ADC de 12 bits de muestreo de RF y entrada de un solo extremo con 5.2 GSPS de doble canal o 10.4 

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Detalles del producto

Sample rate (max) (Msps) 5200, 10400 Resolution (Bits) 12 Number of input channels 1, 2 Interface type JESD204B, JESD204C Analog input BW (MHz) 6300 Features High Performance, Ultra High Speed Rating Catalog Power consumption (typ) (mW) 4000 Architecture Folding Interpolating SNR (dB) 53.2 ENOB (Bits) 8.4 SFDR (dB) 65 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Input buffer Yes
Sample rate (max) (Msps) 5200, 10400 Resolution (Bits) 12 Number of input channels 1, 2 Interface type JESD204B, JESD204C Analog input BW (MHz) 6300 Features High Performance, Ultra High Speed Rating Catalog Power consumption (typ) (mW) 4000 Architecture Folding Interpolating SNR (dB) 53.2 ENOB (Bits) 8.4 SFDR (dB) 65 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Input buffer Yes
FCCSP (AAV) 144 100 mm² 10 x 10
  • ADC core:
    • 12-bit resolution
    • Up to 10.4GSPS in single-channel mode
    • Up to 5.2GSPS in dual-channel mode
  • Single Ended 50Ω Inputs:
    • Analog input range (–3dB): 2 to 6.3GHz
    • Full-scale input power (4.5GHz): - 1.25dBm
    • Flexible VCM: AC coupled with no DC path to GND or supply
  • Performance specifications:
    • Noise floor (2.3GHz, –20dBFS,INPUTFS = 1.5dBm):
      • Dual-channel mode: –149dBFS/Hz
      • Single-channel mode: –151.5dBFS/Hz
    • ENOB (dual channel, FIN = 2.3GHz): 8.5 Bits
  • Noiseless aperture delay (tAD) adjustment:
    • Precise sampling control: 19fs Step
    • Simplifies synchronization and interleaving
    • Temperature and voltage invariant delays
  • Easy-to-use synchronization features:
    • Automatic SYSREF timing calibration
    • Timestamp for sample marking
  • JESD204C serial data interface:
    • Maximum lane rate: 17.16Gbps
    • Support for 64b/66b and 8b/10b encoding
    • 8b/10b modes are JESD204B compatible
  • Optional digital down-converters (DDC):
    • 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x complex decimation
    • Four independent 32-Bit NCOs per DDC
  • Peak RF Input Power: +26.25dBm (+ 27.5dBFS, 560x fullscale power)
  • Programmable FIR filter for equalization
  • Power consumption: 4W
  • Power supplies: 1.1V, 1.9V
  • ADC core:
    • 12-bit resolution
    • Up to 10.4GSPS in single-channel mode
    • Up to 5.2GSPS in dual-channel mode
  • Single Ended 50Ω Inputs:
    • Analog input range (–3dB): 2 to 6.3GHz
    • Full-scale input power (4.5GHz): - 1.25dBm
    • Flexible VCM: AC coupled with no DC path to GND or supply
  • Performance specifications:
    • Noise floor (2.3GHz, –20dBFS,INPUTFS = 1.5dBm):
      • Dual-channel mode: –149dBFS/Hz
      • Single-channel mode: –151.5dBFS/Hz
    • ENOB (dual channel, FIN = 2.3GHz): 8.5 Bits
  • Noiseless aperture delay (tAD) adjustment:
    • Precise sampling control: 19fs Step
    • Simplifies synchronization and interleaving
    • Temperature and voltage invariant delays
  • Easy-to-use synchronization features:
    • Automatic SYSREF timing calibration
    • Timestamp for sample marking
  • JESD204C serial data interface:
    • Maximum lane rate: 17.16Gbps
    • Support for 64b/66b and 8b/10b encoding
    • 8b/10b modes are JESD204B compatible
  • Optional digital down-converters (DDC):
    • 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x complex decimation
    • Four independent 32-Bit NCOs per DDC
  • Peak RF Input Power: +26.25dBm (+ 27.5dBFS, 560x fullscale power)
  • Programmable FIR filter for equalization
  • Power consumption: 4W
  • Power supplies: 1.1V, 1.9V

The ADC12DJ5200SE is an RF-sampling, giga-sample, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with integrated input baluns. The ADC12DJ5200SE can be configured as a dual-channel, 5.2 GSPS ADC or single-channel, 10.4 GSPS ADC. The -3dB input frequency range of 2 to 6.3GHz enables direct RF sampling of S-band and C-band for frequency agile systems.

The ADC12DJ5200SE uses a high-speed JESD204C output interface with up to 16 serialized lanes supporting up to 17.16Gbps line rate. Deterministic latency and multi-device synchronization is supported through JESD204C subclass-1. The JESD204C interface can be configured to trade-off line rate and number of lanes. Both 8b/10b and 64b/66b data encoding schemes are supported. 64b/66b encoding supports forward error correction (FEC) for improved bit error rates. The interface is backwards compatible with JESD204B receivers.

Innovative synchronization features, including noiseless aperture delay adjustment and SYSREF windowing, simplify system design for multi-channel applications. Optional digital down converters (DDCs) are available to provide digital conversion to baseband and to reduce the interface rate. A programmable FIR filter allows on-chip equalization.

The ADC12DJ5200SE is an RF-sampling, giga-sample, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with integrated input baluns. The ADC12DJ5200SE can be configured as a dual-channel, 5.2 GSPS ADC or single-channel, 10.4 GSPS ADC. The -3dB input frequency range of 2 to 6.3GHz enables direct RF sampling of S-band and C-band for frequency agile systems.

The ADC12DJ5200SE uses a high-speed JESD204C output interface with up to 16 serialized lanes supporting up to 17.16Gbps line rate. Deterministic latency and multi-device synchronization is supported through JESD204C subclass-1. The JESD204C interface can be configured to trade-off line rate and number of lanes. Both 8b/10b and 64b/66b data encoding schemes are supported. 64b/66b encoding supports forward error correction (FEC) for improved bit error rates. The interface is backwards compatible with JESD204B receivers.

Innovative synchronization features, including noiseless aperture delay adjustment and SYSREF windowing, simplify system design for multi-channel applications. Optional digital down converters (DDCs) are available to provide digital conversion to baseband and to reduce the interface rate. A programmable FIR filter allows on-chip equalization.

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* Data sheet ADC12DJ5200SE 10.4GSPS Single-Channel or 5.2GSPS Dual-Channel, 12-bit, RF-Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with Integrated Baluns datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 03 jun 2024
User guide ADCxxDJxx00RF Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 02 mar 2023

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Placa de evaluación

ADC12DJ5200SEEVM — Módulo de evaluación ADC12DJ5200SE para ADC de 12 bits con muestreo de RF de entrada de extremo únic

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) ADC12DJ5200SE es una plataforma utilizada para evaluar el convertidor analógico a digital (ADC) ADC12DJ5200SE. El ADC12DJ5200SE es un ADC bicanal de 12 bits capaz de funcionar a velocidades de muestreo de hasta 5.2 Giga-muestras por segundo (GSPS) en modo bicanal, o (...)

Modelo de simulación

ADC12DJ5200SE S-Parameter Model

SLVME17.ZIP (176 KB) - S-Parameter Model
Herramienta de simulación

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® para herramienta de diseño y simulación de TI

PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
FCCSP (AAV) 144 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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