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STO 기능을 지원하는 105V 최대 싱글 하프브리지 스마트 게이트 드라이버

alarm알림 지금 주문

제품 상세 정보

Rating Automotive Architecture Gate driver Vs (min) (V) 8 Vs ABS (max) (V) 115 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Automotive Architecture Gate driver Vs (min) (V) 8 Vs ABS (max) (V) 115 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VSSOP (DGS) 20 24.99 mm² 5.1 x 4.9
  • Drives two N-channel MOSFETs in half-bridge configuration
    • High-side MOSFET source/drain up to 102V (absolute max)
    • 8V (5V DRV8162L) to 20V gate drive power supply
    • Integrated bootstrap diode
  • Functional Safety Quality-Managed
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Supports 100% PWM duty cycle with an integrated trickle charge pump
  • 16-level gate drive peak current
    • 16mA - 1000mA source current
    • 32mA - 2000mA sink current
    • Source-sink current ratio 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
  • Adjustable PWM dead time insertion 20ns - 900ns
  • Robust design for motor phase (SH) switching
    • Slew rate 50V/ns
    • Negative transient voltage -20V
    • 2A strong gate pull down
  • Split gate drive supply inputs for redundant shutdown (DRV8162, DRV8162L)
  • Low-offset current sense amplifier (DRV8161)
    • Adjustable gain (5, 10, 20, 40V/V)
  • Flexible PWM control interface; 2-pin PWM, 1-pin PWM, and independent PWM mode
  • 13-level VDS over current threshold
  • Independent shutdown pin (nDRVOFF)
  • Gate driver soft shutdown sequence
  • Integrated protection features
    • GVDD under voltage (GVDDUV)
    • Bootstrap under voltage (BST_UV)
    • MOSFET over current protection (VDS)
    • Shoot through protection
    • Thermal shutdown (OTSD)
    • Fault condition indicator (nFAULT)
  • Supports 3.3V, and 5V Logic Inputs
  • Drives two N-channel MOSFETs in half-bridge configuration
    • High-side MOSFET source/drain up to 102V (absolute max)
    • 8V (5V DRV8162L) to 20V gate drive power supply
    • Integrated bootstrap diode
  • Functional Safety Quality-Managed
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Supports 100% PWM duty cycle with an integrated trickle charge pump
  • 16-level gate drive peak current
    • 16mA - 1000mA source current
    • 32mA - 2000mA sink current
    • Source-sink current ratio 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
  • Adjustable PWM dead time insertion 20ns - 900ns
  • Robust design for motor phase (SH) switching
    • Slew rate 50V/ns
    • Negative transient voltage -20V
    • 2A strong gate pull down
  • Split gate drive supply inputs for redundant shutdown (DRV8162, DRV8162L)
  • Low-offset current sense amplifier (DRV8161)
    • Adjustable gain (5, 10, 20, 40V/V)
  • Flexible PWM control interface; 2-pin PWM, 1-pin PWM, and independent PWM mode
  • 13-level VDS over current threshold
  • Independent shutdown pin (nDRVOFF)
  • Gate driver soft shutdown sequence
  • Integrated protection features
    • GVDD under voltage (GVDDUV)
    • Bootstrap under voltage (BST_UV)
    • MOSFET over current protection (VDS)
    • Shoot through protection
    • Thermal shutdown (OTSD)
    • Fault condition indicator (nFAULT)
  • Supports 3.3V, and 5V Logic Inputs

The DRV816x devices are half-bridge gate drivers capable of driving high-side and low-side N-channel MOSFETs. The gate drive voltages are generated from the GVDD supply pin and the integrated bootstrap circuit is used to drive the high-side FET up to 102V drain. The Smart Gate Drive architecture supports 16-level (48 combination) gate drive peak current up to 1A source and 2A sink, and a built-in timing control of gate drive current. The devices can be used to drive various types of loads including brushless/brushed DC motors, PMSM, stepper motors, SRM, and solenoids.

Internal protection functions are provided for supply undervoltage, FET over-current, and die over temperature. The nFAULT pin indicates fault events detected by the protection features. The nDRVOFF pin initiates power stage shutdown independent from PWM control. The DRV8162 and DRV8162L devices offer split power supply architecture to assist safe torque off (STO) function.

