

최대 40V, 4A 피크, 센서리스 사다리꼴 제어 3상 BLDC 모터 드라이버

alarm알림 지금 주문

제품 상세 정보

Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Sensorless, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 120 or 150 degree modulation for improved acoustic performance, Active Demag to reduce power losses, Code-free high speed sensorless trapezoidal control, Configurable motor startup and stop options, Fast Deceleration (<150 ms), Fast startup time (<50 ms), Integrated protections UVLO,OCP,OTW-OTSD,AVS, Optional closed loop speed control, Stand-alone operation, Up to 3 kHz (electrical frequency), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Sensorless, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 120 or 150 degree modulation for improved acoustic performance, Active Demag to reduce power losses, Code-free high speed sensorless trapezoidal control, Configurable motor startup and stop options, Fast Deceleration (<150 ms), Fast startup time (<50 ms), Integrated protections UVLO,OCP,OTW-OTSD,AVS, Optional closed loop speed control, Stand-alone operation, Up to 3 kHz (electrical frequency), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RGF) 40 35 mm² 7 x 5
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free high speed Trapezoidal Control
    • Supports up to 3 kHz (electrical frequency)
    • Very fast start-up time (< 50 ms)
    • Fast Deceleration (< 150 ms)
    • Supports 120° or 150° modulation to improve acoustic performance
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Analog, PWM, freq. or I 2C based speed input
    • Active Demagnetization to reduce power losses
    • Configurable motor start-up and stop options
    • Closed speed/power loop options
    • Anti-voltage surge (AVS) protection prevents DC bus voltage spike during motor deceleration
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 4-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C : 240-mΩ (typ.)
  • Low power sleep mode
    • 5-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Customer-configurable non-volatile memory (EEPROM) to store device configuration
  • Supports up to 100-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors; uses built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of integrated protection features
    • Supply under voltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Supply over voltage protection (OVP)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Over current protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free high speed Trapezoidal Control
    • Supports up to 3 kHz (electrical frequency)
    • Very fast start-up time (< 50 ms)
    • Fast Deceleration (< 150 ms)
    • Supports 120° or 150° modulation to improve acoustic performance
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Analog, PWM, freq. or I 2C based speed input
    • Active Demagnetization to reduce power losses
    • Configurable motor start-up and stop options
    • Closed speed/power loop options
    • Anti-voltage surge (AVS) protection prevents DC bus voltage spike during motor deceleration
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 4-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C : 240-mΩ (typ.)
  • Low power sleep mode
    • 5-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Customer-configurable non-volatile memory (EEPROM) to store device configuration
  • Supports up to 100-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors; uses built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of integrated protection features
    • Supply under voltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Supply over voltage protection (OVP)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Over current protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface

The MCT8315A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless trapezoidal solution for customers requiring high speed operation (up to 3 kHz electrical) or very fast start-up time (< 50 ms) for 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors requiring up to 4-A peak current. The MCT8315A integrates three ½-bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low R DS(ON) of 240 mΩ (high-side + low-side FETs). MCT8315A integrates power management circuits including an voltage-adjustable buck regulator (3.3 V / 5 V, 170-mA) and LDO (3.3 V, 20 mA) that can be used to power external circuits.

Sensorless trapezoidal control is highly configurable (motor start-up/stop behavior, fault handling, closed loop operation) through register settings in a non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The MCT8315A receives a speed command through a PWM signal, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C instruction. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCT8315A to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

The MCT8315A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless trapezoidal solution for customers requiring high speed operation (up to 3 kHz electrical) or very fast start-up time (< 50 ms) for 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors requiring up to 4-A peak current. The MCT8315A integrates three ½-bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low R DS(ON) of 240 mΩ (high-side + low-side FETs). MCT8315A integrates power management circuits including an voltage-adjustable buck regulator (3.3 V / 5 V, 170-mA) and LDO (3.3 V, 20 mA) that can be used to power external circuits.

Sensorless trapezoidal control is highly configurable (motor start-up/stop behavior, fault handling, closed loop operation) through register settings in a non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The MCT8315A receives a speed command through a PWM signal, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C instruction. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCT8315A to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

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MCT8316A 활성 최대 40V, 8A 피크, 센서드 사다리꼴 제어 3상 BLDC 모터 드라이버 Lower RDS(ON) targeting higher power applications

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유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet MCT8315A High Speed Sensorless Trapezoidal Control Integrated FET BLDC Driver datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023/04/14
User guide MCT8315A Tuning Guide PDF | HTML 2023/01/04
Certificate MCT8315EVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2022/12/21
Technical article How to achieve efficient, reliable and accurate actuation in real-time motor contr PDF | HTML 2022/10/25

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

평가 보드

MCT8315EVM — MCT8315에는 4.5V~35V, 5A 피크 전류 드라이브를 위한 3상 BLDC(브러시리스 DC) 모터의 무센서 사다리꼴 제어를 위한 3개의 하프 H 브리지 통합 MOSFE

MCT8315에는 4.5V~35V, 5A 피크 전류 드라이브를 위한 3상 BLDC(브러시리스 DC) 모터의 무센서 사다리꼴 제어를 위한 3개의 하프 H 브리지 통합 MOSFET 드라이버가 있습니다. MCT8315A는 프로그래밍 가능한 조정 전원에 200mA를 지원할 수 있는 벅 레귤레이터를 통합합니다.

이 EVM에는 MCT8315EVM GUI와 상호 작용하는 데 사용되는 온보드 MSP430, MSP430FR2355가 포함되어 있습니다.

사용 설명서: PDF | HTML
평가 모듈(EVM)용 GUI


GUI used to evaluate MCT8315A on the MCT8315EVM
지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

통합 제어 BLDC 드라이버
MCT8315A 최대 40V, 4A 피크, 센서리스 사다리꼴 제어 3상 BLDC 모터 드라이버
하드웨어 개발
평가 보드
MCT8315EVM MCT8315에는 4.5V~35V, 5A 피크 전류 드라이브를 위한 3상 BLDC(브러시리스 DC) 모터의 무센서 사다리꼴 제어를 위한 3개의 하프 H 브리지 통합 MOSFE
시작 다운로드 옵션
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
VQFN (RGF) 40 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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