Zero-Drift, 100-µV-Offset, 12-nV/√Hz-Rauschen, programmierbarer RRO-Verstärker (Scope-Gain) mit 2-Ka
- Rail-to-Rail Input and Output
- Offset: 25 µV (Typical), 100 µV
(Maximum) - Zerø Drift: 0.35 µV/°C (Typical), 1.2 µV/°C
(Maximum) - Low Noise: 12 nV/√Hz
- Input Offset Current: ±5 nA Maximum (25°C)
- Gain Error: 0.1% Maximum (G ≥ 32),
0.3% Maximum (G > 32) - Binary Gains: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (PGA112,
PGA116) - Scope Gains: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200
(PGA113, PGA117) - Gain Switching Time: 200 ns
- 2 Channel MUX: PGA112, PGA113
10 Channel MUX: PGA116, PGA117 - Four Internal Calibration Channels
- Amplifier Optimized for Driving CDAC ADCs
- Output Swing: 50 mV to Supply Rails
- AVDD and DVDD for Mixed Voltage Systems
- IQ = 1.1 mA (Typical)
- Software and Hardware Shutdown: IQ ≤ 4 µA
(Typical) - Temperature Range: –40°C to 125°C
- SPI™ Interface (10 MHz) With Daisy-Chain
The PGA112 and PGA113 devices (binary and scope gains) offer two analog inputs, a three-pin SPI interface, and software shutdown in a 10-pin, VSSOP package. The PGA116 and PGA117 (binary and scope gains) offer 10 analog inputs, a SPI interface with daisy-chain capability, and hardware and software shutdown in a 20-pin TSSOP package.
All versions provide internal calibration channels for system-level calibration. The channels are tied to GND, 0.9 VCAL, 0.1 VCAL, and VREF, respectively. VCAL, an external voltage connected to Channel 0, is used as the system calibration reference. Binary gains are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128; scope gains are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200.
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