
Type Analog front-end (AFE) Features Direct drive Gain (min) (dB) 20 Gain (max) (dB) 41 Number of input channels 2 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type SPI Rating Catalog
Type Analog front-end (AFE) Features Direct drive Gain (min) (dB) 20 Gain (max) (dB) 41 Number of input channels 2 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type SPI Rating Catalog
TSSOP (PW) 28 62.08 mm² 9.7 x 6.4
  • Measurement range: up to 8 ms
  • Operating current: 1.8 µA (2 SPS)
  • Transmitter channels TX1/TX2:
    • Supports single or dual-transducer application
    • Programmable excitation: 31.25 kHz to 4 MHz, up to 31 pulses
  • Receiver channels RX1/RX2:
    • STOP cycle-to-cycle jitter: 50 psRMS
    • Low-noise and programmable gain amplifiers
    • Access to signal chain for external filter design
    • Programmable threshold comparator for echo qualification
    • Automatic channel swapping for differential Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurement
    • Programmable low power mode for long TOF measurements
  • Temperature measurement
    • Interface to two PT1000/500 RTDs
    • RTD-to-RTD matching accuracy 0.02°CRMS
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Measurement range: up to 8 ms
  • Operating current: 1.8 µA (2 SPS)
  • Transmitter channels TX1/TX2:
    • Supports single or dual-transducer application
    • Programmable excitation: 31.25 kHz to 4 MHz, up to 31 pulses
  • Receiver channels RX1/RX2:
    • STOP cycle-to-cycle jitter: 50 psRMS
    • Low-noise and programmable gain amplifiers
    • Access to signal chain for external filter design
    • Programmable threshold comparator for echo qualification
    • Automatic channel swapping for differential Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurement
    • Programmable low power mode for long TOF measurements
  • Temperature measurement
    • Interface to two PT1000/500 RTDs
    • RTD-to-RTD matching accuracy 0.02°CRMS
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to 125°C

The TDC1000 is a fully integrated analog front-end (AFE) for ultrasonic sensing measurements of level, fluid identification/concentration, and proximity/distance applications common in automotive, industrial, and consumer markets. When paired with an MSP430/C2000 MCU, power, wireless, and source code, TI provides the complete ultrasonic sensing solution.

TI’s Ultrasonic AFE offers programmability and flexibility to accommodate a wide-range of applications and end equipment. The TDC1000 can be configured for multiple transmit pulses and frequencies, gain, and signal thresholds for use with a wide-range of transducer frequencies (31.25 kHz to 4 MHz) and Q-factors. Similarly, the programmability of the receive path allows ultrasonic waves to be detected over a wider range of distances/tank sizes and through various mediums.

Selecting different modes of operation, the TDC1000 can be optimized for low power consumption for battery-powered flow meters, level instrumentation, and distance/proximity measurements. The low noise amplifiers and comparators provide extremely low jitter, enabling picosecond resolution and accuracy for zero and low flow measurements.

The TDC1000 is a fully integrated analog front-end (AFE) for ultrasonic sensing measurements of level, fluid identification/concentration, and proximity/distance applications common in automotive, industrial, and consumer markets. When paired with an MSP430/C2000 MCU, power, wireless, and source code, TI provides the complete ultrasonic sensing solution.

TI’s Ultrasonic AFE offers programmability and flexibility to accommodate a wide-range of applications and end equipment. The TDC1000 can be configured for multiple transmit pulses and frequencies, gain, and signal thresholds for use with a wide-range of transducer frequencies (31.25 kHz to 4 MHz) and Q-factors. Similarly, the programmability of the receive path allows ultrasonic waves to be detected over a wider range of distances/tank sizes and through various mediums.

Selecting different modes of operation, the TDC1000 can be optimized for low power consumption for battery-powered flow meters, level instrumentation, and distance/proximity measurements. The low noise amplifiers and comparators provide extremely low jitter, enabling picosecond resolution and accuracy for zero and low flow measurements.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TDC1000 Ultrasonic Sensing Analog Front End (AFE) for Level Sensing, Flow Sensing, Concentration Sensing, and Proximity Sensing Applications datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 22 Feb 2023
Application note Ultrasonic Sensing Basics (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 02 Dez 2021
Application note How to Select and Mount Transducers in Ultrasonic Sensing for Level Sensing and (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 25 Nov 2015
Application note Using Ultrasonic Sensing to Monitor Level in Tanks 25 Jul 2015
Application note Ultrasonic Sensing Basics for Liquid Level Sensing, Flow Sensing, and Fluid Iden (Rev. A) 11 Jun 2015
Technical article Why are flow meter manufacturers switching from mechanical to ultrasonic? PDF | HTML 11 Jun 2015
Technical article How are washing machines like bats? Using sound to improve our lives. PDF | HTML 01 Mai 2015
Application note Ultrasonic Sensing for Fluid Identification and Contamination 30 Apr 2015
Application note Measuring an RTD Sensor with the TDC1000 and TDC7200 for Ultrasonic Sensing 09 Apr 2015
EVM User's guide TDC1000-C2000EVM User’s Guide 09 Dez 2014

Design und Entwicklung

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TDC1000-C2000EVM — Evaluierungsmodul für Füllstands- und Konzentrationsmessungen per Ultraschall

Recommended alternative products

  • For evaluation of TUSS4470, a device with SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY but not functionally equivalent to TDC1000 for direct-drive ultrasonic systems up to 1 MHz, please use the BOOST-TUSS4470.
  • For evaluation of TUSS4440, a device with SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY but not (...)
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF
GUI für Evaluierungsmodul (EVM)

SNAC064 TDC1000-TDC7200EVM GUI v1.2.7.1

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Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
TSSOP (PW) 28 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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