

전송 빔포머가 통합된 32채널 3레벨 트랜스미터

alarm알림 지금 주문

제품 상세 정보

Device type Transmitter Number of input channels 32 Active supply current (typ) (mA) 10 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Interface type Serial Rating Catalog
Device type Transmitter Number of input channels 32 Active supply current (typ) (mA) 10 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Interface type Serial Rating Catalog
NFBGA (ZBX) 260 187 mm² 17 x 11
  • TX7332 supports:
    • 32-channel three-level pulser and active transmit/receive (T/R) switch
    • Very low power on-chip beamforming mode:
      • In receive-only mode: 0.45 mW/ch
      • In transmit-receive mode: 16.4 mW/ch
      • In CW mode: 160 mW/ch
      • In global power-down mode: 0.1 mW/ch
  • Three-level pulser:
    • Maximum output voltage: ±100 V
    • Minimum output voltage: ±1 V
    • Maximum output current: 1.2 A to 0.3 A
    • Maximum clamp current: 0.5 A to 0.12 A
    • Second harmonic : –45 dBc at 5 MHz
    • CW mode jitter: 100 fs measured from 100 Hz to 20 kHz
    • CW mode close-in phase noise: -154 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset for 5-MHz signal
    • –3-dB bandwidth with 2-kΩ || 120-pF load
      • 20 MHz (for ±100-V supply)
      • 25 MHz (for ±70-V supply)
  • Active T/R switch with:
    • ON, OFF control signals
    • Bandwidth: 50 MHz
    • HD2: –50 dBc
    • Turnon resistance: 24 Ω
    • Turnon time: 0.5 µs
    • Turnoff time: 1.75 µs
    • Transient glitch: 50 mVPP
  • Off-chip beamformer with:
    • Jitter cleaning using synchronization feature
    • Maximum synchronization clock frequency: 200 MHz
  • On-chip beamformer with:
    • Delay resolution: one beamformer clock period
    • Maximum delay: 213 beamformer clock period
    • Maximum beamformer clock speed: 200 MHz
    • On-chip RAM to store
      • 16 delay profiles
      • 32 pattern profiles
  • High-speed (100 MHz maximum) 1.8-V and 2.5-V CMOS serial programming interface
  • Automatic thermal shutdown
  • No specific power sequencing requirement
  • Small package: 260-pin NFBGA (17 mm × 11 mm) with 0.8-mm pitch
  • TX7332 supports:
    • 32-channel three-level pulser and active transmit/receive (T/R) switch
    • Very low power on-chip beamforming mode:
      • In receive-only mode: 0.45 mW/ch
      • In transmit-receive mode: 16.4 mW/ch
      • In CW mode: 160 mW/ch
      • In global power-down mode: 0.1 mW/ch
  • Three-level pulser:
    • Maximum output voltage: ±100 V
    • Minimum output voltage: ±1 V
    • Maximum output current: 1.2 A to 0.3 A
    • Maximum clamp current: 0.5 A to 0.12 A
    • Second harmonic : –45 dBc at 5 MHz
    • CW mode jitter: 100 fs measured from 100 Hz to 20 kHz
    • CW mode close-in phase noise: -154 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset for 5-MHz signal
    • –3-dB bandwidth with 2-kΩ || 120-pF load
      • 20 MHz (for ±100-V supply)
      • 25 MHz (for ±70-V supply)
  • Active T/R switch with:
    • ON, OFF control signals
    • Bandwidth: 50 MHz
    • HD2: –50 dBc
    • Turnon resistance: 24 Ω
    • Turnon time: 0.5 µs
    • Turnoff time: 1.75 µs
    • Transient glitch: 50 mVPP
  • Off-chip beamformer with:
    • Jitter cleaning using synchronization feature
    • Maximum synchronization clock frequency: 200 MHz
  • On-chip beamformer with:
    • Delay resolution: one beamformer clock period
    • Maximum delay: 213 beamformer clock period
    • Maximum beamformer clock speed: 200 MHz
    • On-chip RAM to store
      • 16 delay profiles
      • 32 pattern profiles
  • High-speed (100 MHz maximum) 1.8-V and 2.5-V CMOS serial programming interface
  • Automatic thermal shutdown
  • No specific power sequencing requirement
  • Small package: 260-pin NFBGA (17 mm × 11 mm) with 0.8-mm pitch

The TX7332 is a highly integrated, high-performance transmitter solution for ultrasound imaging system. The device has total 32 pulser circuits (PULS), 32 transmit/receive (T/R) switches, and supports both on-chip and off-chip beamformer (TxBF). The device also integrates on-chip floating power supplies that reduce the number of required high voltage power supplies.

The TX7332 has a pulser circuit that generates three-level high voltage pulses (up to ±100 V) that can be used to excite multiple channels of an ultrasound transducer. The device supports total 32 outputs. The maximum output current is configurable from 1.2 A to 0.3 A.

A T/R switch under OFF state protects the receiver circuit by providing high isolation between the high-voltage transmitter and the low-voltage receiver when the pulser is generating high-voltage pulses. When the transducer is receiving echo signals, the T/R switch turns ON and connects the transducer to the receiver. The ON/OFF operation of the T/R switch is either controlled by an external pin or controlled by on-chip beamforming engine in the device. The T/R switch offers 24-Ω impedance in the ON state.

