

Synchroner 6-Bit-Multiplikator für binäre Raten


Function Rate multiplier Bits (#) 6 Technology family TTL Supply voltage (min) (V) 3.15 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.45 Input type Bipolar Output type Push-Pull Features High speed (tpd 10-50ns) Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Rating Catalog
Function Rate multiplier Bits (#) 6 Technology family TTL Supply voltage (min) (V) 3.15 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.45 Input type Bipolar Output type Push-Pull Features High speed (tpd 10-50ns) Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Rating Catalog
PDIP (N) 16 181.42 mm² 19.3 x 9.4
  • Perform Fixed-Rate or Variable-Rate Frequency Division
  • For Applications in Arithmetic, Radar, Digital-to-Analog (D/A), Analog-to-Digital (A/D), and other Conversion Operations
  • Typical Maximum Clock Frequency … 32 Megahertz


  • Perform Fixed-Rate or Variable-Rate Frequency Division
  • For Applications in Arithmetic, Radar, Digital-to-Analog (D/A), Analog-to-Digital (A/D), and other Conversion Operations
  • Typical Maximum Clock Frequency … 32 Megahertz


These monolithic, fully synchronous, programmable counters utilize Series 54/74 TTL circuitry to achieve 32-megahertz typical maximum operating frequencies. These six-bit serial binary counters feature buffered clock, clear, and enable inputs to control the operation of the counter, and a strobe input to enable or inhibit the rate input/decoding AND-OR-INVERT gates. The outputs have additional gating for cascading and transferring unity-count rates.

The counter is enabled when the clear, strobe, and enable inputs are low. With the counter enabled, the output frequency is equal to the input frequency multiplied by the rate input M and divided by 64, ie.:

When the rate input is binary 0 (all rate inputs low), Z remains high. In order to cascade devices to perform 12-bit rate multiplication, the enable output is connected to the enable and strobe inputs of the next stage, the Z output of each stage is connected to the unity/cascade input of the other stage, and the sub-multiple frequency is taken from the Y output.

The unity/cascade input, when connected to the clock input, may be utilized to pass the clock frequency (inverted) to the Y output when the rate input/decoding gates are inhibited by the strobe. The unity/cascade input may also be used as a control for the Y output.


These monolithic, fully synchronous, programmable counters utilize Series 54/74 TTL circuitry to achieve 32-megahertz typical maximum operating frequencies. These six-bit serial binary counters feature buffered clock, clear, and enable inputs to control the operation of the counter, and a strobe input to enable or inhibit the rate input/decoding AND-OR-INVERT gates. The outputs have additional gating for cascading and transferring unity-count rates.

The counter is enabled when the clear, strobe, and enable inputs are low. With the counter enabled, the output frequency is equal to the input frequency multiplied by the rate input M and divided by 64, ie.:

When the rate input is binary 0 (all rate inputs low), Z remains high. In order to cascade devices to perform 12-bit rate multiplication, the enable output is connected to the enable and strobe inputs of the next stage, the Z output of each stage is connected to the unity/cascade input of the other stage, and the sub-multiple frequency is taken from the Y output.

The unity/cascade input, when connected to the clock input, may be utilized to pass the clock frequency (inverted) to the Y output when the rate input/decoding gates are inhibited by the strobe. The unity/cascade input may also be used as a control for the Y output.



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* Data sheet Synchronous 6-Bit Binary Rate Multipliers datasheet 01 Mär 1988

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  • RoHS
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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