

3-Phasen-BLDC-Gate-Treiber mit max. 42 V sensorbehafteter Trapezsteuerung


Rating Catalog Architecture Gate driver Control topology Sensored, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM Vs (min) (V) 8.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 42 Features Hall Element Comparators, Integrated Motor Control, Tach/FG Feedback Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Rating Catalog Architecture Gate driver Control topology Sensored, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM Vs (min) (V) 8.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 42 Features Hall Element Comparators, Integrated Motor Control, Tach/FG Feedback Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RHA) 40 36 mm² 6 x 6
  • Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller
    • Single PWM Input Controls Speed
  • Operating Supply Voltage 8.5 to 32 V
  • 30-mA Gate-Drive Current to 6 N-Channel MOSFETs
  • Integrated Current Sense Amplifier
  • 5-V Regulator for Hall Sensors
  • Low-Power Standby Mode
  • Locked Rotor Detection and Restart
  • Integrated Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protection
  • 6- × 6-mm VQFN Package, 0.5-mm Pitch
  • Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller
    • Single PWM Input Controls Speed
  • Operating Supply Voltage 8.5 to 32 V
  • 30-mA Gate-Drive Current to 6 N-Channel MOSFETs
  • Integrated Current Sense Amplifier
  • 5-V Regulator for Hall Sensors
  • Low-Power Standby Mode
  • Locked Rotor Detection and Restart
  • Integrated Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protection
  • 6- × 6-mm VQFN Package, 0.5-mm Pitch

The DRV8307 is a three half-bridge pre-driver that drives six N-type MOSFETs 30 mA with a single power supply. Aimed at sensored three-phase brushless DC motors, the DRV8307 is driven by a single PWM input and supports integrated commutation logic with three Hall sensor inputs. A separate 5-V regulator is also included to be used to power Hall-effect sensors and other external components.

The DRV8307 includes a current sense input for current limiting and protection. The current limit can be set by adjusting the value of the RISENSE sense resistor.

Motor operation (start and stop) is controlled through the ENABLEn terminal. If the ENABLEn terminal is set high and motor rotation has stopped, the device enters into a low-power standby state, thereby conserving overall system power during periods of inactivity.

Protection features are also included in the DRV8307 device such as locked rotor detection, as well as overcurrent and overtemperature protection and undervoltage lockout to bolster overall system robustness and reliability.

The DRV8307 is a three half-bridge pre-driver that drives six N-type MOSFETs 30 mA with a single power supply. Aimed at sensored three-phase brushless DC motors, the DRV8307 is driven by a single PWM input and supports integrated commutation logic with three Hall sensor inputs. A separate 5-V regulator is also included to be used to power Hall-effect sensors and other external components.

The DRV8307 includes a current sense input for current limiting and protection. The current limit can be set by adjusting the value of the RISENSE sense resistor.

Motor operation (start and stop) is controlled through the ENABLEn terminal. If the ENABLEn terminal is set high and motor rotation has stopped, the device enters into a low-power standby state, thereby conserving overall system power during periods of inactivity.

Protection features are also included in the DRV8307 device such as locked rotor detection, as well as overcurrent and overtemperature protection and undervoltage lockout to bolster overall system robustness and reliability.


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* Data sheet DRV8307 Brushless DC Motor Controller datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 02 Feb 2016

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  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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