- Supports a USB DCP Shorting D+ Line to D– Line
- Supports a USB DCP Applying 2 V on D+ Line and 2.7 V on D– Line (or a USB DCP Applying
2.7 V on D+ Line and 2 V on D– Line) - Supports a USB DCP Applying 1.2 V on D+ and D– Lines
- Automatically Switch D+ and D– Lines Connections for an Attached Device
- Hiccup Mode for Output Short-Circuit Protection
- Provides CS Pin for USB Cable Compensation
- Programmable Current Limit (ILIM_SET Pin)
- Accurate ±10% Current Limit at 2.3 A (Typical)
- 70-mΩ (Typical) High-Side MOSFET
- Compatible With USB 2.0 and 3.0 Power Switch Requirements
- Operating Range: 4.5 V to 5.5 V
- Available in 8-Pin MSOP-PowerPAD™ Package
The TPS2511 device is a USB-dedicated charging port (DCP) controller and current-limiting power switch. An auto-detect feature monitors USB data line voltage, and automatically provides the correct electrical signatures on the data lines to charge compliant devices among the following dedicated charging schemes:
- Divider DCP, required to apply 2.7 V and 2 V on the D+ and D– lines respectively or 2 V and 2.7 V on the D+ and D– lines respectively
- BC1.2 DCP, required to short the D+ line to the D– line1.2 V on both D+ and D– lines
The TPS2511 is a 70-mΩ power-distribution switch intended for applications where heavy capacitive loads and short circuits are likely to be encountered. This device also provides hiccup mode when the output (OUT) voltage is less than 3.8 V (typical) or when an overtemperature protection occurs during an overload condition. Accurate and programmable current limit provides flexibility and convenience for applications. The TPS2511 provides a CS pin for USB cable resistance compensation and an EN pin to control the device turnon and turnoff.
TPS2511EVM-141 — TPS2511 評価モジュール
TIDA-01253 — CISPR 25 Class 4 車載デュアル・リモート / ローカル USB ポートのリファレンス・デザイン
パッケージ | ピン数 | CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル |
HVSSOP (DGN) | 8 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点