wireless infrastructure Number of TXs and RXs 8 TX Number of DUCs per TX 2 Number of DDCs per RX 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
Applications Wireless infrastructure Number of TXs and RXs 8 TX Number of DUCs per TX 2 Number of DDCs per RX 2 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
FCBGA (ABJ) 400 289 mm² 17 x 17 FCBGA (ALK) 400 289 mm² 17 x 17
  • Octal RF sampling 12-GSPS transmit DACs
  • Octal RF sampling 4-GSPS receive ADCs
  • Dual RF sampling 4-GSPS feedback ADCs
  • Maximum RF signal bandwidth:
    • TX/FB: 800 MHz.
      • 1200 MHz in 4-channel mode
    • RX: 400 MHz
      • 800 MHz in 4-channel mode
  • RF frequency range: up to 6GHz
  • Digital Step Attenuators (DSA):
    • TX: 40-dB range, 1-dB analog and 0.125-dB digital steps
    • RX/FB: 31/25-dB range, 1-dB step
  • Single or dual-band DUC/DDCs
  • Dual NCO’s per chain for fast frequency switching
  • Supports TDD operation with fast switching between TX and RX
  • Internal PLL/VCO to generate DAC/ADC clocks
  • Optional external CLK at DAC or ADC rate
  • SerDes data interface:
    • JESD204B and JESD204C
    • 8 SerDes transceivers up to 32.5 Gbps
    • 8b/10b and 64b/66b Encoding
    • 12-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit resolution
    • Subclass 1 multi-device synchronization
  • Package:
    • 17-mm × 17-mm FCBGA, 0.8-mm pitch
  • Octal RF sampling 12-GSPS transmit DACs
  • Octal RF sampling 4-GSPS receive ADCs
  • Dual RF sampling 4-GSPS feedback ADCs
  • Maximum RF signal bandwidth:
    • TX/FB: 800 MHz.
      • 1200 MHz in 4-channel mode
    • RX: 400 MHz
      • 800 MHz in 4-channel mode
  • RF frequency range: up to 6GHz
  • Digital Step Attenuators (DSA):
    • TX: 40-dB range, 1-dB analog and 0.125-dB digital steps
    • RX/FB: 31/25-dB range, 1-dB step
  • Single or dual-band DUC/DDCs
  • Dual NCO’s per chain for fast frequency switching
  • Supports TDD operation with fast switching between TX and RX
  • Internal PLL/VCO to generate DAC/ADC clocks
  • Optional external CLK at DAC or ADC rate
  • SerDes data interface:
    • JESD204B and JESD204C
    • 8 SerDes transceivers up to 32.5 Gbps
    • 8b/10b and 64b/66b Encoding
    • 12-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit resolution
    • Subclass 1 multi-device synchronization
  • Package:
    • 17-mm × 17-mm FCBGA, 0.8-mm pitch

The AFE8030 is a high performance, wide bandwidth multi-channel transceiver, integrating eight RF sampling transmitter chains, eight RF sampling receiver chains and two separate RF front end for the auxiliary chains (feedback paths). The high dynamic range of the transmitter and receiver chains allows generating and receiving 3G, 4G and 5G signals for wireless base stations, while the wide bandwidth capability makes the AFE8030 devices suitable for multi-band 4G and 5G base stations.

Each receiver chain includes a 31-dB range DSA (Digital Step Attenuator), followed by a 4-GSPS ADC (analog-to-digital converter). Each receiver channel has analog peak power detectors and digital peak and power detectors to assist an external or internal autonomous automatic gain controller, and RF overload detectors for device reliability protection. The single or dual digital down converters (DDC) provides up to 400 MHz of combined signal BW in 8-channel mode and 800 MHz in 4-channel mode. In TDD mode, the receiver channel can be configured to dynamically switching between traffic receiver (TDD RX) and wideband feedback receiver (TDD FB), with the capability of re-using the same analog input for both purposes.

Each transmitter chain includes a single or dual digital up converters (DUCs) supporting up to 800-MHz combined signal bandwidth (1200 MHz in 4-channel mode). The output of the DUCs drives a 12-GSPS DAC (digital to analog converter) with a mixed mode output option to enhance 2nd Nyquist operation. The DAC output includes a variable gain amplifier (TX DSA) with 40-dB range and 1-dB analog and 0.125-dB digital steps.

The feedback path includes a 25-dB range DSA driving a 4-GSPS RF sampling ADC, followed by a single wide or dual narrow DDC s with up to combined 800-MHz bandwidth (1200 MHz in 4-channel mode).

The AFE8030 is a high performance, wide bandwidth multi-channel transceiver, integrating eight RF sampling transmitter chains, eight RF sampling receiver chains and two separate RF front end for the auxiliary chains (feedback paths). The high dynamic range of the transmitter and receiver chains allows generating and receiving 3G, 4G and 5G signals for wireless base stations, while the wide bandwidth capability makes the AFE8030 devices suitable for multi-band 4G and 5G base stations.

Each receiver chain includes a 31-dB range DSA (Digital Step Attenuator), followed by a 4-GSPS ADC (analog-to-digital converter). Each receiver channel has analog peak power detectors and digital peak and power detectors to assist an external or internal autonomous automatic gain controller, and RF overload detectors for device reliability protection. The single or dual digital down converters (DDC) provides up to 400 MHz of combined signal BW in 8-channel mode and 800 MHz in 4-channel mode. In TDD mode, the receiver channel can be configured to dynamically switching between traffic receiver (TDD RX) and wideband feedback receiver (TDD FB), with the capability of re-using the same analog input for both purposes.

Each transmitter chain includes a single or dual digital up converters (DUCs) supporting up to 800-MHz combined signal bandwidth (1200 MHz in 4-channel mode). The output of the DUCs drives a 12-GSPS DAC (digital to analog converter) with a mixed mode output option to enhance 2nd Nyquist operation. The DAC output includes a variable gain amplifier (TX DSA) with 40-dB range and 1-dB analog and 0.125-dB digital steps.

The feedback path includes a 25-dB range DSA driving a 4-GSPS RF sampling ADC, followed by a single wide or dual narrow DDC s with up to combined 800-MHz bandwidth (1200 MHz in 4-channel mode).

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Alle anzeigen 5
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet AFE8030 Octal-Channel RF Transceiver with Feedback Paths datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 26 Sep 2022
Application note RF Sampling Resource Guide PDF | HTML 05 Mär 2024
User guide Interfacing AFE7769DEVM With the Hitek Agilex eSOM7 FPGA PDF | HTML 28 Sep 2023
Certificate AFE8030-HBEVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 13 Mär 2023
Application note Temp Profile to Maintain Optimum FIT Performance 23 Jul 2019

Design und Entwicklung

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Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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