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신규 BQ51013C 활성 WPC 2.0 호환, 완전 일체형 무선 전력 수신기 IC Supports the newer WPC standard for Qi certification.

제품 상세 정보

Number of series cells 2 Charge current (max) (A) 11 Vin (max) (V) 22 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer, Lithium Phosphate/LiFePO4 Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 7 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 9.54 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 40 Control topology Linear Control interface I2C Features Input OVP, Integrated ADC Vin (min) (V) 6 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of series cells 2 Charge current (max) (A) 11 Vin (max) (V) 22 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer, Lithium Phosphate/LiFePO4 Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 7 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 9.54 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 40 Control topology Linear Control interface I2C Features Input OVP, Integrated ADC Vin (min) (V) 6 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
DSBGA (YFP) 42 7.7999999999999988 mm² 2.5999999999999996 x 3
  • Robust 5-W Solution With 50% Lower Losses
    for Improved Thermals
    • Inductorless Receiver for Lowest Height
      Profile Solution
    • Adjustable Output Voltage (4.5 to 8 V) for Coil
      and Thermal Optimization
    • Fully Synchronous Rectifier With 96% Efficiency
    • 97% Efficient Post Regulator
    • 79% System Efficiency at 5 W
  • WPC v1.1 Compliant Communication
  • Patented Transmitter Pad Detect Function Improves User
  • Alignment Feature Through I2C Allows for User
    Training to Find Best Position on Surface of TX
  • Robust 5-W Solution With 50% Lower Losses
    for Improved Thermals
    • Inductorless Receiver for Lowest Height
      Profile Solution
    • Adjustable Output Voltage (4.5 to 8 V) for Coil
      and Thermal Optimization
    • Fully Synchronous Rectifier With 96% Efficiency
    • 97% Efficient Post Regulator
    • 79% System Efficiency at 5 W
  • WPC v1.1 Compliant Communication
  • Patented Transmitter Pad Detect Function Improves User
  • Alignment Feature Through I2C Allows for User
    Training to Find Best Position on Surface of TX

The bq5102x device is a fully contained wireless power receiver capable of operating with the WPC v1.1 protocol which allows a wireless power system to deliver up to 5 W to the system when used with a Qi inductive transmitter. The bq5102x device provides a single device power conversion (rectification and regulation) as well as the digital control and communication for WPC specification. With market-leading efficiency and adjustable output voltage, the bq5102x device allows for unparalleled efficiency and system optimization. I2C also allows system designers to implement interesting new features such as aligning a receiver on the transmitter surface, or detecting foreign objects on the receiver. The receiver allows for synchronous rectification, regulation and control and communication to all exist in a market leading form factor, efficiency, and solution size.

For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet.

The bq5102x device is a fully contained wireless power receiver capable of operating with the WPC v1.1 protocol which allows a wireless power system to deliver up to 5 W to the system when used with a Qi inductive transmitter. The bq5102x device provides a single device power conversion (rectification and regulation) as well as the digital control and communication for WPC specification. With market-leading efficiency and adjustable output voltage, the bq5102x device allows for unparalleled efficiency and system optimization. I2C also allows system designers to implement interesting new features such as aligning a receiver on the transmitter surface, or detecting foreign objects on the receiver. The receiver allows for synchronous rectification, regulation and control and communication to all exist in a market leading form factor, efficiency, and solution size.

For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet.

다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 동영상

기술 자료

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4개 모두 보기
유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet bq5102x 5-W (WPC) Single-Chip Wireless Power Receiver datasheet 2014/05/08
Application note Test and Troubleshoot a Wireless Power Receiver 2014/08/06
User guide bq51020 5-W (WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power Supply 2014/04/23
Application note Layout Guidelines for Wireless Power Receiver (Generation 3 2014/03/28

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

계산 툴

SLUC577 Foreign Object Detection (FOD) Calibration/Tuning Tool

지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

배터리 충전기 IC
BQ51003 BQ51003 무선 전원 리시버 BQ51010B 고집적 무선 리시버 Qi(WPC V1.1) 호환 전원 공급 장치 BQ51013B WPC 1.1 호환, 완전 통합형 무선 전원 리시버 IC BQ51020 5W(WPC) 싱글 칩 무선 전원 리시버 BQ51021 I2C가 포함된 5W(WPC) 단일 칩 무선 전원 리시버 BQ51025 bq51025 10W WPC 호환 싱글 칩 무선 전원 리시버 BQ51050B Qi(WPC) 준수 고집적 2차측 다이렉트 리튬 이온 충전기 BQ51051B 통합형 무선 전원 리튬 이온 충전기 리시버, Qi(WPC) 준수 BQ51052B BQ51052B 통합형 무선 전원 리튬 이온 충전기 리시버, Qi(WPC) 호환 BQ51221 듀얼 모드 5W(WPC 및 PMA) 싱글 칩 무선 전원 리시버 BQ51222 듀얼 모드 5-W(WPC v1.2 및 PMA) 싱글 칩 무선 전원 리시버
거버(Gerber) 파일

bq51x2x Gerber

SLUC560.ZIP (366 KB)
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
DSBGA (YFP) 42 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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지원 및 교육

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