
Number of full bridges 1 Vs (min) (V) 2.75 Vs ABS (max) (V) 7 Peak output current (A) 1.3 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 450 Sleep current (µA) 0.3 Control mode I2C Control interface I2C Features Current Regulation Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Number of full bridges 1 Vs (min) (V) 2.75 Vs ABS (max) (V) 7 Peak output current (A) 1.3 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 450 Sleep current (µA) 0.3 Control mode I2C Control interface I2C Features Current Regulation Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9 VSON (DRC) 10 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • H-Bridge Voltage-Controlled Motor Driver
    • Drives DC Motor, One Winding of a Stepper Motor, or Other
    • Efficient PWM Voltage Control for Constant Motor Speed
      With Varying Supply Voltages
    • Low MOSFET On-Resistance:
      HS + LS 450 mΩ
  • 1-A Maximum DC/RMS or Peak Drive Current
  • 2.75-V to 6.8-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • 300-nA (Typical) Sleep Mode Current
  • Serial I2C-Compatible Interface
  • Multiple Address Selections Allow Up to 9 Devices on One
    I2C Bus
  • Current Limit Circuit and Fault Output
  • Thermally-Enhanced Surface Mount Packages
  • H-Bridge Voltage-Controlled Motor Driver
    • Drives DC Motor, One Winding of a Stepper Motor, or Other
    • Efficient PWM Voltage Control for Constant Motor Speed
      With Varying Supply Voltages
    • Low MOSFET On-Resistance:
      HS + LS 450 mΩ
  • 1-A Maximum DC/RMS or Peak Drive Current
  • 2.75-V to 6.8-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • 300-nA (Typical) Sleep Mode Current
  • Serial I2C-Compatible Interface
  • Multiple Address Selections Allow Up to 9 Devices on One
    I2C Bus
  • Current Limit Circuit and Fault Output
  • Thermally-Enhanced Surface Mount Packages

The DRV8830 device provides an integrated motor driver solution for battery-powered toys, printers, and other low-voltage or battery-powered motion control applications. The device has one H-bridge driver, and can drive one DC motor or one winding of a stepper motor, as well as other loads like solenoids. The output driver block consists of N-channel and P-channel power MOSFETs configured as an H-bridge to drive the motor winding.

Provided with sufficient PCB heatsinking, the DRV8830 can supply up to 1-A of DC/RMS or peak output current. It operates on power supply voltages from 2.75 V to 6.8 V.

To maintain constant motor speed over varying battery voltages while maintaining long battery life, a PWM voltage regulation method is provided. The output voltage is programmed through an I2C-compatible interface, using an internal voltage reference and DAC.

Internal protection functions are provided for over current protection, short-circuit protection, undervoltage lockout, and overtemperature protection.

The DRV8830 is available in a tiny 3-mm × 3-mm 10-pin VSON package and HVSSOP package with PowerPAD™ (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

The DRV8830 device provides an integrated motor driver solution for battery-powered toys, printers, and other low-voltage or battery-powered motion control applications. The device has one H-bridge driver, and can drive one DC motor or one winding of a stepper motor, as well as other loads like solenoids. The output driver block consists of N-channel and P-channel power MOSFETs configured as an H-bridge to drive the motor winding.

Provided with sufficient PCB heatsinking, the DRV8830 can supply up to 1-A of DC/RMS or peak output current. It operates on power supply voltages from 2.75 V to 6.8 V.

To maintain constant motor speed over varying battery voltages while maintaining long battery life, a PWM voltage regulation method is provided. The output voltage is programmed through an I2C-compatible interface, using an internal voltage reference and DAC.

Internal protection functions are provided for over current protection, short-circuit protection, undervoltage lockout, and overtemperature protection.

The DRV8830 is available in a tiny 3-mm × 3-mm 10-pin VSON package and HVSSOP package with PowerPAD™ (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 9
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DRV8830 Low-Voltage Motor Driver With Serial Interface datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 31 Dez 2015
Application note Understanding Motor Driver Current Ratings (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 05 Jul 2024
Application note Best Practices for Board Layout of Motor Drivers (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 14 Okt 2021
Application note Calculating Power Dissipation for a H-Bridge or Half Bridge Driver (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 22 Jul 2021
White paper Remote Shut Off in Flow Meters is Instrumental for Smart Utility Deployment 10 Aug 2018
Application note PowerPAD™ Thermally Enhanced Package (Rev. H) 06 Jul 2018
More literature TM4C123x Stepper Motor Control Product Summary 06 Jul 2015
User guide DRV8830-32 User Guide 03 Jun 2011
Application brief PowerPAD™ Made Easy (Rev. B) 12 Mai 2004

Design und Entwicklung

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DRV8830EVM — DRV8830-Evaluierungsmodul

The DRV8830 evaluation module consists of a 1A, H-bridge motor driver with a I2C control interface and a small number external components that can be used to drive one brushed DC motor or other loads like solenoids. With the DRV8830EVM, designers can quickly and easily evaluate the performance of (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

SLVC424 Board Files: DRV8830 EVM and DRV8832 EVM

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 Ultra Librarian
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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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