

ADC en serie de baja potencia de 11 canales, 200 kSPS y 12 bits, con referencia interna, producto me

Detalles del producto

Resolution (Bits) 12 Sample rate (max) (ksps) 200 Number of input channels 11 Interface type SPI Architecture SAR Input type Single-ended Multichannel configuration Multiplexed Rating HiRel Enhanced Product Reference mode External, Internal Input voltage range (max) (V) 5.5 Input voltage range (min) (V) 0 Features Oscillator Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Power consumption (typ) (mW) 2.43 Analog supply (min) (V) 2.7 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Digital supply (min) (V) 2.7 Digital supply (max) (V) 5.5
Resolution (Bits) 12 Sample rate (max) (ksps) 200 Number of input channels 11 Interface type SPI Architecture SAR Input type Single-ended Multichannel configuration Multiplexed Rating HiRel Enhanced Product Reference mode External, Internal Input voltage range (max) (V) 5.5 Input voltage range (min) (V) 0 Features Oscillator Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Power consumption (typ) (mW) 2.43 Analog supply (min) (V) 2.7 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Digital supply (min) (V) 2.7 Digital supply (max) (V) 5.5
TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4
  • 12-Bit-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Up to 200-KSPS (150-KSPS for 3 V)
    Throughput Bit With 12-Output Mode Over
    Operating Temperature Range
  • 11 Analog Input Channels
  • 3 Built-In Self-Test Modes
  • Programmable Reference (2.048 V/4.096 V
    Internal or External)
  • Inherent Sample and Hold Function
  • Linearity Error...±1 LSB Max
  • On-Chip Conversion Clock
  • Programmable Conversion Status Output: INT
    or EOC
  • Unipolar or Bipolar Output Operation
  • Programmable MSB or LSB First
  • Programmable Power Down
  • Programmable Output Data Length
  • SPI Compatible Serial Interface With I/O Clock
    Frequencies up to 15 MHz (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0)
    • Controlled Baseline
    • One Assembly/Test Site
    • One Fabrication Site
    • Available in Military (–55°C/125°C)
      Temperature Range(1)
    • Extended Product Life Cycle
    • Extended Product-Change Notification
    • Product Traceability
    • Industrial Process Control
    • Portable Data Logging
    • Battery Powered Instruments
    • Automotive

(1) Additional temperature ranges are available - contact factory

  • 12-Bit-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Up to 200-KSPS (150-KSPS for 3 V)
    Throughput Bit With 12-Output Mode Over
    Operating Temperature Range
  • 11 Analog Input Channels
  • 3 Built-In Self-Test Modes
  • Programmable Reference (2.048 V/4.096 V
    Internal or External)
  • Inherent Sample and Hold Function
  • Linearity Error...±1 LSB Max
  • On-Chip Conversion Clock
  • Programmable Conversion Status Output: INT
    or EOC
  • Unipolar or Bipolar Output Operation
  • Programmable MSB or LSB First
  • Programmable Power Down
  • Programmable Output Data Length
  • SPI Compatible Serial Interface With I/O Clock
    Frequencies up to 15 MHz (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0)
    • Controlled Baseline
    • One Assembly/Test Site
    • One Fabrication Site
    • Available in Military (–55°C/125°C)
      Temperature Range(1)
    • Extended Product Life Cycle
    • Extended Product-Change Notification
    • Product Traceability
    • Industrial Process Control
    • Portable Data Logging
    • Battery Powered Instruments
    • Automotive

(1) Additional temperature ranges are available - contact factory

The TLV2556 is a 12-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC has three control inputs [chip select (CS), the input-output clock, and the address/control input (DATAIN)], designed for communication with the serial port of a host processor or peripheral through a serial 3-state output.

In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control capability, the device has an on-chip 14-channel multiplexer that can select any one of 11 inputs or any one of three internal self-test voltages using configuration register 1. The sample-and-hold function is automatic. At the end of conversion, when programmed as EOC, the pin 19 output goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. If pin 19 is programmed as INT, the signal goes low when the conversion is complete. The converter incorporated in the device features differential, high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion over the full operating temperature range. An internal reference is available and its voltage level is programmable via configuration register 2 (CFGR2).

The TLV2556 is characterized for operation from TA = –55°C to 125°C.

The TLV2556 is a 12-bit, switched-capacitor, successive-approximation, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC has three control inputs [chip select (CS), the input-output clock, and the address/control input (DATAIN)], designed for communication with the serial port of a host processor or peripheral through a serial 3-state output.

In addition to the high-speed converter and versatile control capability, the device has an on-chip 14-channel multiplexer that can select any one of 11 inputs or any one of three internal self-test voltages using configuration register 1. The sample-and-hold function is automatic. At the end of conversion, when programmed as EOC, the pin 19 output goes high to indicate that conversion is complete. If pin 19 is programmed as INT, the signal goes low when the conversion is complete. The converter incorporated in the device features differential, high-impedance reference inputs that facilitate ratiometric conversion, scaling, and isolation of analog circuitry from logic and supply noise. A switched-capacitor design allows low-error conversion over the full operating temperature range. An internal reference is available and its voltage level is programmable via configuration register 2 (CFGR2).

The TLV2556 is characterized for operation from TA = –55°C to 125°C.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet 12-Bit 200-KSPS 11-Channel Low-Power Serial ADC With Internal Reference datasheet (Rev. A) 27 jul 2009
* VID TLV2556-EP VID V6208622 21 jun 2016
* Radiation & reliability report TLV2556MPWREP Reliability Report 26 ago 2011
E-book Best of Baker's Best: Precision Data Converters -- SAR ADCs 21 may 2015
Application note Determining Minimum Acquisition Times for SAR ADCs, part 2 17 mar 2011
Application note Determining Minimum Acquisition Times for SAR ADCs, part 1 (Rev. A) 10 nov 2010

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Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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