
Number of full bridges 2 Vs (min) (V) 1.65 Vs ABS (max) (V) 12 Full-scale current (A) 2.1 Peak output current (A) 4 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 400 Sleep current (µA) 0.04 Control mode PWM Control interface Hardware (GPIO) Microstepping levels 2 Features Current Regulation Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of full bridges 2 Vs (min) (V) 1.65 Vs ABS (max) (V) 12 Full-scale current (A) 2.1 Peak output current (A) 4 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 400 Sleep current (µA) 0.04 Control mode PWM Control interface Hardware (GPIO) Microstepping levels 2 Features Current Regulation Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 WQFN (RTE) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Dual H-bridge motor driver, can drive -
    • One bipolar stepper motor
    • One or two brushed DC motors
    • Solenoids and other inductive loads
  • Low ON-resistance: HS + LS = 400mΩ (Typical, 25°C)
  • Wide Power Supply Voltage Range
    • 1.65 to 11V
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with -

  • High output current capability: 4A Peak
  • PWM control interface

  • Supports 1.8V, 3.3V, and 5V logic inputs
  • Integrated current regulation
  • Low-power sleep mode
    • ≤ 40nA at VVM = 5V, TJ = 25°C
  • Small package and footprint

    • 16-pin HTSSOP with PowerPAD™, 5.0×4.4mm

    • 16-Pin WQFN with PowerPAD™, 3.0×3.0mm

  • Integrated protection features
    • VM undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Auto-retry overcurrent protection (OCP)
    • Thermal shutdown (TSD)
    • Fault Indication Pin (nFAULT)
  • Dual H-bridge motor driver, can drive -
    • One bipolar stepper motor
    • One or two brushed DC motors
    • Solenoids and other inductive loads
  • Low ON-resistance: HS + LS = 400mΩ (Typical, 25°C)
  • Wide Power Supply Voltage Range
    • 1.65 to 11V
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with -

  • High output current capability: 4A Peak
  • PWM control interface

  • Supports 1.8V, 3.3V, and 5V logic inputs
  • Integrated current regulation
  • Low-power sleep mode
    • ≤ 40nA at VVM = 5V, TJ = 25°C
  • Small package and footprint

    • 16-pin HTSSOP with PowerPAD™, 5.0×4.4mm

    • 16-Pin WQFN with PowerPAD™, 3.0×3.0mm

  • Integrated protection features
    • VM undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Auto-retry overcurrent protection (OCP)
    • Thermal shutdown (TSD)
    • Fault Indication Pin (nFAULT)

The DRV8411 is a dual H-bridge motor driver that can drive one or two DC brush motors, one stepper motor, solenoids, or other inductive loads. The tripler charge pump allows the device to operate down to 1.65V to accommodate 1.8V supply rails and low-battery conditions. The charge pump integrates all capacitors and allows for 100% duty cycle operation. The inputs and outputs can be paralleled to drive high current brush DC motors with half the RDS(on).

The device implements current regulation by comparing an internal refernce voltage to the voltage on the xISEN pins, which is proportional to motor current through an external sense resistor. The ability to limit current can significantly reduce large currents during motor startup and stall conditions.

A low-power sleep mode achieves ultra-low quiescent current draw by shutting down most of the internal circuitry. Internal protection features include undervoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature.

The DRV8411 is part of a family of devices which come in pin-to-pin, scalable RDS(ON) options to support various loads with minimal design changes. See for information on the devices in this family. View our full portfolio of brushed motor drivers on

The DRV8411 is a dual H-bridge motor driver that can drive one or two DC brush motors, one stepper motor, solenoids, or other inductive loads. The tripler charge pump allows the device to operate down to 1.65V to accommodate 1.8V supply rails and low-battery conditions. The charge pump integrates all capacitors and allows for 100% duty cycle operation. The inputs and outputs can be paralleled to drive high current brush DC motors with half the RDS(on).

The device implements current regulation by comparing an internal refernce voltage to the voltage on the xISEN pins, which is proportional to motor current through an external sense resistor. The ability to limit current can significantly reduce large currents during motor startup and stall conditions.

A low-power sleep mode achieves ultra-low quiescent current draw by shutting down most of the internal circuitry. Internal protection features include undervoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature.

The DRV8411 is part of a family of devices which come in pin-to-pin, scalable RDS(ON) options to support various loads with minimal design changes. See for information on the devices in this family. View our full portfolio of brushed motor drivers on

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Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

DRV8410 1,65 V bis 11 V, 2,5-A Dual-H-Brücken-Motortreiber mit Stromregelung DRV8411 Dual-H-Brücken-Motortreiber, 1,65 V bis 11 V, 4 A, mit Stromregelung DRV8411A Doppel-H-Brücken-Motortreiber, (1,65 bis 11 V, 4 A) mit Stromregelung über IPROPI
DRV8410EVM DRV8410-Evaluierungsmodul Dual H-Brücken-Motortreiber mit Stromregelung DRV8411EVM DRV8411-Evaluierungsmodul Dual H-Brücken-Motortreiber mit Stromregelung DRV8411AEVM Evaluierungsmodul DRV8411A für Dual H-Brücken-Motortreiber mit Stromregelung
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DRV8411AEVM Hardware Files

Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 Ultra Librarian
WQFN (RTE) 16 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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