Ultrasound transmission relies on the excitation of multiple transducer elements with the delay profile of the excitation across the different elements defining the direction of the transmission. Such an operation is referred to as transmit beamforming. The TX7332 supports staggered pulsing of the different channels, allowing for transmit beamforming. The device supports both off-chip and on-chip beamforming operation.

In the off-chip beamformer mode, the output transition of each pulser and TR switch ON/OFF operation is controlled by external control pins. To eliminate the effect of jitter from the external control signals, the device supports a synchronization feature. When the synchronization feature is enabled, the external control signals are latched using a low-jitter beamformer clock signal.

In the on-chip beamformer mode, the delay profile for the pulsing of the different channels is stored within the device. The device supports a transmit beamformer delay resolution of one beamformer clock period and a maximum delay of 213 beamformer clock periods. An internal pattern generator generates the output pulse patterns based on pattern profiles stored in a profile RAM. Up to 16 beamforming profiles and 32 pattern profiles can be stored in the profile RAM. On-chip beamforming mode reduces the number of control signals that must be routed from the FPGA to the device..

The TX7332 is available in a 17-mm × 11-mm 260-pin NFBGA package and is specified for operation from 0°C to 70°C.

The TX7332 is a highly integrated, high-performance transmitter solution for ultrasound imaging system. The device has total 32 pulser circuits (PULS), 32 transmit/receive (T/R) switches, and supports both on-chip and off-chip beamformer (TxBF). The device also integrates on-chip floating power supplies that reduce the number of required high voltage power supplies.

The TX7332 has a pulser circuit that generates three-level high voltage pulses (up to ±100 V) that can be used to excite multiple channels of an ultrasound transducer. The device supports total 32 outputs. The maximum output current is configurable from 1.2 A to 0.3 A.

A T/R switch under OFF state protects the receiver circuit by providing high isolation between the high-voltage transmitter and the low-voltage receiver when the pulser is generating high-voltage pulses. When the transducer is receiving echo signals, the T/R switch turns ON and connects the transducer to the receiver. The ON/OFF operation of the T/R switch is either controlled by an external pin or controlled by on-chip beamforming engine in the device. The T/R switch offers 24-Ω impedance in the ON state.

Ultrasound transmission relies on the excitation of multiple transducer elements with the delay profile of the excitation across the different elements defining the direction of the transmission. Such an operation is referred to as transmit beamforming. The TX7332 supports staggered pulsing of the different channels, allowing for transmit beamforming. The device supports both off-chip and on-chip beamforming operation.

In the off-chip beamformer mode, the output transition of each pulser and TR switch ON/OFF operation is controlled by external control pins. To eliminate the effect of jitter from the external control signals, the device supports a synchronization feature. When the synchronization feature is enabled, the external control signals are latched using a low-jitter beamformer clock signal.

In the on-chip beamformer mode, the delay profile for the pulsing of the different channels is stored within the device. The device supports a transmit beamformer delay resolution of one beamformer clock period and a maximum delay of 213 beamformer clock periods. An internal pattern generator generates the output pulse patterns based on pattern profiles stored in a profile RAM. Up to 16 beamforming profiles and 32 pattern profiles can be stored in the profile RAM. On-chip beamforming mode reduces the number of control signals that must be routed from the FPGA to the device..

The TX7332 is available in a 17-mm × 11-mm 260-pin NFBGA package and is specified for operation from 0°C to 70°C.

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유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet TX7332 Three-Level, 32-Channel Transmitter With 1.2-A Pulser, T/R Switch, and Integrated Transmit Beamformer datasheet PDF | HTML 2019/03/19
Product overview Optimizing the Size of Handheld Ultrasound Front-End Circuit Designs PDF | HTML 2023/12/15
Application note Designing High Voltage Power Supply for Ultrasound Smart Probes (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023/05/16
Application note Smart Ultrasound Probes Solution 2019/07/19

설계 및 개발

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평가 보드

TX7332EVM — 전송 빔포머가 통합된 TX7332 32채널 3레벨 트랜스미터 평가 모듈

TX7332 평가 모듈(EVM)은 TX7332 장치와 그 기능을 평가합니다.

드라이버 또는 라이브러리

TX7332-DESIGN TX7332 design files

The full data sheet and other design resources for this device are available here.
지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

초음파 AFE
TX7332 전송 빔포머가 통합된 32채널 3레벨 트랜스미터
하드웨어 개발
평가 보드
TX7332EVM 전송 빔포머가 통합된 TX7332 32채널 3레벨 트랜스미터 평가 모듈
시뮬레이션 모델

TX7332 IBIS Model

SBOMAX8.ZIP (86 KB) - IBIS Model
PCB 레이아웃

TX7332 Example PCB Layout

SBOR018.ZIP (27767 KB)
시뮬레이션 툴

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 툴용 PSpice®

TI용 PSpice®는 아날로그 회로의 기능을 평가하는 데 사용되는 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경입니다. 완전한 기능을 갖춘 이 설계 및 시뮬레이션 제품군은 Cadence®의 아날로그 분석 엔진을 사용합니다. 무료로 제공되는 TI용 PSpice에는 아날로그 및 전력 포트폴리오뿐 아니라 아날로그 행동 모델에 이르기까지 업계에서 가장 방대한 모델 라이브러리 중 하나가 포함되어 있습니다.

TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경용 PSpice는 기본 제공 라이브러리를 이용해 복잡한 혼합 신호 설계를 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 레이아웃 및 제작에 (...)
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
NFBGA (ZBX) 260 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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