
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise
PICOSTAR (YMF) 6 0.7636 mm² 0.92 x 0.83
  • Precision Optical Filtering to Match Human Eye:
    • Rejects > 99% (typ) of IR
  • Automatic Full-Scale Setting Feature Simplifies Software and Provides Optimal Configuration
  • Measurements: 0.01 lux to 83k lux
  • 23-Bit Effective Dynamic Range With Automatic Gain Ranging
  • 12 Binary-Weighted Full-Scale Range Settings: < 0.2% (typ) Matching Between Ranges
  • Low Operating Current: 1.8 µA (typ)
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide Power-Supply Range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/O
  • Flexible Interrupt System
  • Small-Form Factor:
    • 0.856 mm × 0.946 mm × 0.226 mm PicoStar™ Package
  • OPT3006 is Smaller Version of OPT3001
  • Precision Optical Filtering to Match Human Eye:
    • Rejects > 99% (typ) of IR
  • Automatic Full-Scale Setting Feature Simplifies Software and Provides Optimal Configuration
  • Measurements: 0.01 lux to 83k lux
  • 23-Bit Effective Dynamic Range With Automatic Gain Ranging
  • 12 Binary-Weighted Full-Scale Range Settings: < 0.2% (typ) Matching Between Ranges
  • Low Operating Current: 1.8 µA (typ)
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide Power-Supply Range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/O
  • Flexible Interrupt System
  • Small-Form Factor:
    • 0.856 mm × 0.946 mm × 0.226 mm PicoStar™ Package
  • OPT3006 is Smaller Version of OPT3001

The OPT3006 is a single-chip lux meter, measuring the intensity of visible light as seen by the human eye. The OPT3006 is available in an ultra-small PicoStar package, so the device fits into tiny spaces.

The precision spectral response of the sensor tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye. With strong infrared (IR) rejection, the OPT3006 accurately meters the intensity of light as seen by the human eye, regardless of the light source. The strong IR rejection also aids in maintaining high accuracy when design requires mounting the sensor under dark glass. The OPT3006, often in conjunction with backlight ICs or lighting control systems, creates light-based experiences for humans, and is an ideal replacement for photodiodes, photoresistors, or lower-performing ambient light sensors.

Measurements can be made from 0.01 lux up to 83k lux without manually selecting full-scale ranges by using the built-in, full-scale setting feature. This capability allows light measurement over a 23-bit effective dynamic range.

The digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or single-shot. The control and interrupt system features autonomous operation, allowing the processor to sleep while the sensor searches for appropriate wake-up events to report with the interrupt pin. The digital output is reported over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, two-wire serial interface.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT3006 enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

The OPT3006 is a single-chip lux meter, measuring the intensity of visible light as seen by the human eye. The OPT3006 is available in an ultra-small PicoStar package, so the device fits into tiny spaces.

The precision spectral response of the sensor tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye. With strong infrared (IR) rejection, the OPT3006 accurately meters the intensity of light as seen by the human eye, regardless of the light source. The strong IR rejection also aids in maintaining high accuracy when design requires mounting the sensor under dark glass. The OPT3006, often in conjunction with backlight ICs or lighting control systems, creates light-based experiences for humans, and is an ideal replacement for photodiodes, photoresistors, or lower-performing ambient light sensors.

Measurements can be made from 0.01 lux up to 83k lux without manually selecting full-scale ranges by using the built-in, full-scale setting feature. This capability allows light measurement over a 23-bit effective dynamic range.

The digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or single-shot. The control and interrupt system features autonomous operation, allowing the processor to sleep while the sensor searches for appropriate wake-up events to report with the interrupt pin. The digital output is reported over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, two-wire serial interface.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT3006 enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

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Alle anzeigen 6
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet OPT3006 Ultra-Thin Ambient Light Sensor datasheet PDF | HTML 20 Okt 2016
EVM User's guide LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Light Source EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 20 Nov 2024
Application brief How to Select a Light Sensor for Your Application (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 19 Jan 2024
Application note Standalone Evaluation Platform for TI Light Sensors (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 21 Jul 2023
Application brief OPT3006: Ambient Light Sensor in Wearable Applications 27 Jul 2017
EVM User's guide OPT3006EVM User's Guide 19 Okt 2016

Design und Entwicklung

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Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

OPT3006EVM — OPT3006 digitaler Umgebungslichtsensor (ALS) mit hochpräziser Reaktion auf das menschliche Auge – Ev

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Treiber oder Bibliothek

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Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

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