Many device parameters including gate drive current, dead time, PWM control interface, and over current detection are configurable with a few passive components connected to device pins. An integrated low-side current sense amplifier (DRV8161) provides current measurement information back to the controller.

The DRV816x devices are half-bridge gate drivers capable of driving high-side and low-side N-channel MOSFETs. The gate drive voltages are generated from the GVDD supply pin and the integrated bootstrap circuit is used to drive the high-side FET up to 102V drain. The Smart Gate Drive architecture supports 16-level (48 combination) gate drive peak current up to 1A source and 2A sink, and a built-in timing control of gate drive current. The devices can be used to drive various types of loads including brushless/brushed DC motors, PMSM, stepper motors, SRM, and solenoids.

Internal protection functions are provided for supply undervoltage, FET over-current, and die over temperature. The nFAULT pin indicates fault events detected by the protection features. The nDRVOFF pin initiates power stage shutdown independent from PWM control. The DRV8162 and DRV8162L devices offer split power supply architecture to assist safe torque off (STO) function.

Many device parameters including gate drive current, dead time, PWM control interface, and over current detection are configurable with a few passive components connected to device pins. An integrated low-side current sense amplifier (DRV8161) provides current measurement information back to the controller.

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6개 모두 보기
유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet DRV816x 100V Half-Bridge Smart Gate Driver with Integrated Protection and Current Sense Amplifier datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2025/02/18
White paper 차량용 전자장치의 미래를 바꾸는 소프트웨어 정의 차량 (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2025/01/29
Application note Relating Payload to Brushless DC Motor Driver Specifications PDF | HTML 2024/12/02
Technical article 코봇과 휴머노이드: 고전력 로봇으로 시스템 효율성 및 안전 추진 PDF | HTML 2024/12/02
Application note Three-Phase vs Three-Single Half-Bridge Gate Drivers PDF | HTML 2024/11/24
Design guide 48V, 3.5kW Small Form-Factor Three-Phase Inverter Reference Design for Integrated Motor Drives (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024/11/08

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

평가 보드

DRV8161EVM — DRV8161 평가 모듈

DRV8161 평가 모듈(EVM)은 BLDC 모터를 구동하기 위한 DRV8161 게이트 드라이버를 사용하는 30A, 3상 브러시리스 DC 드라이브 단계입니다. EVM을 사용하면 사다리꼴 전류 및 제어를 사용하여 BLDC 모터를 구동하는 DRV8161 장치의 빠른 평가를 수행할 수 있습니다.
사용 설명서: PDF | HTML
레퍼런스 디자인

TIDA-010956 — 통합 모터 드라이브를 위한 48V, 4kW 소형 폼 팩터 3상 인버터 레퍼런스 설계

이 레퍼런스 설계는 정격 48V DC 입력 및 85Arms 출력 전류 정격을 지원하는 3상 인버터를 보여줍니다. 100V 지능형 하프 브리지 게이트 드라이버 DRV8162L은 작은 크기와 견고하고 효율이 높은 전력계를 지원합니다. STO(Safe Torque Off) 기능을 위해 RV8162L의 분할 전원 공급 아키텍처를 사용하는 멀티 채널 셧다운 경로가 제안됩니다. DRV8162L의 내부 VDS 모니터 및 보호 기능을 갖춘 이 전력계는 관통 또는 출력 단락의 과전류 고장으로부터 보호됩니다. 정밀 위상 전류 감지는 INA241A를 (...)
Design guide: PDF
레퍼런스 디자인

TIDA-01629 — 서보 드라이브용 스마트 게이트 드라이버를 지원하는 48V/500W 3상 인버터 레퍼런스 디자인

Efficiency, protection, and integration are important design factors for compact DC-fed drives up to 60VDC. This reference design shows a three-phase inverter with nominal 48-V DC input and a 10-ARMS output current.  The 100-V intelligent three-phase gate driver DRV8350R with integrated buck (...)
Design guide: PDF
회로도: PDF
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
VSSOP (DGS) 20 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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