

Rauscharmer Einzel-Stromgegenkopplungsverstärker mit hohem Ausgangsstrom und 475 mA

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Architecture Current FB Number of channels 1 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 10 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 30 GBW (typ) (MHz) 130 BW at Acl (MHz) 130 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 1 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1500 Vn at flatband (typ) (nV√Hz) 2.5 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 2.5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 3.5 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 10 Rail-to-rail No Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 CMRR (typ) (dB) 70 Input bias current (max) (pA) 4000000 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 10 Iout (typ) (mA) 475 2nd harmonic (dBc) 51 3rd harmonic (dBc) 50 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (MHz) 10
Architecture Current FB Number of channels 1 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 10 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 30 GBW (typ) (MHz) 130 BW at Acl (MHz) 130 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 1 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1500 Vn at flatband (typ) (nV√Hz) 2.5 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 2.5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 3.5 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 10 Rail-to-rail No Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 CMRR (typ) (dB) 70 Input bias current (max) (pA) 4000000 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 10 Iout (typ) (mA) 475 2nd harmonic (dBc) 51 3rd harmonic (dBc) 50 Frequency of harmonic distortion measurement (MHz) 10
HVSSOP (DGN) 8 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9 SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Low Noise:
    • 1 pA/√Hz Noninverting Current Noise
    • 10 pA/√Hz Inverting Current Noise
    • 2.5 nV/√Hz Voltage Noise
  • High Output Current Drive: 475 mA
  • High Slew Rate:
    • 1700 V/µs (RL = 50 , VO = 8 VPP)
  • Wide Bandwidth: 120 MHz (G = 2, RL = 50 )
  • Wide Supply Range: ±5 V to ±15 V
  • Power-Down Feature: (THS3120 Only)
    • Video Distribution
    • Power FET Driver
    • Pin Driver
    • Capacitive Load Driver

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Low Noise:
    • 1 pA/√Hz Noninverting Current Noise
    • 10 pA/√Hz Inverting Current Noise
    • 2.5 nV/√Hz Voltage Noise
  • High Output Current Drive: 475 mA
  • High Slew Rate:
    • 1700 V/µs (RL = 50 , VO = 8 VPP)
  • Wide Bandwidth: 120 MHz (G = 2, RL = 50 )
  • Wide Supply Range: ±5 V to ±15 V
  • Power-Down Feature: (THS3120 Only)
    • Video Distribution
    • Power FET Driver
    • Pin Driver
    • Capacitive Load Driver

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The THS3120 and THS3121 are low-noise, high-voltage, high output current drive, current-feedback amplifiers designed to operate over a wide supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V for today's high-performance applications.

The THS3120 offers a power saving mode by providing a power-down pin for reducing the 7-mA quiescent current of the device, when the device is not active.

These amplifiers provide well-regulated ac performance characteristics. Most notably, the 0.1-dB flat bandwidth is exceedingly high, reaching beyond 90 MHz. The unity-gain bandwidth of 130 MHz allows for good distortion characteristics at 10 MHz. Coupled with high 1700-V/µs slew rate, the THS3120 and THS3121 amplifiers allow for high output voltage swings at high frequencies.

The THS3120 and THS3121 are offered in an SOIC-8 (D) package and an MSOP-8 (DGN) PowerPAD package.

The THS3120 and THS3121 are low-noise, high-voltage, high output current drive, current-feedback amplifiers designed to operate over a wide supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V for today's high-performance applications.

The THS3120 offers a power saving mode by providing a power-down pin for reducing the 7-mA quiescent current of the device, when the device is not active.

These amplifiers provide well-regulated ac performance characteristics. Most notably, the 0.1-dB flat bandwidth is exceedingly high, reaching beyond 90 MHz. The unity-gain bandwidth of 130 MHz allows for good distortion characteristics at 10 MHz. Coupled with high 1700-V/µs slew rate, the THS3120 and THS3121 amplifiers allow for high output voltage swings at high frequencies.

The THS3120 and THS3121 are offered in an SOIC-8 (D) package and an MSOP-8 (DGN) PowerPAD package.


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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Low-Noise, High-Output Drive, Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers datasheet (Rev. E) 12 Okt 2009

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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  • Montagestandort

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