SLLA284G July   2022  – September 2023 ISO5451 , ISO5452 , ISO5851 , ISO5852S , ISO7142CC , ISO7142CC-Q1 , ISO721 , ISO721-Q1 , ISO721M , ISO721M-EP , ISO722 , ISO7220A , ISO7220M , ISO7221A , ISO7221B , ISO7221C , ISO7221M , ISO722M , ISO7230C , ISO7230M , ISO7231C , ISO7231M , ISO7240C , ISO7240CF , ISO7240M , ISO7241C , ISO7241M , ISO7242C , ISO7242M , ISO7310-Q1 , ISO7310C , ISO7340-Q1 , ISO7340C , ISO7340FC , ISO7341-Q1 , ISO7341C , ISO7341FC , ISO7342-Q1 , ISO7342C , ISO7342FC , ISO7740 , ISO7741 , ISO7742 , ISO7760 , ISO7761 , ISO7762 , ISO7810 , ISO7820 , ISO7821 , ISO7830 , ISO7831 , ISO7840 , ISO7841 , ISO7842


  1.   1
  2.   Digital Isolator Design Guide
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Operating Principle
    1. 1.1 Edge-Based Communication
    2. 1.2 On-Off Keying (OOK) Based Communication
  5. 2Typical Applications for Digital Isolators and Isolated Functions
  6. 3Digital Isolator Selection Guide
    1. 3.1 Parameters of Interest
    2. 3.2 Isolator Families
  7. 4PCB Design Guidelines
    1. 4.1 PCB Material
    2. 4.2 Layer Stack
    3. 4.3 Creepage Distance
    4. 4.4 Controlled Impedance Transmission Lines
    5. 4.5 Reference Planes
    6. 4.6 Routing
    7. 4.7 Vias
    8. 4.8 Decoupling Capacitors
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References
  10. 7Revision History


  1. Texas Instruments, Pushing the envelope with high-performance, digital-isolation technology analog applications journal.
  2. Texas Instruments, Enabling high voltage signal isolation quality and reliability white paper.
  3. Texas Instruments, High-voltage reinforced isolation: Definitions and test methodologies marketing white paper.
  4. High-speed Digital Design, Johnson/Graham, 1993.
  5. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, Ott, 1988.
  6. Eliminating the myths about printed circuit board power/ground plane decoupling, Archambeault, 2001.