Detalles del producto

Frequency range 2400 MHz Standard Proprietary 2.4 GHz Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Transmission principle BR, EDR
Frequency range 2400 MHz Standard Proprietary 2.4 GHz Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Transmission principle BR, EDR
VQFN (RGV) 16 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Seamless Interface to 2.4-GHz Low-Power RF Devices from Texas Instruments
  • +22-dBm Output Power
  • 3-dB Typical Improved Sensitivity on CC2520, CC253X, and CC85XX
  • Very Few External Components
    • Integrated Switches
    • Integrated Matching Network
    • Integrated Balun
    • Integrated Inductors
    • Integrated PA
    • Integrated LNA
  • Digital Control of LNA Gain by HGM Terminal
  • 100 nA in Power Down (LNA_EN = PA_EN = 0)
  • Low-Transmit Current Consumption
    • 155 mA at 3 V for +22 dBm, PAE = 34%
  • Low-Receive Current Consumption
    • 4.0-mA for High-Gain Mode
    • 1.9-mA for Low-Gain Mode
  • 4.7-dB LNA Noise Figure, Including T/R Switch and External Antenna Match
  • RoHS Compliant 4-mm × 4-mm QFN-16 Package
  • 2.0-V to 3.7-V Operation
  • –40°C to +125°C Operation

  • Seamless Interface to 2.4-GHz Low-Power RF Devices from Texas Instruments
  • +22-dBm Output Power
  • 3-dB Typical Improved Sensitivity on CC2520, CC253X, and CC85XX
  • Very Few External Components
    • Integrated Switches
    • Integrated Matching Network
    • Integrated Balun
    • Integrated Inductors
    • Integrated PA
    • Integrated LNA
  • Digital Control of LNA Gain by HGM Terminal
  • 100 nA in Power Down (LNA_EN = PA_EN = 0)
  • Low-Transmit Current Consumption
    • 155 mA at 3 V for +22 dBm, PAE = 34%
  • Low-Receive Current Consumption
    • 4.0-mA for High-Gain Mode
    • 1.9-mA for Low-Gain Mode
  • 4.7-dB LNA Noise Figure, Including T/R Switch and External Antenna Match
  • RoHS Compliant 4-mm × 4-mm QFN-16 Package
  • 2.0-V to 3.7-V Operation
  • –40°C to +125°C Operation

The CC2592 device is a cost-effective and high-performance RF front end for low-power and low-voltage 2.4-GHz wireless applications.

The CC2592 device is a range extender for all CC25XX 2.4-GHz low-power RF transceivers, transmitters, and system-on-chip products from Texas Instruments.

To increase the link budget, the CC2592 device provides a power amplifier for increased output power and an LNA with a low-noise figure for improved receiver sensitivity.

The CC2592 device provides a very small size, high-output power RF design with its 4-mm × 4-mm QFN-16 package.

The CC2592 device contains PA, LNA, switches, RF-matching, and balun for simple design of high-performance wireless applications.

The CC2592 device is a cost-effective and high-performance RF front end for low-power and low-voltage 2.4-GHz wireless applications.

The CC2592 device is a range extender for all CC25XX 2.4-GHz low-power RF transceivers, transmitters, and system-on-chip products from Texas Instruments.

To increase the link budget, the CC2592 device provides a power amplifier for increased output power and an LNA with a low-noise figure for improved receiver sensitivity.

The CC2592 device provides a very small size, high-output power RF design with its 4-mm × 4-mm QFN-16 package.

