- IEC 61000-4-2 Level 4 ESD Protection
- ±15-kV Contact Discharge
- ±15-kV Air-Gap Discharge
- IEC 61000-4-4 EFT Protection
- 80 A (5/50 ns)
- IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Protection
- 3 A (8/20 µs)
- IO Capacitance 0.8 pF (Typical)
- DC Breakdown Voltage 6.5 V (Minimum)
- Ultra Low Leakage Current 10 nA (Maximum)
- Low ESD Clamping Voltage
- Industrial Temperature Range: –40°C to +125°C
- Small, Easy-to-Route DCK, and DBV Package
The TPD4E1U06 is a quad-channel unidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) based Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection diode with ultra low capacitance. This device can dissipate ESD strikes above the maximum level specified by the IEC 61000-4-2 international standard. Its 0.8-pF line capacitance makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. Typical application areas include HDMI, USB2.0, MHL, and DisplayPort.
檢視所有 11 設計與開發
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靜電敏感裝置 (ESD) 評估模組 (EVM) 是我們大多數 ESD 產品組合的開發平台。此電路板配備所有傳統 ESD 元件封裝,可測試任意數量的裝置。裝置可以焊接到其相應的元件封裝上,然後進行測試。對於一般高速 ESD 二極體,會實作阻抗控制的配置以取得 S 參數並取消內嵌電路板軌跡。對於非高速 ESD 二極體,其元件封裝會包含連接至測試點的軌跡,讓您輕鬆執行 DC 測試,例如崩潰電壓、保持電壓、洩漏等。電路板配置也可以透過將訊號針腳短路到訊號所在的任何地方,讓任何裝置針腳都能輕鬆地連接到電源 (VCC) 或接地。
TIDA-00207 — 符合 EN55011 規範、工業溫度、10/100Mbps 乙太網路 PHY 磚參考設計
此乙太網路 PHY 磚參考設計讓德州儀器的客戶能夠使用完全遵循 EN5501 A 類 EMI 要求的 TI 工業乙太網路 PHY 收發器裝置,快速設計系統並將其上市。提供 50 接腳介面以介接 32 位元 Cortex M4 處理器架構的控制器電路板。 電路板採用小巧外型尺寸 (2 英吋 x 3 英吋) 設計,可輕易融入現有產品。
此參考設計展示了 DP83848K 乙太網路 PHY 收發器裝置的進階性能,支援 10/100 Base-T 並符合 IEEE 802.3 標準。整個參考設計皆以單電源供電 (5V 含板載穩壓器或 3.3V) 運作。乙太網路 PHY (...)
TIDA-00765 — 15kg 範圍內實現 1g 解析度且雜訊低於 100nVpp 的前端參考設計
TIDA-00765 is a less than 100nVpp analog front end for resistive strain gauge bridge load cell-based weight and vibration measurement. It is ideally suited for appliances, which require high-resolution due to large dynamic range or have considerable weight offset. In the face of significant levels (...)
TIDA-00496 — 採用 IEEE 1588 精密時間協定 (PTP) 收發器的 10/100 Mbps 工業乙太網路 Brick
TIDA-00496 is a compact brick for demonstrating capabilities of precision PHYTERTM. As more systems in the power grid are using time information for real-time analysis, timing becomes critical. This reference design achieves time synchronization with nanosecond accuracy using IEEE 1588v2 Precision (...)
TIDA-00226 — 32 位元 ARM® Cortex™-M4F MCU 架構小型序列轉乙太網路轉換器
Serial communications have been widely used in grid infrastructure equipments. But the limitation of transmission distance and bandwidth of serial communication leads to demand for a more flexible and high-speed method to meet modern smart grid network migration. Ethernet has been accepted as an (...)
TIDA-010072 — 適合呼吸應用的鼓風機與閥門控制參考設計
This reference design provides a compact system design capable of supporting motor acceleration and deceleration up to ±200 kRPM/s, which is a key requirement in many respirator applications. The design supports a number of offboard C2000 controllers including (...)
PMP40496 — 具有 5V USB 的 2 芯升壓充電系統參考設計
This 5-V USB, 2-cell battery boost charger reference design includes a charger system and a 2-cell battery holder with a gauge that can be connected by a cable or work independently. The key components of the charger system include the BQ25883 boost charger, TUSB320LAI Type-C CC logic, (...)
TIDA-00526 — 使用 LDO 進行 LED 控制和亮度匹配的參考設計
The TIDA-00526 is cost efficient and easy to implement white LED intensity control and brightness matching solution.
TIDA-00203 — 採用 32 位元 ARM Cortex-M4F MCU 的小型 CAN 到乙太網路轉換器參考設計
This reference design demonstrates a small form-factor Controller Access Network (CAN)-to-Ethernet converter using the TM4C129XNCZAD 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4F MCU. Supporting 10/100 Base-T compliant with IEEE 802.3 standard, this reference design is useful for industrial drives (...)
封裝 | 針腳 | CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型 |
SOT-23 (DBV) | 6 | Ultra Librarian |
SOT-SC70 (DCK) | 6 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 產品標記
- 鉛塗層/球物料
- MSL 等級/回焊峰值
- MTBF/FIT 估算值
- 材料內容
- 認證摘要
- 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
- 晶圓廠位置
- 組裝地點
建議產品可能具有與此 TI 產品相關的參數、評估模組或參考設計。