

Temperatursensor mit ±1,5°C Abweichung, mit Analogausgangsoptionen für mehrere Verstärkungsfaktoren,

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Local sensor accuracy (max) 1.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -50 to 150 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 8.1 Interface type Analog output Sensor gain (mV/°C) -8.2, -5.5 Rating Catalog Features Selectable gain setting
Local sensor accuracy (max) 1.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -50 to 150 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 8.1 Interface type Analog output Sensor gain (mV/°C) -8.2, -5.5 Rating Catalog Features Selectable gain setting
DSBGA (YFQ) 4 1 mm² 1 x 1
  • Low 1.5V Operation
  • Push-pull Output with 50µA Source Current Capability
  • Two Selectable Gains
  • Very Accurate Over Wide Temperature Range of −50°C to +150°C
  • Low Quiescent Current
  • Output is Short-circuit Protected
  • Extremely Small DSBGA Package
  • Footprint Compatible with the Industry-standard LM20 Temperature Sensor

Key Specifications

  • Supply Voltage 1.5V to 5.5V
  • Supply Current 5.4 µA (typ)
  • Output Drive ±50 µA
  • Temperature Accuracy
    • 20°C to 40°C ±1.5°C
    • –50°C to 70°C ±1.8°C
    • –50°C to 90°C ±2.1°C
    • –50°C to 150°C ±2.7°C
  • Operating Temperature −50°C to 150°C
  • Low 1.5V Operation
  • Push-pull Output with 50µA Source Current Capability
  • Two Selectable Gains
  • Very Accurate Over Wide Temperature Range of −50°C to +150°C
  • Low Quiescent Current
  • Output is Short-circuit Protected
  • Extremely Small DSBGA Package
  • Footprint Compatible with the Industry-standard LM20 Temperature Sensor

Key Specifications

  • Supply Voltage 1.5V to 5.5V
  • Supply Current 5.4 µA (typ)
  • Output Drive ±50 µA
  • Temperature Accuracy
    • 20°C to 40°C ±1.5°C
    • –50°C to 70°C ±1.8°C
    • –50°C to 90°C ±2.1°C
    • –50°C to 150°C ±2.7°C
  • Operating Temperature −50°C to 150°C

The LM94023 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates at a supply voltage as low as 1.5 Volts. Available in the very small four-bump DSBGA 0.8mm x 0.8mm) the LM94023 occupies very little board area. A class-AB output structure gives the LM94023 strong output source and sink current capability for driving heavy loads, making it well suited to source the input of a sample-and-hold analog-to-digital converter with its transient load requirements, This generally means the LM94023 can be used without external components, like resistors and buffers, on the output. While operating over the wide temperature range of −50°C to +150°C, the LM94023 delivers an output voltage that is inversely porportional to measured temperature. The LM94023's low supply current makes it ideal for battery-powered systems as well as general temperature sensing applications.

A Gain Select (GS) pin sets the gain of the temperature-to-voltage output transfer function. Either of two slopes are selectable: −5.5 mV/°C (GS=0) or −8.2 mV/°C (GS=1). In the lowest gain configuration, the LM94023 can operate with a 1.5V supply while measuring temperature over the full −50°C to +150°C operating range. Tying GS high causes the transfer function to have the largest gain for maximum temperature sensitivity. The gain-select inputs can be tied directly to VDD or Ground without any pull-up or pull-down resistors, reducing component count and board area. These inputs can also be driven by logic signals allowing the system to optimize the gain during operation or system diagnostics.

The LM94023 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates at a supply voltage as low as 1.5 Volts. Available in the very small four-bump DSBGA 0.8mm x 0.8mm) the LM94023 occupies very little board area. A class-AB output structure gives the LM94023 strong output source and sink current capability for driving heavy loads, making it well suited to source the input of a sample-and-hold analog-to-digital converter with its transient load requirements, This generally means the LM94023 can be used without external components, like resistors and buffers, on the output. While operating over the wide temperature range of −50°C to +150°C, the LM94023 delivers an output voltage that is inversely porportional to measured temperature. The LM94023's low supply current makes it ideal for battery-powered systems as well as general temperature sensing applications.

A Gain Select (GS) pin sets the gain of the temperature-to-voltage output transfer function. Either of two slopes are selectable: −5.5 mV/°C (GS=0) or −8.2 mV/°C (GS=1). In the lowest gain configuration, the LM94023 can operate with a 1.5V supply while measuring temperature over the full −50°C to +150°C operating range. Tying GS high causes the transfer function to have the largest gain for maximum temperature sensitivity. The gain-select inputs can be tied directly to VDD or Ground without any pull-up or pull-down resistors, reducing component count and board area. These inputs can also be driven by logic signals allowing the system to optimize the gain during operation or system diagnostics.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet 1.5V, micro SMD, Dual-Gain Analog Temperature Sensor with Class AB Output datasheet (Rev. B) 28 Jun 2013
EVM User's guide LM9402xEVM User's Guide 12 Sep 2013
Design guide LM94021 LM94022 LM94023 Design Aid (Rev. A) 26 Jan 2012

Design und Entwicklung

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LM9402XEVM — Evaluierungsmodul für analogen Multi-Gain-Temperatursensor

The Texas Instruments LM9402xEVM evaluation module helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM94021, LM94022, and LM94023 analog temperature sensors.

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
DSBGA (YFQ) 4 Ultra Librarian

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