

Controller für 3-phasigen trapezförmigen BLDC für Anwendungen von -40 bis +85 Grad Celsius


Rating Catalog Vs (min) (V) 11 Features Brushless DC Motor Control, Current-Limited, Diff Curr Sense Amp, Switching Control, Tachometer Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Rating Catalog Vs (min) (V) 11 Features Brushless DC Motor Control, Current-Limited, Diff Curr Sense Amp, Switching Control, Tachometer Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
SOIC (DW) 28 184.37 mm² 17.9 x 10.3 TSSOP (PW) 28 62.08 mm² 9.7 x 6.4
  • Two-Quadrant and Four-Quadrant Operation
  • Integrated Absolute Value Current Amplifier
  • Pulse-by-Pulse and Average Current Sensing
  • Accurate, Variable Duty-Cycle Tachometer Output
  • Trimmed Precision Reference
  • Precision Oscillator
  • Direction Output

  • Two-Quadrant and Four-Quadrant Operation
  • Integrated Absolute Value Current Amplifier
  • Pulse-by-Pulse and Average Current Sensing
  • Accurate, Variable Duty-Cycle Tachometer Output
  • Trimmed Precision Reference
  • Precision Oscillator
  • Direction Output

The UCC3626 motor controller device combines many of the functions required to design a high-performance, two- or four-quadrant, three-phase, brushless dc motor controller into one package. Rotor position inputs are decoded to provide six outputs that control an external power stage. A precision triangle oscillator and latched comparator provide PWM motor control in either voltage- or current-mode configurations. The oscillator is easily synchronized to an external master clock source via the SYNCH input. Additionally, a QUAD select input configures the chip to modulate either the low-side switches only, or both upper and lower switches, allowing the user to minimize switching losses in less demanding two-quadrant applications.

The device includes a differential current-sense amplifier and absolute-value circuit which provide an accurate reconstruction of motor current, useful for pulse-by-pulse overcurrent protection, as well as closing a current control loop. A precision tachometer is also provided for implementing closed-loop speed control. The TACH_OUT signal is a variable duty-cycle, frequency output, which can be used directly for digital control or filtered to provide an analog feedback signal. Other features include COAST, BRAKE, and DIR_IN commands, along with a direction output, DIR_OUT.

The UCC3626 motor controller device combines many of the functions required to design a high-performance, two- or four-quadrant, three-phase, brushless dc motor controller into one package. Rotor position inputs are decoded to provide six outputs that control an external power stage. A precision triangle oscillator and latched comparator provide PWM motor control in either voltage- or current-mode configurations. The oscillator is easily synchronized to an external master clock source via the SYNCH input. Additionally, a QUAD select input configures the chip to modulate either the low-side switches only, or both upper and lower switches, allowing the user to minimize switching losses in less demanding two-quadrant applications.

The device includes a differential current-sense amplifier and absolute-value circuit which provide an accurate reconstruction of motor current, useful for pulse-by-pulse overcurrent protection, as well as closing a current control loop. A precision tachometer is also provided for implementing closed-loop speed control. The TACH_OUT signal is a variable duty-cycle, frequency output, which can be used directly for digital control or filtered to provide an analog feedback signal. Other features include COAST, BRAKE, and DIR_IN commands, along with a direction output, DIR_OUT.


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* Data sheet Brushless DC Motor Controller datasheet (Rev. B) 01 Jun 2001

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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