- Operating Range 2 V to 5.5 V
- Maximum tpd of 7 ns at 5 V
- Low Power Consumption, 10-µA Maximum ICC
- ±8-mA Output Drive at 5 V
- Schmitt-Trigger Action at All Inputs Makes the Circuit Tolerant for Slower Input Rise and Fall Time
- Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 250 mA Per JESD 17
The SN74AHC1G08 device is a single 2-input positive-AND gate. The device performs the Boolean function Y = A ● B or Y = A + B in positive logic.
檢視所有 21 設計與開發
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5-8-LOGIC-EVM — 適用於 5 針腳至 8 針腳 DCK、DCT、DCU、DRL 和 DBV 封裝的通用邏輯評估模組
靈活的 EVM 旨在支援任何針腳數為 5 至 8 支且採用 DCK、DCT、DCU、DRL 或 DBV 封裝的裝置。
使用指南: PDF
TMAG5124EVM — TMAG5124 2 線霍爾效應開關評估模組
The TMAG5124EVM is the evaluation module (EVM) for the TMAG5124, a 2-wire Hall-effect sensor that utilizes a closed current loop as the signal of interest. The EVM is intended to facilitate rapid, convenient use of the device family and consists of a single printed circuit board (PCB) that can be (...)
PMP40988 — 可變頻率、ZVS、5-kW、GaN 架構、二相圖騰柱 PFC 參考設計
此參考設計為高密度且高效率的 5-kW 圖騰柱功率因數校正 (PFC) 設計。此設計採用具可變頻率和零電壓切換 (ZVS) 的雙相圖騰柱 PFC 運作。此控件採用新拓撲與改良三角電流模式 (iTCM) 實現小尺寸與高效率。該設計在 TMS320F280049C 微控制器內部使用高性能處理核心,以在廣泛的操作範圍內保持高效率。PFC 採用介於 100 kHz 和 800 kHz 之間的可變頻率來運作。開放訊框功率密度 120 W/in3 實現 99% 的峰值系統效率。
Test report: PDF
TIDA-00204 — 符合 EMI/EMC 規範的工業溫度雙連接埠 Gigabit 乙太網路 PHY 參考設計
This design allows for performance evaluation of two industrial grade DP83867IR Gigabit Ethernet PHYs and Sitara™ host processors with integrated Ethernet MAC and Switch. It was developed to meet industrial requirements for EMI and EMC. The application firmware implements a driver for the (...)
PMP10711 — 適用於多軌輸出的簡單六通道電源排序參考設計
PMP10711 is a 6-channel power supply sequencer that utilizes two LM3880 3-channel sequencer ICs. The design uses an external AND gate and OR gate to power up and power down all 6 channels in sequential fashion. This is useful in cases when up to 6 power rails need to be sequenced during power up (...)
TIDA-00915 — 適用於整合型驅動器的三相、1.25kW、200V AC 小型 GaN 逆變器參考設計
This reference design is a three-phase inverter with a continuous power rating of 1.25 kW at 50°C ambient and 550 W at 85°C ambient for driving 200-V AC servo motors. It features 600-V LMG3411R150 Gallium Nitride (GaN) power modules with an integrated FET and gate driver mounted on an (...)
TIDA-00653 — 適用於電池充電應用的非隔離式雙向轉換器參考設計
TIDA-00653 is a non-isolated 48 to 12-V bi-directional converter reference design for 48V battery applications enabled by the UCD3138 digital power controller. The design has the flexibility to work in either a ZVS transition-mode topology to optimize light-load efficiency, or a hard-switching (...)
PMP40690 — 使用 C2000 ™ MCU 和 GaN 的 4-kW 交錯 CCM 圖騰柱無橋接 PFC 參考設計
This reference design is a 4-kW interleaved CCM totem pole (TTPL) bridgeless PFC reference design using a 64-pin C2000™ microcontroller, LM3410 gallium nitride device and TMCS1100 hall sensor. It is based on TIDM-02008 bidirectional interleaved CCM TTPL bridgeless PFC reference (...)
TIDA-00782 — 使用 DLP® 技術的可攜式、高亮度 HD 投影顯示參考設計
This reference design, featuring the DLP Pico™ 0.45-inch WXGA display chipset enables use of HD resolution for projection display applications such as accessory projectors, smart projectors, mobile Smart TV, built in projectors like projection functionality inside notebooks, laptops and hot (...)
封裝 | 針腳 | CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型 |
SOT-23 (DBV) | 5 | Ultra Librarian |
SOT-5X3 (DRL) | 5 | Ultra Librarian |
SOT-SC70 (DCK) | 5 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 產品標記
- 鉛塗層/球物料
- MSL 等級/回焊峰值
- MTBF/FIT 估算值
- 材料內容
- 認證摘要
- 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
- 晶圓廠位置
- 組裝地點