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OPT4003-Q1 AKTIV Digitaler Lichtsensor mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und hoher Präzision (Automobilindustrie) Added IR channel


Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Applications Automotive
Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Applications Automotive
PICOSTAR (YMN) 4 0.9592 mm² 1.09 x 0.88 USON (DNP) 6 4 mm² 2 x 2
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1 (PicoStar™ variant): –40°C to 125°C, TA
    • Temperature grade 2 (USON, SOT-5X3 variant): –40°C to 105°C, TA
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • High-precision, high-speed light-to-digital conversion over high-speed I2C interface
  • Precision optical filtering closely matches human eye with excellent near infrared (NIR) rejection
  • Semi-logarithmic output:
    • Nine binary logarithmic full-scale light range
    • Highly linear response within each range
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition for best possible resolution at all times
  • 28 bits of effective dynamic range:
    • 312.5µlux to 84klux for PicoStar™ package variant
    • 437.5µlux to 117klux for SOT-5X3 package variant
    • 400µlux to 107klux for USON package variant
  • 12 configurable conversion times:
    • 600µs to 800ms for high-speed and high-precision applications
  • External pin interrupt for hardware-synchronized trigger and interrupts (not available on PicoStarTM package)
  • Error correction code features for improved reliability in automotive use cases
  • Internal FIFO for output registers with I2C burst readout
  • Low operating current: 30µA
  • Ultra-low power standby: 2µA
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6V to 3.6V
  • 5.5V tolerant I/O pins
  • Selectable I2C address
  • Small-form factor:
    • PicoStar™: 0.84mm x 1.05mm x 0.226mm
    • SOT-5X3: 1.9mm x 2.1mm x 0.6mm
    • USON: 2mm x 2mm x 0.65mm
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1 (PicoStar™ variant): –40°C to 125°C, TA
    • Temperature grade 2 (USON, SOT-5X3 variant): –40°C to 105°C, TA
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • High-precision, high-speed light-to-digital conversion over high-speed I2C interface
  • Precision optical filtering closely matches human eye with excellent near infrared (NIR) rejection
  • Semi-logarithmic output:
    • Nine binary logarithmic full-scale light range
    • Highly linear response within each range
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition for best possible resolution at all times
  • 28 bits of effective dynamic range:
    • 312.5µlux to 84klux for PicoStar™ package variant
    • 437.5µlux to 117klux for SOT-5X3 package variant
    • 400µlux to 107klux for USON package variant
  • 12 configurable conversion times:
    • 600µs to 800ms for high-speed and high-precision applications
  • External pin interrupt for hardware-synchronized trigger and interrupts (not available on PicoStarTM package)
  • Error correction code features for improved reliability in automotive use cases
  • Internal FIFO for output registers with I2C burst readout
  • Low operating current: 30µA
  • Ultra-low power standby: 2µA
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6V to 3.6V
  • 5.5V tolerant I/O pins
  • Selectable I2C address
  • Small-form factor:
    • PicoStar™: 0.84mm x 1.05mm x 0.226mm
    • SOT-5X3: 1.9mm x 2.1mm x 0.6mm
    • USON: 2mm x 2mm x 0.65mm

The OPT4001-Q1 is a light-to-digital sensor (single-chip lux meter) that measures the intensity of visible light. To measure accurate light intensity, a specially engineered filter on the device tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye and rejects the near-infrared component from common light sources. The output of the OPT4001-Q1 is semi-logarithmic with nine binary logarithmic full-scale light ranges along with a highly linear response within each range, bringing capability to measure from 312.5µlux to 84klux for the PicoStar™ variant, 437.5µlux to 117klux for the SOT-5X3 variant, and 400µlux to 107klux for the USON variant. This capability allows the light sensor to have a 28-bit effective dynamic range. The built-in automatic range-selection logic dynamically adjusts the device gain settings based on the light level, providing the best possible resolution in all conditions without user input.

The engineered optical filter on the OPT4001-Q1 provides strong near infrared (NIR) rejection. This filter aids in maintaining high accuracy when the sensor is placed under dark glass for aesthetic reasons.

The OPT4001-Q1 is designed for systems that require light level detection to enhance user experience and typically replaces low-accuracy photodiodes, photoresistors, and other ambient light sensors with underwhelming human eye matching and near-infrared rejection.

