Präzisions-Verstärker mit CMOS-Eingang, RRIO, großer Versorgungsspannungsbereich

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Ähnliche Funktionalität wie verglichener Baustein
LMP7721 AKTIV 3 Präzisions-Stromverstärker mit Femtoampere-Eingangs-Bias Designs can achieve better performance


Number of channels 1 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 0.2 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 1 Input bias current (max) (pA) 1 GBW (typ) (MHz) 2.5 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1.1 Rail-to-rail In, Out Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.715 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 9 CMRR (typ) (dB) 130 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout (typ) (A) 0.066 Architecture CMOS Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.2 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) 0.2 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.06 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.05 THD + N at 1 kHz (typ) (%) 0.02
Number of channels 1 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 0.2 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 1 Input bias current (max) (pA) 1 GBW (typ) (MHz) 2.5 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1.1 Rail-to-rail In, Out Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.715 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 9 CMRR (typ) (dB) 130 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout (typ) (A) 0.066 Architecture CMOS Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.2 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) 0.2 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.06 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.05 THD + N at 1 kHz (typ) (%) 0.02
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Renewable Energy Grade
  • Unless Otherwise noted, Typical values at
    VS = 5V

  • Input Offset Voltage ±200 µV (max)
  • Input Bias Current ±200 fA
  • Input Voltage Noise 9 nV/√Hz
  • CMRR 130 dB
  • Open Loop Gain 130 dB
  • Temperature Range −40°C to 125°C
  • Unity Gain Bandwidth 2.5 MHz
  • Supply Current (SM72501) 715 µA
  • Supply Voltage Range 2.7V to 12V
  • Rail-to-rail Input and Output

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Renewable Energy Grade
  • Unless Otherwise noted, Typical values at
    VS = 5V

  • Input Offset Voltage ±200 µV (max)
  • Input Bias Current ±200 fA
  • Input Voltage Noise 9 nV/√Hz
  • CMRR 130 dB
  • Open Loop Gain 130 dB
  • Temperature Range −40°C to 125°C
  • Unity Gain Bandwidth 2.5 MHz
  • Supply Current (SM72501) 715 µA
  • Supply Voltage Range 2.7V to 12V
  • Rail-to-rail Input and Output

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The SM72501 is a low offset voltage, rail-to-rail input and output precision amplifier with a CMOS input stage and a wide supply voltage range. The SM72501 is ideal for sensor interface and other instrumentation applications.

The low offset voltage of less than ±200 µV along with the low input bias current of less than ±1 pA makes the SM72501 ideal for precision applications. The SM72501 is built utilizing VIP50 technology, which allows the combination of a CMOS input stage and a 12V common mode and supply voltage range. This makes the SM72501 a great choice in many applications where conventional CMOS parts cannot operate under the desired voltage conditions.

The SM72501 has a rail-to-rail input stage that significantly reduces the CMRR glitch commonly associated with rail-to-rail input amplifiers. This is achieved by trimming both sides of the complimentary input stage, thereby reducing the difference between the NMOS and PMOS offsets. The output of the SM72501 swings within 40 mV of either rail to maximize the signal dynamic range in applications requiring low supply voltage.

The SM72501 is offered in the space saving 5-Pin SOT-23. This small package is an ideal solution for area constrained PC boards and portable electronics.

The SM72501 is a low offset voltage, rail-to-rail input and output precision amplifier with a CMOS input stage and a wide supply voltage range. The SM72501 is ideal for sensor interface and other instrumentation applications.

The low offset voltage of less than ±200 µV along with the low input bias current of less than ±1 pA makes the SM72501 ideal for precision applications. The SM72501 is built utilizing VIP50 technology, which allows the combination of a CMOS input stage and a 12V common mode and supply voltage range. This makes the SM72501 a great choice in many applications where conventional CMOS parts cannot operate under the desired voltage conditions.

The SM72501 has a rail-to-rail input stage that significantly reduces the CMRR glitch commonly associated with rail-to-rail input amplifiers. This is achieved by trimming both sides of the complimentary input stage, thereby reducing the difference between the NMOS and PMOS offsets. The output of the SM72501 swings within 40 mV of either rail to maximize the signal dynamic range in applications requiring low supply voltage.

The SM72501 is offered in the space saving 5-Pin SOT-23. This small package is an ideal solution for area constrained PC boards and portable electronics.


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* Data sheet SM72501 Precision, CMOS Input, RRIO, Wide Supply Range Amplifier datasheet (Rev. C) 05 Apr 2013

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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