

Dualer 5-V-RRIO-Operationsverstärker mit 1,5 MHz und 65-mA-Ausgangsstrom und Abschaltung (Automobili

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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei abweichender Anschlussbelegung
OPA2310 AKTIV 5,5-V-, 3-MHz-Doppelkanal-Operationsverstärker mit hohem Ausgangsstrom (150 mA) und schneller Abscha Higher GBW (3MHz), better accuracy (1.4mV Vos max), lower noise (18nV/√Hz), higher output current (150mA)


Number of channels 2 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 5 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 1.8 Rail-to-rail In, Out GBW (typ) (MHz) 1.5 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 0.42 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 5.5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.116 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 50 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 5.5 Features Shutdown Input bias current (max) (pA) 35000 CMRR (typ) (dB) 86 Iout (typ) (A) 0.065 Architecture Bipolar Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.2 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) 0.3 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.037 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.033
Number of channels 2 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 5 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 1.8 Rail-to-rail In, Out GBW (typ) (MHz) 1.5 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 0.42 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 5.5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.116 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 50 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 5.5 Features Shutdown Input bias current (max) (pA) 35000 CMRR (typ) (dB) 86 Iout (typ) (A) 0.065 Architecture Bipolar Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.2 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) 0.3 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.037 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.033
VSSOP (DGS) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Ensured 1.8-V, 2.7-V, and 5-V Specifications
  • Output Swing:
    • 600-Ω Load: 80-mV from Rail
    • 2-kΩ Load: 30-mV from Rail
  • VCM 200 mV Beyond Rails
  • Supply Current (Per Channel): 100 µA
  • Gain Bandwidth Product: 1.4 MHz
  • Maximum VOS: 4 mV
  • Gain with 600-Ω Load: 101 dB
  • Ultra-Small Package: DSBGA 1.0 mm × 1.5 mm
  • Turnon Time from Shutdown: 19 µs
  • Independent Shutdown on Dual
  • Temperature Range: −40°C to 125°C
  • Ensured 1.8-V, 2.7-V, and 5-V Specifications
  • Output Swing:
    • 600-Ω Load: 80-mV from Rail
    • 2-kΩ Load: 30-mV from Rail
  • VCM 200 mV Beyond Rails
  • Supply Current (Per Channel): 100 µA
  • Gain Bandwidth Product: 1.4 MHz
  • Maximum VOS: 4 mV
  • Gain with 600-Ω Load: 101 dB
  • Ultra-Small Package: DSBGA 1.0 mm × 1.5 mm
  • Turnon Time from Shutdown: 19 µs
  • Independent Shutdown on Dual
  • Temperature Range: −40°C to 125°C

LMV98x-N are low-voltage, low-power operational amplifiers. LMV98x-N operate from 1.8-V to 5-V supply voltages and have rail-to-rail input and output. LMV98x-N input common mode voltage extends 200mV beyond the supplies which enables user enhanced functionality beyond the supply voltage range. The output can swing rail-to-rail unloaded and within 105 mV from the rail with 600-Ω load at 1.8-V supply. LMV98x-N are optimized to work at 1.8 V, which makes them ideal for portable two-cell battery powered systems and single cell Li-Ion systems.

LMV98x-N offer a shutdown pin that can be used to disable the device and reduce the supply current. The device is in shutdown when the SHDN pin is low. The output is high impedance in shutdown.

LMV98x-N exhibit excellent speed-power ratio, achieving 1.4-MHz gain bandwidth product at 1.8-V supply voltage with low supply current. LMV98x-N are capable of driving a 600-Ω load and up to 1000-pF capacitive load with minimal ringing. LMV98x-N have a high DC gain of 101 dB, making them suitable for low frequency applications.

LMV981-N is offered in space-saving, 6-pin DSBGA, SC70, and SOT-23 packages. The 6-pin DSBGA package has only a 1.006 mm × 1.514 mm × 0.945 mm footprint. LMV982-N is offered in a space-saving, 10-pin VSSOP package. These small packages are ideal solutions for area constrained PCBs and portable electronics such as cellular phones and PDAs.

LMV98x-N are low-voltage, low-power operational amplifiers. LMV98x-N operate from 1.8-V to 5-V supply voltages and have rail-to-rail input and output. LMV98x-N input common mode voltage extends 200mV beyond the supplies which enables user enhanced functionality beyond the supply voltage range. The output can swing rail-to-rail unloaded and within 105 mV from the rail with 600-Ω load at 1.8-V supply. LMV98x-N are optimized to work at 1.8 V, which makes them ideal for portable two-cell battery powered systems and single cell Li-Ion systems.

LMV98x-N offer a shutdown pin that can be used to disable the device and reduce the supply current. The device is in shutdown when the SHDN pin is low. The output is high impedance in shutdown.

LMV98x-N exhibit excellent speed-power ratio, achieving 1.4-MHz gain bandwidth product at 1.8-V supply voltage with low supply current. LMV98x-N are capable of driving a 600-Ω load and up to 1000-pF capacitive load with minimal ringing. LMV98x-N have a high DC gain of 101 dB, making them suitable for low frequency applications.

LMV981-N is offered in space-saving, 6-pin DSBGA, SC70, and SOT-23 packages. The 6-pin DSBGA package has only a 1.006 mm × 1.514 mm × 0.945 mm footprint. LMV982-N is offered in a space-saving, 10-pin VSSOP package. These small packages are ideal solutions for area constrained PCBs and portable electronics such as cellular phones and PDAs.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LMV98x-N Small, Low-Power, 1.8-V RRIO Operational Amplifiers With Shutdown datasheet (Rev. M) PDF | HTML 30 Sep 2016
E-book The Signal e-book: A compendium of blog posts on op amp design topics 28 Mär 2017

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