The CC2592 device contains PA, LNA, switches, RF-matching, and balun for simple design of high-performance wireless applications.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet CC2592 2.4-GHz Range Extender datasheet 25 feb 2014
Application note CE Regulations for SRDs Operating in License-Free 2.4GHz/5GHz Bands-WiFi Devices (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 20 oct 2022
Application note Debugging Communication Range (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 23 may 2019
Application note Using CC2592 Front End with CC2530 (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 29 jul 2015
More literature CC2592 Evaluation Module Quick Start Guide 04 mar 2015
White paper 6LoWPAN Demystified - 6LoWPAN Demystifed – A Low Power IP Mesh Network 28 oct 2014
Application note AN130 - Using CC2592 Front End with CC2538 27 feb 2014

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

RDCR-3P-RADIO-MOD — Módulos de radio integrados Radiocrafts

Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high-performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands (169 MHz – 2.4 GHz). Using modules, OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add (...)
Tarjeta secundaria

CC2538-CC2592EMK — Kit de módulo de evaluación de CC2538-CC2592

The CC2538-CC2592EMK demonstrates the use of the CC2592 PA/LNA front end together with the CC2538 IEEE 802.15.4 System-on-Chip. The CC2592 RF front end includes PA, LNA, switches, balun, and RF matching, and will increase output power and improve receiver sensitivity on a 2.4 GHz low-power RF (...)

Kit de desarrollo

CC-ANTENNA-DK2 — Kit de antena menor a 1 GHz y 2,4 GHz para LaunchPad™ y SensorTag

This new antenna kit allows you to do real-life testing to find the optimal antenna for your application! The antenna kit includes 16 antennas for frequencies from 169MHz to 2.4GHz including PCB antennas, Helical antennas and Chip antennas as well as dual band band antennas for 868/915MHz combined (...)

Herramienta de diseño

3P-WIRELESS-MODULES — Herramienta de búsqueda de módulos inalámbricos de terceros

La herramienta de búsqueda de módulos inalámbricos de terceros ayuda a los desarrolladores a identificar productos que cumplan con las especificaciones de sus equipos finales y a adquirir módulos inalámbricos listos para la producción. Los proveedores de módulos de terceros incluidos en la (...)
Herramienta de diseño

SIMPLELINK-2-4GHZ-DESIGN-REVIEWS — Revisiones de diseño de hardware para dispositivos SimpleLink™ CC2xxx

El proceso de revisión del diseño de hardware de SimpleLink le ofrece la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto, de forma personalizada, con un experto en la materia que puede ayudarlo a revisar su diseño y proporcionarle valiosos comentarios. Aquí encontrará un sencillo proceso de 3 pasos para (...)
Diseños de referencia

TIDC-CC2530-CC2592EMK-RD — Diseño de referencia de MCU inalámbrica ZigBee CC2530 y extensor de rango CC2592 con un presupuesto

In the Internet of Things (IoT) market, ZigBee(R) applications such as home and industrial automation, lighting, metering and sensor networks could need a longer RF transmission range and better sensitivity than the stand-alone CC2530 wireless MCU can offer. TI's new CC2530-CC2592 reference design (...)
Test report: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDC-CC2650-CC2592-EMK — Diseño de referencia de MCU inalámbrica SimpleLink™ CC2650 y extensor de rango CC2592 con un presupu

Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as home and industrial automation, lighting, metering and sensor networks could need a longer RF transmission range than the stand-alone SimpleLink(TM) ultra-low power wireless MCU family of devices offer. The CC2650-CC2592 reference design pairs (...)
Test report: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

CC2530-CC2592EM-RD — Diseño de referencia de extensor de rango de la red SimpleLink™ ZigBee®

ZigBee applications such as home and industrial automation, lighting, metering, and sensor networks could need longer RF transmission range and better sensitivity than the stand-alone CC2530 can offer. TI's new SimpleLink CC2530-CC2592 reference design pairs the cost-effective SimpleLink ZigBee (...)
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

CC2592EMK-RD — Diseño de referencia del extensor de rango de 2,4 GHz independiente

This standalone 2.4 GHz range extender reference design provides all the information needed to use the SimpleLink™ CC2592 range extender (PA/LNA front end) with any 2.4 GHz RF radio in a wide range of applications, including sensor mesh networks and gateways. The CC2592 range extender contains PA, (...)
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
VQFN (RGV) 16 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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