The OPT4001-Q1 can be configured to operate with light conversion times from 600µs to 800ms in 12 steps, providing system flexibility based on application need. Conversion time includes the light integration time and analog-to-digital (ADC) conversion time. Measurement resolution is determined by a combination of light intensity and integration time, effectively providing the capability to measure down to 312.5µlux of light intensity changes for the PicoStar™ variant, 437.5µlux for the SOT-5X3 variant, and 400µlux of light intensity changes for the USON variant.

Digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or triggered in one shot with register writes or a hardware pin (hardware pin not available on PicoStarTM variant). The device features a threshold detection logic, which allows the processor to sleep while the sensor waits for an appropriate wake-up event to report through the interrupt pin (not available on PicoStarTM variant).

The sensor reports a digital output representing the light level over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, two-wire serial interface. An internal first-in-first-out (FIFO) on the output registers is available to read out measurements from the sensor at a slower pace while still preserving all data captured by the device. The OPT4001-Q1 also supports I2C burst mode, thus helping the host read data from the FIFO with minimal I2C overhead.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT4001-Q1 helps enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

The OPT4001-Q1 is a light-to-digital sensor (single-chip lux meter) that measures the intensity of visible light. To measure accurate light intensity, a specially engineered filter on the device tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye and rejects the near-infrared component from common light sources. The output of the OPT4001-Q1 is semi-logarithmic with nine binary logarithmic full-scale light ranges along with a highly linear response within each range, bringing capability to measure from 312.5µlux to 84klux for the PicoStar™ variant, 437.5µlux to 117klux for the SOT-5X3 variant, and 400µlux to 107klux for the USON variant. This capability allows the light sensor to have a 28-bit effective dynamic range. The built-in automatic range-selection logic dynamically adjusts the device gain settings based on the light level, providing the best possible resolution in all conditions without user input.

The engineered optical filter on the OPT4001-Q1 provides strong near infrared (NIR) rejection. This filter aids in maintaining high accuracy when the sensor is placed under dark glass for aesthetic reasons.

The OPT4001-Q1 is designed for systems that require light level detection to enhance user experience and typically replaces low-accuracy photodiodes, photoresistors, and other ambient light sensors with underwhelming human eye matching and near-infrared rejection.

The OPT4001-Q1 can be configured to operate with light conversion times from 600µs to 800ms in 12 steps, providing system flexibility based on application need. Conversion time includes the light integration time and analog-to-digital (ADC) conversion time. Measurement resolution is determined by a combination of light intensity and integration time, effectively providing the capability to measure down to 312.5µlux of light intensity changes for the PicoStar™ variant, 437.5µlux for the SOT-5X3 variant, and 400µlux of light intensity changes for the USON variant.

Digital operation is flexible for system integration. Measurements can be either continuous or triggered in one shot with register writes or a hardware pin (hardware pin not available on PicoStarTM variant). The device features a threshold detection logic, which allows the processor to sleep while the sensor waits for an appropriate wake-up event to report through the interrupt pin (not available on PicoStarTM variant).

The sensor reports a digital output representing the light level over an I2C- and SMBus-compatible, two-wire serial interface. An internal first-in-first-out (FIFO) on the output registers is available to read out measurements from the sensor at a slower pace while still preserving all data captured by the device. The OPT4001-Q1 also supports I2C burst mode, thus helping the host read data from the FIFO with minimal I2C overhead.

The low power consumption and low power-supply voltage capability of the OPT4001-Q1 helps enhance the battery life of battery-powered systems.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet OPT4001-Q1 Automotive High-Speed, High-Precision, Digital Ambient Light Sensor datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 10 Dez 2024
EVM User's guide LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Light Source EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 20 Nov 2024
Application note PicoStar™ Package Assembly Guidelines for Ambient Light Sensors PDF | HTML 23 Okt 2024
Application brief Advantages of Implementing a Light Sensor in TI's Ultra Thin PicoStar Package PDF | HTML 27 Jun 2024
Application brief How to Select a Light Sensor for Your Application (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 19 Jan 2024
Functional safety information OPT4001-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 16 Jun 2022

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